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will not eat thereof. That which is an abomination unto my KA shall not enter my body. I will live
upon that whereon live the gods and the Spirit-souls. I shall live, and I shall be master of their
cakes. I am master of them, and I shall eat them under the trees of the dweller in the House of
Hathor, my Lady. I will make an offering. My cakes are in Tetu, my offerings are in Anu. I gird
about myself the robe which is woven for me by the goddess Tait. I shall stand up and sit down
in whatsoever place it pleaseth me to do so. My head is like unto that of Ra. I am gathered
together like Tem.
Here offer the four cakes of Ra, and the offerings of the earth. I shall come forth. My tongue is
like that of Ptah, and my throat is like unto that of Hathor, and I remember the words of Tem, of
my father, with my mouth. He forced the woman, the wife of Keb, breaking the heads near him;
therefore was the fear of him there. [His] praises are repeated with vigour. I am decreed to be
the Heir, the lord of the earth of Keb. I have union with women. Keb hath refreshed me, and he
hath caused me to ascend his throne. Those who dwell in Anu bow their heads to me. I am
[their] Bull, I am stronger than [the Lord] of the hour. I unite with women. I am master for millions
of years.
Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I shall not enter into the place of destruction, I shall not
perish, I shall not know [decay]. I am Ra, who came forth from Nu, the Soul of the God who
created his own members. What I abominate is sin; I will not look thereon. I cry not out against
truth, nay, I live therein. I am the god Hu, the imperishable god, in my name of "Soul." I have
created myself with Nu, in the name of "Khepera." I exist in them like Ra. I am the Lord of Light.
APPENDIX (From the Papyrus of Nu)
That which is an abomination unto me is death; let me not go into the chamber of torture which is
in the Tuat. I am the delight of the Khu of Osiris. I make to be content the heart[s] of those who
dwell among the divine things which are beloved [by me]. They cause the fear of me [to abound],
they create the awe of me to be in those divine beings who dwell in their own circles. Behold, I
am exalted on my own standard, and upon my throne, and upon my seat which is assigned [to
me]. I am the god Nu, and those who commit sin shall not destroy me. I am the firstborn of the
primeval god, and my soul is the Souls of the Eternal Gods, and my body is Everlastingness. My
created form is [that of] the god Eternity, the Lord of Years, and the Prince of Everlastingness. I
am the Creator of the Darkness, who maketh his seat in the uttermost limits of the heavens,
[which] I love. I arrive at their boundaries. I advance upon my two legs. I direct my resting place. I
sail over the sky. I fetter and destroy the hidden serpents which are about my footsteps [in going
to] the Lord of the Two Arms. My soul is the Souls of the Eternal Gods, and my body is
Everlastingness. I am the exalted one, the Lord of the Land of Tebu. I am the Child in the city:
"Young man in the country" is my name. "Imperishable one" is my name. I am the Soul Creator
of Nu. I make my habitation in Khert-Neter. My nest is invisible, my egg is not broken. I have
done away the evil which is in me. I shall see my Father, the Lord of the Evening. His body
dwelleth in Anu. I am made to be the Light-god, a dweller in the Light-god, over the Western
Domain of the Hebt bird.
the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I flew up out of primeval matter. I came into being like
the god Khepera. I germinated like the plants. I am concealed like the tortoise [in his shell]. I am
the seed of every god. I am Yesterday of the Four [Quarters of the Earth, and] the Seven Uraei,
who came into being in the Eastern land. [I am] the Great One (Horus) who illumineth the
Hememet spirits with the light of his body. [I am] that god in respect of Set. [I am] Thoth who
[stood] between them (Horus and Set) as the judge on behalf of the Governor of Sekhem and
the Souls of Anu. [He was like] a stream between them. I have come. I rise up on my throne. I
am endowed with Khu. I am mighty. I am endowed with godhood among the gods. I am Khensu,
[the lord] of every kind of strength.
RUBRIC: [If] this Chapter [be known by the deceased], he shall come forth pure by day after his
death, and he shall perform every transformation which hs soul desireth to make. He shall be
among the Followers of Un-Nefer, and he shall satisfy himself with the food of Osiris, and with
sepulchral meals. He shall see the Disk [of the Sun], he shall be in good case upon earth before
Ra, and his word shall be truth in the sight of Osiris, and no evil thing whatsoever shall have
dominion over him for ever and ever.
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I am the master of beasts brought for sacrifice, [and] of
the knives which are [held] at their heads [and] their beards; those who dwell in their emerald
[fields], the Aged Gods, and the Spirit-souls, are ready at the moment for the Osiris Ani, whose
word is truth, in peace. He maketh slaughter on the earth, and I make slaughter on the earth. I
am strong. I follow the heights unto heaven. I have made myself pure. I walk with long strides to
my city. I have become an owner of land there. I advance to Sepu...... is given to me in Unu. I
have set the gods upon their roads. I have made splendid the houses and towns of those who
are in their shrines. I know the stream of Nut. I know Tatun. I know Teshert. I have brought along
their horns. I know Heka. I have hearkened to this words. I am the Red Bull-calf which is marked
with markings. The gods shall say when they hear [of me]: Uncover your faces. His coming is to
me. There is light which ye know not. Times and seasons are in my body. I do not speak [lies] in
the place of truth, daily. The truth is hidden on the eyebrows. [By] night [I] sail up the river to
keep the feast of him that is dead, to embrace the Aged God, and to guard the earth, I the Osiris
Ani, whose word is truth.
APPENDIX (From the Saite Recension)
RUBRIC: If this Chapter be known [by the deceased], he will live like a perfect Spirit-soul in
Khert-Neter; no evil thing whatsoever shall overthrow him.
whose word is truth, saith:- I am the holy lotus that cometh forth from the light which belongeth to
the nostrils of Ra, and which belongeth to the head of Hathor. I have made my way, and I seek
after him, that is to say, Horus. I am the pure lotus that cometh forth from the field [of Ra].
APPENDIX (Naville, op. cit., I, Bl. XCIII) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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