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Dennis laughed.  I m sorry to poke fun, love. As soon as I woke up, I told them we had
to go back and find you. I had no idea they d already sent people back to the plane.
KC shrugged.  I m not sure if they were sent or just looking for stuff to steal. I heard
them saying something about trying to impress the boss. I m guessing they were hoping
there was stuff to haul back and get glory points over. Instead, all they got was a dead pilot
and a stalking fox.
The image of a bright red animal stealthily following the young shifters told Dennis
more than anything that the pack members were a little too secure in the knowledge they
were alone in the woods. He d mention it to Nicholas before he left. It was the least he could
do since the man was taking care of Candice.
Dennis raised an eyebrow at his suddenly bossy lover.  Strip?
 You know remove clothing, get naked. It makes the entire horizontal hula much
more interesting.
 It s even more fun when it s a project for two.
Before he could say anything more, his helpful mate had completely stripped Dennis of
his clothes.  You re a frighteningly good at that. He didn t want to know how his mate had
got that much practice. Anyone with KC s looks probably had guys lining up around the
planet for a chance at that ass.
KC didn t say anything. He just smiled and opened the side table.  Empty.
A pounding on the door had them turning to the sound. Dennis growled.  Stay there,
he ordered his mate, who promptly followed after him when he went to the door.
Ripping it open, he found Nicholas standing in the doorway with a tube of lube.  I
thought you might need this. Nicholas looked him over with a wide smile, his dark eyes
 Are you done ogling my mate? KC snapped, stepping forwards to bare his little fox
teeth at the leader.
 Sure, if it means I get to stare at you next, Nicholas admitted obligingly.
Dennis snatched the lube then slammed the door in the leader s face.  Bastard. The
chuckles from the other side of the door told him he d been heard.
 I should scratch his eyes out, KC grumbled.
Dennis wrapped KC in his arms.  Relax, sweet, you re my mate, not his. And I don t
share. Now, let s make this mating official.
KC relaxed against him.  It s been a while since I topped. His warm breath brushed
across Dennis bare chest as he spoke. It took a moment for his words to sink in.
 That s okay honey, I ve never bottomed.
KC s head snapped up.  Never? As in never, never?
Dennis shook his head. He could feel his cheeks starting to heat as he confessed,  I
wanted to save that for my mate.
 Oh, honey. KC cupped Dennis face.  That s really sweet. I ll make it good for you, I
With a growl, Dennis tossed his mate onto the mattress.  I m not sweet.
KC giggled.  My mistake. Do you want to be on bottom or to ride me?
Dennis tilted his head as he considered his options.  I never thought about it before. I
always assumed I d be on the bottom, but I like the idea of being on top that way I can
control it and still look you in the face. Dennis needed that connection with his mate.
Penetration for the first time meant something to him.
KC nibbled on his bottom lip.  I m sorry you weren t my first.
Dennis shook his head.  I m not. This way you ll know what I m going through. He
held up his hand to stop KC from speaking.  I don t want to ever hear about your first time
or any of your times with other men, unless it was traumatic and you need to talk about it. I
wasn t your first, but I ll always be your last.
KC s smile could ve lit up the entire planet. If he could harness smile-energy, Dennis
was certain his cute mate could completely remove the solar panels from his home.
 Lay on the bed. Dennis pointed to where he wanted his mate to go.
KC gave him a curious look.  I can figure that part out, I think.
 Sorry, I m nervous.
 It ll be fine. We re mates we re meant to be together.
Dennis shuffled closer to his mate, his hardness fading a little with his nerves. He could
tell by looking at his mate s erection that KC wasn t having the same attack of nerves.
 We ll use lots of lube and go slowly. I can t imagine anything you do not being good,
KC coaxed.  Come closer and I ll make sure you use enough.
Dennis laughed nervously as he climbed on top of his lover. KC rubbed Dennis back,
encouraging him to lie flat across his chest.
 I m a shifter, remember? I m tougher than I look.
Dennis relaxed and put a little more weight onto the fox shifter. KC circled Dennis hole
with his slick fingers. It took all of Dennis faith in his mate not to tense when KC slipped one
lubed digit inside.
 Relax. KC kissed Dennis cheek, then his chin, until finally Dennis couldn t take it
anymore and he took control of KC s mouth, biting and licking his lips until the fox shifter
gave in and opened to him. A growl built in Dennis chest at his mate s luscious flavour.
Nothing, before or since the first time he d savoured it, had tasted as amazing as his mate s
mouth. Heat poured through his body and he pushed against the invasion that had started
out uncomfortable but had since turned into bone-melting pleasure.
 More. He broke away to mutter the word before diving back in for another kiss.
When KC pulled his fingers out, Dennis gave a sound of protest.
 Shh, I ve got to lube myself. Sit up.
Nerves returned at the separation. Obviously sensing them, KC said,  We can kiss
again once I m inside you. Dennis was starting to realise his mate understood him better
than anyone ever had before, and probably more than anyone else ever would.
Once KC was ready, Dennis took a deep breath and scooted up on his knees. KC ran his
hands up and down Dennis thighs to calm him.  We don t ever have to do this if it makes
you this upset.
 Oh, hell no! We are completing our bond. There was no way he could let KC run
around thinking Dennis didn t care enough to finish his end of their bonding. He could
already see the vultures circling, waiting to take KC away at that news. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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