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a hand on either side of me, and lowered his face so it was directly in front of mine. All I could
smell and see and feel was him. It was suffocating, and I didn t know how to fight it. The horrible
truth was that I didn t even really want to fight it. My body kept screaming that this was exactly
what it needed, that this was how I was meant to feel. Always.
 How am I supposed to know you feel about me? I whispered hoarsely.  You were always
pushing me away or running away. You ve spent hardly a minute with me. All I know about you is
that you re simultaneously repulsed and enraptured by me. That s not exactly the basis for love, is
 I m sorry. For the first time, Peter s voice registered a strong emotion, and not just restraint
trying to mask something. He was pained more deeply than I imagined he would be, but he went
on, unabashed.  I have not been honest with you. There are a million excuses for the way that
I ve treated you, but none of them absolve me.
He exhaled deeply, his breath warming my neck. He was hungry in a familiar way, one that I
stupidly welcomed. Peter wanted me in the way only he could want me, the way flowers craved
sunlight. Our bodies claimed that I was the means to his survival, in more ways than one, and
Peter was just finally starting to give into it.
 Does it really matter anymore? Peter continued huskily, and when he lowered his gaze to my
throat, his eyelashes fell darkly on his cheeks.  It doesn t really matter how much I love you, does
it? He moved in closer to me, breathing me in, and he sighed reproachfully.  You smell like him.
 I m sorry, I murmured, but I wasn t.
Maybe a little bit of me was, but the rest of me felt oddly proud that I smelled like Jack. As if he
had marked me as his, and that finally, maybe even my blood belonged to him. Deep down, I had
always known it was meant to, and I think that even Peter had to, which is why he had always
rejected me so harshly.
 He s inside you now. Gingerly, Peter brushed my hair back and ran his fingers threw it, letting
his fingertips graze my cheek and send surges of pleasure over me. His eyes had returned to
mine, but they were duller and sadder than I had ever seen them before.  I ve already lost,
haven t I?
Before I could answer, his lips pressed softly against me. Emotions swirled through me too
rapidly for me to name, but I found myself kissing him back. When he had kissed me before, they
had been harsh and rough, but this time, it was gentle and a little sad. I think he realized this was
going to be the last time that he kissed me, and he didn t want to waste a moment of it.
When I heard the low growl coming from across the room, I awoke in the moment, with my arms
wrapped around Peter s neck and my fingers buried in his hair. His strong arms had me pressed
me hard against the contours of his body, and there was little room for breathing. But as soon as I
heard the growl, my heart froze, and I pulled my mouth away from Peter s because I knew exactly
who that growl belonged to.
Peter almost tossed me to the side, but that was merely for my own protection. Jack came flying
across the room in such a blur I wouldn t have known it was him if I hadn t already known it was
him. He slammed into Peter, and together, they landed on top of the dining room table and
crushed it beneath them. They were gnashing teeth and hitting at each other, and suddenly, Jack
was soaring through the glass windows of the French doors. Peter was on his feet, preparing to
follow after him, but Jack was already up, brushing away broken glass.
They stood a few feet from each other, glaring at one another and seething with unbridled rage. I
scrambled to my feet, thinking that I had to do something, no matter how idiotic it might be, but
before I could do anything, Ezra had swooped in between them. He stood on the rubble of the
table, closer to Peter, but held out his palms to both of them.
 Stop! Ezra boomed.  This isn t going to settle anything!
From somewhere down the hall, I heard Milo struggling to get free. Apparently, Mae had locked
them both in a room, which was probably the safest bet. Especially since Jack was here, and
there were threats against him, Milo was liable to get himself seriously injured, not to mention
Jack or Peter.
 There s only one way to settle this, Peter replied calmly, his eyes fixated on Jack.
Jack s face had contorted with so much hate, it was almost unrecognizable. His whole body was
tensed so tightly, I could see all his veins sticking out against his muscles. His chest heaved with
his breathing, and he lips were pulled back in a murderous snarl. He was poised to pounce, and it
was a miracle that he hadn t torn through Ezra to get to Peter.
 Peter. Ezra turned his attention on him, which didn t seem like the wisest decision to me,
considering the expression on Jack s face. Ezra took a step closer to Peter and rested his open
palm on his chest.  You know what this kind of thing leads to. You don t want this.
 Tell that to him, Peter nodded at Jack, who just growled in response.
 Jack! I said, almost plaintively.
Peter winced, but Ezra tried to keep Peter s focus on him, and it seemed to work. Jack, on the
other hand, immediately softened at the sound of my voice, and when his eyes flitted over to me,
he looked guilty. To me, that seemed pretty odd since I d been the one who had just been kissing
another guy, but Jack had never really been one for violence.
 Come on. Ezra moved his hand onto Peter s back and gestured outside. Carefully, Jack moved
away from the broken window so that Ezra and Peter would be able to get by if they wanted to.
 Let s take a minute to clear our heads before we tackle this.
Jack stepped down, even allowing his fist to unclench, and that seemed to convince Peter that he
was safe enough to take break. Carefully, Ezra led Peter through rubble, out into the night where
the thick fog and mist had settled heavily onto the night. Jack watched them until they [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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