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he d seen, both today and in the preparations for Christmas. Suddenly
words that Theodora, his mama, and his friend John had said started
to make sense.  Blindly following his father s ways ,  stuck in a rut ,
 old before his time ,  staid ,  pompous .
Just because he preferred a quiet day at home reading by the
fire didn t mean that was the only appropriate way to spend the time.
Everyone was different and liked different things. What a good thing
it was he d been prevented from berating Georgina about the noise of
the decorations. Her way was so much better than his. All the people
had been happy, involved, sharing a good time together.
Even these naughty children today and not forgetting the
first dramatic occasion he d seen them simply showed they were
lively and intelligent. They d faced the consequences of their actions
like men, shown courage when events exploded out of their control,
and had tried to protect their little sister.
He would buy himself a pair of woolly earmuffs and put them
on whenever the activities in the vicarage became too noisy. I will
learn to relate better to my people and to my new, extended family.
The thought that he might have upset Georgina had he spoken
roughly to her hurt him most of all. He loved her so much and he
hoped that one day she might come to love him at least a little bit.
Georgina wasn t sure whether Barnabas would come to her
bed while they were at Kingsdene. They didn t have a connecting
dressing room between their rooms here, and the house was full of
people, making privacy a little difficult, but she wanted to thank him
for his care of the children. While in theory the children were under
Simeon s control, in practice she had provided much of the guidance
and supervision for their daily lives, and she still felt in some ways
responsible for them.
Apart from that, she realized she didn t just respect him, she
loved him. She loved his curly black hair, his sparkling hazel eyes, his
strong muscular body, his deep voice that could send shivers right
through her body, his clever mind, and his love and devotion to his
parishioners. She understood he didn t like the constant noise of a big,
active family and was sure she could find ways to give him a peaceful
haven where he could retire to read and write in silence. They could
hang baize on his study door that might muffle the sound somewhat.
Anyway, she was certain she could solve that problem, or at least
alleviate it.
She loved him and wanted him in her bed so she could
whisper to him how much she adored everything about him.
But would he come or must she wait until they returned home
to the vicarage?
Almost as if he heard her thoughts, there was a scratching at
her door and his face peeped around the edge. She smiled brightly at
him as he slipped through the gap.
 I m so glad you came, she said softly.
 I couldn t stay away from you, he replied, struggling out of
his jacket then dropping the rest of his clothes in a pile on the floor as
he shed them quickly.
She folded back the bed covers, allowing him to slip easily in
beside her, then reached out to hug him.
 Thank you for helping Simeon with the children today.
Thank you for understanding how worried I was.
 No, thank you. Thank you for making me see I needed to be
more involved with people, more aware of their daily lives, less
isolated by my books and learning.
Barnabas leaned in to kiss her, pulling her head to his, tangling
his fingers in her hair as their lips meshed together, tugging her to
him, drawing the very soul out of her and into himself.
When they finally drew apart, he dragged her bed gown up
and off over her head then pulled her back down into his arms again.
 Now I can hold you properly, skin to skin, he murmured, his lips
against her ear as he spoke.
Then he was kneeling, kissing his way down her neck and on
down until he sucked a breast into his mouth. That always felt so
good. Already moisture was dripping from her cunny, and her breasts
felt heavy, achy, needy as he licked and sucked first one then the
Now that she d learned some of the things he liked, she gently
rubbed his back, massaging his muscles, feeling for places where they
seemed knotted with tension. As he licked and sucked her body, she
massaged and rubbed his back, until he reached her nubbin and
sucked on it. Her hands rested on his taut ass, then very gently she
cupped his sac and rolled his balls in her hand.
He lifted his face from her cunny and whispered,  We can do
this more efficiently.
Swiftly he lay on his back and pulled her over his body upside
down. For a moment she was confused, but when his mouth latched
onto her cunny again, she understood and sucked the head of his cock
into her mouth while gently rolling his balls.
She found this area of him quite fascinating, the way his cock
grew longer and fatter, the way the head changed to a deep reddish
color, the way his balls grew hard and warm in her hand.
Gently she flicked her tongue into the slit of his cock, tasting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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