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"Look, lady, statue, whoever-the-hell you are, I can get up by myself." The groan that slipped out of his
mouth made him angrier. Glaring at the innocent look on her face, and the slight pout to her coral lips,
he cursed inside. Why he didn't curse out loud he didn't know, and it made him furious. Maybe the warm
innocence of her eyes..."Why the hell did you soak me?" He decided he wasn't going to watch his
language in his own cabin - no matter how she looked.
"I...I thought you were dead - "
"And you thought freezing water would raise me from the dead?"
"No...I just wanted to be sure...I mean, when your chest moved, I realized you were alive." She looked at
him with doe eyes. "Maybe you should rest there a few minutes."
Just to spite her, he stood by himself. The room spun making his attacker a blur. Rebellious legs
wobbled, he stumbled, heading directly for her. She reached out and steadied him. A baby sound, soft
cooing, filtered through his cloudy thoughts. His eyes shut, and he willed the memory to leave. He
couldn't take it much more...
"Maybe you should sit - "
He shifted away from her. "I can stand - " He swayed, grabbed for the end table, and flopped onto the
bed. "Why the hell did you clobber me with that frying pan?"
"Hell, you're not going to start crying are you?"
She pulled herself away from the wall. "No, I am not. And I didn't hit you with this pan - "
"What the hell'd you use?"
"The lamp. Look, I thought you were a burglar - "
"In my own cabin?" He looked to see his bedside lamp sat on the floor, the bulb shattered. The lady had
an arsenal of household weapons.
"Well, how would I have known this was your cabin?"
"You knew it wasn't yours!"
"I'm sorry about...your head. I was in such a deep sleep, I thought I was home." A slight pout gave her a
damned adorable look. She shuffled her foot as if a little child.
"I wish you were home, then I wouldn't have this egg on my noggin." It angered him that he kept
noticing her. Her eyes, her hair, her slender form. Hell, she could have killed him. He rubbed his head,
but never took his eyes off her hand - the one with Nana's pan.
"I said I was sorry. I wouldn't have hit you, if I weren't confused and you didn't shout at me."
"Hey, I didn't ask to get whacked, lady."
"My name is Lani. Lani Cabot and - "
He snorted at the way she pulled her shoulders straight. It still didn't make her look any taller. "Lani?
What the hell kinda name is 'Lani'?"
"It's Hawaiian and - "
He looked at her head. "Your hair's too light for you to be Hawaiian."
"Actually, I'm Polish - "
"Cabot is Polish?"
She glared at him, one eyebrow rose. "We dropped the 'ski,' and if you'd let me finish a sentence, I can
explain why I'm here."
Nick lifted his legs onto the bed and waved his hand for her to continue then crossed his hands behind
his head.
"My parents met in Hawaii, that's how I got my name. It means sky."
"Interesting." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes.
"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't smoke inside - "
He ignored his throbbing head and let out a hoot. "I own this place, Lani Cabot. I'll damn well smoke
where I want to." He lit the cigarette and blew an extra puff of smoke into the air. Who did she think she
"Well, at least don't smoke around my babies."
He stopped his hand midair. Babies. He'd heard the familiar cries and thought he'd dreamt of his
children. Oh God, she had babies in his cabin.
What a perfect topping to this mess.
"Would you please not smoke inside?" she repeated.
He looked toward her. She'd painted this pleading look across her face while re- tucking her honey
blonde hair into a blue ribbon behind her head. With her slender fingers, she didn't have any trouble
getting the errant strands back into place. He knew she did it on purpose to show off the beseeching look
she aimed at him. All it showed off was her high cheekbones, and the fact that she didn't have a blemish
on her velvety skin, and those lush green eyes.
"I asked if you would please - "
"Please what?" he snarled, not caring about his irate tone. All he wanted was three secluded months in
his cabin, and now he had to deal with this intruder. The last damned thing he needed here was a
woman -
"Please don't smoke around my girls."
- Or girls. The cigarette tasted foul. He added it to the pile of butts in the ashtray near him. It wasn't [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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