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trying made my heart soften. He stopped when we got to the car
and squeezed our combined hands before bringing them to his lips
and kissing my knuckles. A small sigh escaped my lips.
I hadn t had anyone try and romance me for a long time. My
luck with relationships was horrible. I shuddered to think about all
the bad luck I d had. But that wasn t something I wanted to dig up
now. I only hoped my curse with men had been broken.
 Hey, you okay?
I blinked and stared into his concerned eyes. I brushed a piece
of hair from his face. I smiled.  Yeah. I m okay. Just thinking about
the past.
 Well I hope it isn t too bad. It took you away from me for a
 I don t want to go away. I like what we have going here. Even
if you are a bloodthirsty monster.
 Only for your blood. Look, I m sorry about that the restaurant.
I should ve asked you where you wanted to go.
 It s okay. I appreciate the thought. It s been a long time since
anyone has done anything so nice.
 Well that s a shame. I ll have to remedy that. So where do you
want to go?
He ran his fingers along my cheek. For being a vampire, he was
a good guy. I caught one of his fingers when it slid across my
mouth and sucked it in between my lips. He tasted good. Thoughts
of going back to his place ran through my mind. But a slight
headache had formed behind my temples from not eating. He
growled when I released his finger.
 I know a place in Jamaica Plain. This pub that serves some
great goat cheese quesadillas. Do you eat?
 I can in small quantities. I just haven t in a long time. Food
tastes like sand after several thousand years. But with you it might
taste better.
 H-how old are you?
 I ll tell you later. Right now, get in, and I ll take you wherever
you want to go.
We drove back to Jamaica Plain to the pub that my roommate
had introduced me to. The restaurant was upstairs away from the
main bar. We sat down, ordered, and when the food was delivered,
I dove into it while Keaton watched. After a couple of bites, I
noticed he wasn t touching what he had ordered.
 Everything okay?
He smiled.  Yeah. I was just enjoying watching you eat.
I blushed and ran my napkin over my lips only to come away
with a long string of cheese. Keaton chuckled.  Why didn t you tell
me there was cheese on my face?
 I figured you wanted it there. It accentuated your cheekbone
very well.
I threw a red pepper at him.  You re in for it.
Keaton took the pepper from his shirt and popped it into his
mouth.  I can only imagine what I m in for.
My body became flushed, thinking about what had been on my
face. I gazed down at the rest of my food. I didn t speak to him
until I finished eating. My mind was straight. Parts of me kept
oscillating back and forth about seeing him naked and tasting all of
him or just saying screw it and run away from him. I still wanted to
believe that monsters didn t exist and nothing else lurked in the
dark. I tried to push that out of my head, and think about the gooey
cheese and the vegetables that were melting in my mouth.
Keaton paid the check. A band came onto the small stage and
began to play. I leaned back in the chair and listened to the
soothing music. The waiter came by with a piece of chocolate cake
that I hadn t ordered, and Keaton smiled, took a fork, and cut a
chunk off and brought it to my lips. The intoxicating scent of the
chocolate filled my nose. The dark tang of the cocoa made my
mouth water.
 I can always eat it myself. He began to guide the fork to his
I growled and grabbed his wrist.  I ll eat it, but slowly.
I took the fork between my lips and caught the crumbling bits
of chocolate with my tongue. The cake was moist and the frosting
was rich. It enflamed the need for more and it also stirred my
passion for him. He carved into another piece and fed it to me.
Little creases formed around his eyes as he smiled. His eyes
widened and lit up as I ate the cake. The music slowed even more,
and I took another bite. Finally, I pushed the cake away and
watched Keaton eat the last few crumbs. He wiped his finger in the
last bit of frosting and held it out to me. I leaned over the table and
swept the tip of my tongue over his finger to get the last bit of icing.
Keaton broke out into rich laughter.
 You have no idea how you and I are alike. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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