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head back and smiled up at him a sweet, incredibly sexy smile.  Wonderful. I wish I
Best Reception
could have brought some of the crab cakes home to you. And you wouldn t believe all
the fantastic desserts. They even had little chocolate-frosted cakes the shape of footballs.
I don t think I ever saw so much pretty food in one place before.
 Did you enjoy the company?
Talia s expression sobered, but then her smile returned.  At first I was scared stiff,
but everyone was real nice to me. Susan introduced me to a lot of people, but I m afraid
I won t remember everybody s names. Some of the women were betting on whether
she d wait until after the playoffs to have her baby.
 Did you see anybody you knew from Rebels Roost?
 We sat at the table with Keisha Harris. I d never realized before that she s a
lawyer, much less that she works as a players agent. She s almost as scary outside as
she is in the dungeon. I sat with her and Susan and this tall, drop-dead-gorgeous
pregnant woman named Julie.
What she said sounded promising. If it was the last thing he did, he was going to
cure Talia of her fear that she somehow wasn t worthy of respect.  That would be Julie
Bronson, Jimmy s wife. They got married at the beginning of the season. You remember
Jimmy, don t you?
Talia pursed her lips.  Isn t he the one who shaved the head of one of the club
 Yeah. He shaved Julie, too, first time he brought her to Rebels Roost.
Her eyes widened.  Have you ever done that? She shuddered, as though
wondering if he might share Bronson s fetish.
He bent and nibbled her ear.  No, baby. I like my pussies bare, but I ve never gotten
aroused over the idea of women with bald heads. To each his own.
 I m glad. She smiled up at him, but then her expression clouded and she nibbled
at her lower lip.  I hope I didn t do anything today to embarrass you.
Ann Jacobs
 Damn it, if you just be your sweet self, everybody will love you. And if they don t,
I don t care. I like you, and that s what matters. Can t you accept that?
 I m trying, Sir, I really am. But I ve been afraid for so long&  Her words trailed
off, and she looked away as though she was worried about what he might do.  Susan
said I did fine while we were waiting for the parking attendants to get our cars after
lunch was over.
He squelched the urge to shake some confidence into her. Instead he took her in his
arms.  I m sure you did. I want you to forget whatever it was that bastard shoved down
your throat and believe you re the hottest, most beautiful woman on Earth. Because
that s how I see you.
She laid her head against his chest and sighed.  I ll try. You re home a little early.
Shall I get started on dinner now?
 Later, sweetheart. I m hungry, but not for food. Come on, let s take a little nap and
see what comes up. When she shot him a shy smile, he scooped her up in his arms and
strode to the bedroom.
* * * * *
After she folded the comforter at the end of the bed, Talia shrugged off her robe and
lay back against the pillows, watching Sid undress. He was so damn nice. It was hard to
believe that he could be so sweet and also so incredibly hot with his broad shoulders,
washboard abs and powerfully muscled thighs and calves. When he moved he
reminded her of a sleek jungle cat who liked knowing she was watching him.
She wanted to pinch herself just to be sure she wasn t dreaming. Instead, she held
out her arms and welcomed him. His hands still felt cold, and so did his face. The rest of
him was warm, though. Warm and solid and safe. When he rolled onto his side and
pulled her next to him, Talia snuggled up to his chest and ran her free hand along the
muscular plane of his back.  You re so big and strong. You make me feel safe.
Best Reception
 You make me feel big and strong, and I like it. He stroked her cheek, his touch
light, almost tender.  Did you mean it when you said you d be my slave as long as I
Puzzled by his question, she met his questioning gaze.  Yes, I meant it.
 What would you say if I told you I wanted you for always?
Talia could barely believe her ears.  What did you say, Mas Sid?
When he tilted her chin up so she couldn t look away, she d have been afraid if his
touch hadn t been so gentle.  I m not very good at this, am I? he asked, giving a little
shake of his head.
 At what? She d never felt so confused.
 At proposing. I ve never done it before. What I want is for you to be my slave, my
lover God, but this is hard. He lowered his hand and cupped her breast, rolling the
nipple between his fingers.
Even as her body reacted to him, Talia s brain was spinning. Had Sid really& Was
he really offering to marry her? She couldn t imagine it. He must have meant something
else. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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