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joy of waking up wrapped in his arms.  How about you?
His lips found the hollow behind her ear, and when he replied she felt the vibration
of his words all the way to her toes.  Never better.
 If that s the case, we could stay here all day. After all, I can t follow my usual
routine of heading for Tim Horton s for a coffee.
She was only half joking. Something inside told her to make the most of being with
him again, that it couldn t last. Maybe it was the residual effect of her dream, but she
didn t want him to let her go just yet.
Finn chuckled softly.  Yeah, that would take some doing. The closest Tim s is in
Thompson, and that s over four hundred kilometers overland. Since there s no road
you d have to walk, and if starvation didn t get you while you re trekking to get your
coffee, the muskeg might.
 Muskeg? What the hell s that?
Finn shifted to pull her even closer, one of his thighs slipping between hers. Tasha
drew in a sharp breath as his erection settled against her ass.
 It looks like a meadow, but it s really grass and shrubs growing on top of a pad of
dead vegetation, with water underneath. Depending on how fragile the pad is, or how
heavy you are, you can sink into it like quicksand.
 Nice, she sighed, wriggling a little, letting him know how aware she was of the
condition of his cock.  There re four hundred clicks of wild animals and life-sucking
vegetation between me and my coffee. What are you going to do to make it up to me?
 Let me think. One of his arms was curled under her head, his fingers playing
with her hair. The other hand brushed her from shoulder to elbow, and it wasn t by
Arctic Destiny
chance the knuckles skimmed the side of her breast. Immediately her nipples puckered
and melting warmth flowered deep in her belly.  I could tell you I have Blue Mountain
coffee in my kitchen, and offer to make you a cup.
 Yum, Jamaican coffee sounds good. She rocked her hips in small pulsing motions.
 But what else do you have?
Threading his fingers between hers, Finn lifted her hand and kissed the palm. Then
he cupped one of her breasts with their linked hands. A little gasp of surprise broke free
before she could stop it, and Tasha found herself pressing into the dual caress as Finn
used both their fingers to stroke and trace over her skin.
 I don t have any bagels, but I did see a nice loaf of bread on the kitchen counter. I
could make you toast to go with the coffee.
She didn t know touching herself could be so erotic. It was sinfully arousing to feel
the circling of her nipple through her fingertips as well as through the sensitive flesh of
her breast. But sharing it with Finn made it truly sublime and it took every ounce of
effort not to sink into it, forget everything else.
 That would be nice too. Desire made her voice breathy, but there was nothing she
could, or would, do to change it.  But I m not sure it would truly make up for the lack
of Tim s coffee and a muffin.
 So difficult. He made tutting noises, but it was the inexorable slide of their hands
down along her stomach truly holding her attention.  I m not sure what I can offer
Tasha gasped as their palms covered her mound and Finn pressed her index and
middle fingers up between the lips of her pussy, using his to start them rubbing against
her clit. With a nudge of hips and his thigh, he had her almost completely on her
stomach, top leg bent up. Keeping his hand over hers, their fingers circling, Finn angled
his body into position. She was open to him, wet and ready for the slow, glorious
penetration of his cock.
 How s that, sweetheart? Is that better than coffee? He was deep inside her and
she could feel the smooth, hard flesh of his cock against her fingertips. It added to the
pleasure, and Tasha could only whimper in response.
He pulled back, easing centimeter by centimeter from her body, driving her insane
with need. When he reversed the motion, sliding forward with excruciating intent,
Tasha pushed up, trying to make him go faster, harder. The orgasm already building
beneath the twin assault of their fingers and his cock was tightening her muscles,
making her shake with the explosive force. But he wouldn t heed the signals, only kept
moving at the same leisurely, devastating speed.
She tried to cry out his name, beg him for more, but she couldn t catch her breath
enough to do it. All she could do was suck in rough, shallow gulps of air, gasp and
moan with each exhale.
His finger slipped between hers to take over the manipulation of her clit, and his
lower body pressed hers even farther into the mattress, holding her still, when all she
Anya Richards
wanted to do was writhe and twist. Once more he pushed his cock all the way inside
her pussy and then stopped, although his finger didn t cease its teasing play. With the
merest rocking of his hips, a now-light tap of his finger, Finn started a chain reaction of
ecstasy ricocheting through her system.
And he wouldn t let up. As soon as the first orgasm started to wane he began
moving again, a little faster now, his finger once more dancing over her oversensitive
clitoris. He was whispering to her, the low, sweet cadence of his voice enough to send
her spiraling out of control once more, although she couldn t understand the words.
As she came the second time, he kept pumping, thrusting harder and faster into her
pussy, prolonging the orgasm. He kept her coming so that in the end, as he filled her
with short, rough strokes and she knew he was on the brink of his own release, Tasha
couldn t tell where one orgasm stopped and the next started.
Nor where Finn s heartbeat ended and hers began.
* * * * *
In the end they decided to go into Churchill for brunch and to collect Tasha s
clothes. She d prepaid for the room and didn t intend to ask for a refund, but Lloyd, the
lodge owner, was kind enough to offer a partial one anyway.
 We re pretty full with nature- and bird-watchers just now, anyway. He smiled,
although she saw his gaze flick to where Finn stood near the door and a wary look flash
through his eyes.  I get calls almost every day asking if I have any rooms left, and with
an event coming up at the research center, I m sure I can fill the room.
 I would have thought your busiest time would be during the polar bear
migration. Tasha finished signing the revised bill he d given her and glanced up to
find the man staring at Finn again. Pushing the paper back across the desk toward him
got his attention, but annoyance gave the motion, and her voice, a bit of a bite.  Is it
always busy this time of year?
Lloyd waggled his hand in the universal gesture of comme ci, comme ça.  It varies.
Some years are better than others, and we ve started being more aggressive with
advertizing the various tours and experiences we offer, trying to let folks know we re
more than just the polar bear capital of the world. He grinned.  The weather pretty
much forces us to take vacation during winter. We have to do the best we can during
the warmer months.
 I bet.
Tasha fought the urge to come right out and ask him why he kept staring at Finn,
but Lloyd beat her to the punch. With a slight dip of his chin toward where Finn stood
looking out the front window, he asked,  You ve known MacEwan long?
Dear God, she d forgotten what small towns were like, with everyone in everyone
else s business and a total lack of boundaries when it came to information gathering. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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