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radiating outward from the alien communities suggested the presence of limited surface transport facilities.
Without warning the image lurched wildly, then steadied again. Caldaq addressed the officer and the
staff gathered close by without taking his eyes from the screen.
 What was that?
An O o yan tech squeezed between two Hivistahm, his translator humming.  At first we thought heavy
local winds might be responsible, then equipment failure. As you can see, the remote righted itself and
resumed course as plotted, though it gained altitude while so doing.
 This is the awkward part, murmured the officer.  Here&  The Hivistahm reached out and adjusted
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the instrumentation.
The image slowed at the officer s command. As it did so one of the other Hivistahm pointed to the
screen with a clawed finger.  There, see&  A small object came into view in the upper right corner of
the screen. Soon after, the image rolled violently again, the land and the cloudscapes whirling wildly. Very
little additional real time passed before the screen went black. Caldaq straightened.  I still see nothing to
suggest other than mechanical failure.
An impatient officer, momentarily forgetting that the captain was not S van, spoke sharply in the
negative.  If the remote had crashed it would have continued sending audiovisual information until the
moment of impact. Detailed study of the last available data clearly indicates it was airborne when final
failure occurred.
 Some kind of lethal atmospheric phenomenon, then.  We have reason to think otherwise. Z mam
stepped up to the console. Caldaq watched as the Second ran back the last images transmitted by the
remote, finally seizing on one and enlarging it substantially. From the flat view thus selected he chose a
small area and enhanced it to three dimensions. The alien object he d isolated hovered motionless above
the console: cylindrical, metallic, and winged.
 This was traveling at high speed proximate to the remote, he explained.  Immediately after it appeared,
the probe commenced its gyrations. As you saw, total failure occurred shortly thereafter.
A Massood off-shift officer spoke up.  All remotes are programmed to take evasive action if and when
an airborne alien device should approach to within a prescribed distance.
Caldaq looked at the soldier.  Surely you do not think the natives destroyed it? No one said anything.
 I have studied the preliminary reports. Even allowing for certain deviations, the perceived level of
technology of this planet s inhabitants is much too low to include the ability to down an advanced survey
T var cleared his throat, brushed at his impenetrable black beard.   Perceived appears to be the
operative word here, Captain.  Deviation may also enter into it. The evidence would seem to suggest& 
 None of this is conclusive, Caldaq said impatiently.  Send down another remote, but with a different
program. There may be something special or unique about the particular area the probe was observing.
This time run the survey over a different landmass.
Strange to be talking about multiple landmasses on the same world, he mused. A mystery for the
geologists to solve. A sudden thought worried him.  Something not yet discussed. Could there be an
Amplitur outpost here? One of the S van spoke up.  That was one of the first things we checked.
There s no indication of it. Though somewhat sophisticated, the satellites in orbit around this world are of
strictly alien design and execution, and insofar as we have been able to determine, utilized strictly for
surface-to-surface communication. No information is being directed outward, and no interspatial
transmissions have been detected save for occasional bursts being sent to and from tiny mechanical
devices located elsewhere in the system, none of which resemble anything the Amplitur or their allies
employ.  Does not make much sense, does it? Caldaq asked rhetorically.  Be quick with that other
He did not return to the rest he so dearly desired. Instead he spent the following time periods in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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