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Ryan followed, not as able to walk on the water as his companion. His boots
sunk ankle deep into the emerald ocean.
"It's because of your son," Trader said. "Because of Dean that you'll never be
without regrets. Having children does something to a man. Takes his edge off,
takes away his zest for life and the unexpected that makes him the adventurer
he's supposed to be. And having children replaces those things with fear.
Lock, stock and barrel, and you better bastard believe it."
"Dean's making me stronger in some ways," Ryan argued.
Trader shot him a murderous glance. "You daring disrespect my view, you
worthless baron-get whelp?"
Ryan forced out a no. But he noticed that his disagreement with the Trader
caused him to sink in the ocean up past his shins. The going got tougher as he
fought the water. Whatever surface he walked on beneath the water also felt
more spongy.
"Good, because I don't want to see you drown out here, Ryan. Truly I don't. I
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Deathlands 42 - Way of the Wolf looked after your ass for a number of years,
and I don't like to see all that time go to waste."
Ryan struggled to keep up with the older man, losing nearly half a step. And
there was no end of the ocean in sight.
"Dean's going to pull you down," Trader went on. "You're going to want more
for the boy than you'd want for yourself. A man knows his own limitations,
knows the hardships he can handle. Always makes the wrong call when he tries
raising children. That's woman's work."
Ryan knew the real Trader didn't feel like that. Not exactly. But the voice
carried a timbre of truth with it.
"You'd been better off if the boy had been stillborn," Trader said. "You're
always going to be risking what you have to make a better shake for Dean. And
for what? Paying penance for a quick roll in the hay with that slut Sharona?
Man should put a higher price on his future than that."
The Trader was out of reach now, and the ocean sucked at Ryan's boots.
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"That's not true," Ryan yelled. The ocean drank him down, swallowing him up to
his hips. "Dean can carry his own weight." Suddenly he couldn't move forward
The Trader turned and put his hands on his hips. "Look at you now, Ryan.
You're about to be in over your bastard head, and you can't even admit it. You
used to be more pragmatic than that."
"Fuck you!" Ryan exploded, trying to pull himself through the chest-high
"You aren't Trader! Trader wouldn't say anything like that!" He struggled now,
trying to keep his head above water.
"Dean's just Sharona's way of dragging you down even after she's caught the
last train to the coast herself," Trader said.
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Deathlands 42 - Way of the Wolf
The water closed over Ryan's head. He fought clear of it with difficulty,
smashing his arms against the ocean. But he knew the sustained effort would
exhaust him in short order.
Then something closed around his crotch and yanked him down. Underwater now,
he glanced down to see what had hold of him, surprised he didn't feel claws or
teeth. Some of the mutie fishes living in the rad-blasted oceans were spun
right out of nightmare.
Only it wasn't a mutie fish or a water monster that held him. It was Sharona
Carson, the dead mother of Dean.
She was as Ryan remembered in her better days, golden haired and looking as
beautiful as any woman could want to be. She wore a purple diaphanous gown
that hugged her curves and clung to her breasts.
Before Ryan knew it, he was naked. Sharona had hold of his erection,
continuing to pull him down into the waiting darkness. Ryan's lungs ballooned
up inside his chest, threatening to explode. He reached for her wrist, trying
to find a pressure point.
Only this Sharona's wrist was as hard and as slick as any sec droid's. She
held him effortlessly in one hand.
"Coming to stay with me this time, Ryan. We'll talk about Dean. You'll like
that, won't you?"
Weak now and barely able to move, Ryan felt his senses swirling. But he saw
Sharona's mouth open, saw her starting to take his hardness in. Her teeth
glinted like diamonds, edged like razors.
Ryan screamed a denial, and the word took form in the shape of an explosion of
bubbles around him. His last breath left his body as he grabbed Sharona by the
hair and tried in vain to keep her razored mouth back.
She bit down.
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Deathlands 42 - Way of the Wolf
ALBERT LOOKED AROUND, surprised to find himself in a cave. "Doc?"
There was no answer. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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