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he was actually calling me on the phone, it had to be bad news.
 Jack? What s going on? I demanded breathlessly when I picked up the phone.
 You re totally freaking out right now, Jack laughed. I was mid-heart attack by then, and he
 Why is that funny? I hissed, but just hearing him laugh made my nerves settle down.
 Cause you re so paranoid! Jack continued laughing.  Milo told me you would freak out if I just
told you to text me without an explanation. I heard Milo say something in the background, and
Jack laughed harder.  Yeah, she is. I think she s getting pissed now, though.
 Good call. But I really wasn t getting pissed. Mildly irritated because I didn t know what was
going on, but generally I was just happy that apparently nothing horrible had happened, and Jack
had called me.
 Sorry. He suppressed his laughter, but I didn t mind that much. It sounded too wonderful for me
to really get mad at him.  We just had a big night of fun planned, and I wanted you to get over
here so you can get ready.
 A big night? I crinkled my brow, but there was definite elation mixed with it. Jack had promised
that he would make more time for me, and he was already sticking to it.
 Yeah. We re going out, he said mischievously.
 Out? I echoed.
The last time Jack and I had actually gone out anywhere, we went to Valley Fair like a month and
a half ago. It was this big amusement park in Shakopee, and it closed at midnight but we didn t
get there until almost ten. Still, it was a Saturday night and the park was pretty packed. We hardly
had to wait in line for anything, though, because everyone and their brother offered to let Jack go
in front of them, and by association, me too.
That sounds like an awesome perk, but after this chick wearing only a bikini top and Daisy Dukes
tried to steal my seat next to him on the Wild Thing, I kind of freaked out and said I was never
going in public with him again. I couldn t stand hot girls and the occasional gay guy throwing
themselves at him.
 Don t sound so nervous. It s not gonna be like Valley Fair. I promise. He did sound convincing,
but that was coming for the guy that barely even noticed people throwing themselves at him
anymore. For having super heightened senses, he could be pretty oblivious.
 Okay? I said reluctantly, because that was the only thing I could really do.
 Awesome. So I ll pick you up in like ten minutes.
 No, wait! I m still in my pajamas and everything! I caught a glance at myself in the mirror. My
dark hair was a total mess, and I was just wearing girl boxers and a wife beater. There was
nowhere that I knew of where this would be a good look.
 No, Mae has some clothes for you. You re getting ready here. Trust me, Jack insisted wickedly.
 It s better this way.
 What is going on?! I asked, completely baffled.
 Just be outside in ten minutes.
 Jack! I shouted but I was talking to a dead phone. He d hung up. It d been decided. And if I
wasn t downstairs in eleven minutes, he d probably come up and get me.
Working quickly, I slipped a bra under my wife beater, since I didn t really have time to find
another outfit. I ran a brush through my hair as quickly as I possibly could. It was still a ridiculous
mess, so I pulled it back in a messy bun, slipped on my flip-flops, and ran downstairs, just in time
to see Jack pulling up out front.
 You know, I don t think you ll even need Mae s clothes, Jack grinned and turned down the
Beastie Boys when I got in the car.  You look smoking hot in that. I mean, are those even shorts?
Or just slightly long underwear?
 They re pajamas! I blushed and struggled to pull down the boxers so they covered my legs
 You slept over at my house lots of times, and you never wore those shorts. He had started
driving and was trying to pretend like he was watching the road, but I could see him appraising
me out of the corner of his eye.
 You re house is cold! I have to wear warm pajamas! Pulling down my wife beater more, I was
trying to cover myself up, but I was failing miserably.  My house is like ten million degrees. And I
wanted to put on real clothes, but you didn t give me enough time, so this is all your fault.
 Hey, I am not complaining, Jack laughed.  And I m definitely turning the thermostat up the next
time you stay over.
 Oh will you stop looking at me like that! I rolled my eyes at him.  You ve seen me in a bikini
before! Get over it! Its pajamas! I completely gave up and just sighed.  I m fully clothed!
 Sorry! Jack smirked.  Sorry. You re right. Sorry. You look nice is all.
 Whatever, I looked down at myself.
Thankfully, I had thought to shave my legs yesterday while I was getting ready, so they were still
pretty smooth. But since I had been nocturnal all summer long, my skin had barely seen the sun. I
was pale over, but even more so on my legs. When I looked over at Jack, decked out in a tee [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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