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usually didn t know what captives the enemy might be holding. That didn t change the fact that
the woman had been saved by their efforts as warriors and owed them allegiance for the deed a
life for a life!
But that did put him in mind of a factor that he thought they should consider.  It has been
many generations since even we Furians practiced that in truth. You know very well it has
merely been ritual for any number of generations now. No doubt it is for her people, too, and she
was just too upset to recognize the situation for what it was. Given time she may come around to
the realization and accept us. And, if not, then we will perform the ritual.
Gilen studied him doubtfully, but he didn t see any point in arguing with Dagon. If he was
right they d know it before very long. And if he was wrong & well, there still wasn t any point
in fighting among themselves about it.
On the other hand, he had no intention of allowing Cara s lack of interest in accepting them to
affect her health and well-being. She was their responsibility since they had found her whether
either of them liked the situation or not! She had refused to allow either Dagon or Joar inside her
cabin with the food they had taken her. When she also denied him entrance, he decided enough
was enough! She was not likely to be hurt by missing a meal or two but this was rapidly starting
to look like an effort to starve herself!
He knocked politely at her cabin door and when she refused to acknowledge his presence as
she had Dagon and Joar, he simply teleported inside.
She sat up sleepily and gaped at him in frozen disbelief.
Gilen looked around the cabin, found the table/desk against the door and used telekinesis to
move it to a better position, then set the tray of food down on it. Then he removed the lid,
displayed what was under it and made eating motions. She stared at him for a very long time
long enough he was beginning to wonder if she had intelligence above that of a single celled
animal and finally examined the tray. Several emotions flitted across her features. Finally, she
moved closer and picked up the eating utensil he d brought, examining it closely enough he
ALIEN ABDUCTION Kaitlyn O Connor 29
began to wonder if she was trying to figure out if she could use it as a weapon. She seemed to
size him up and think better of it if that was, indeed, what had been going through her mind.
She sniffed the food. Then, instead of using the utensil he d brought, she pinched off pieces
so tiny and put them experimentally in her mouth that he was doubtful it was even enough to
taste. She seemed to decide that she didn t dislike the taste. She pinched off a larger piece and
put it in her mouth.
Satisfied that she intended to eat, congratulating himself, Gilen set about removing the
barricade she d made against the door. Neither the bed, the table, nor the locker were
lightweight. He was surprised and impressed that she seemed to have moved them with little
effort. Maybe Dagon was right and she was more like a Furian woman than they d first thought?
She looked frail, but there must be some strength to her and that was certainly a trait to be
desired if one were contemplating off-spring he was sure.
Not that he ever had & contemplated off-spring.
He had been a very young warrior at the time of the ending too young to have seriously
considered anything regarding a female other than fucking. Having a family had certainly not
entered his mind any more than he had considered what he would do when he was past his prime
as a warrior and would have to give that up and focus on something else of value to his society.
He thought if he had thought about it, though, that he would have considered a strong, healthy
female of utmost importance! Of course, it was more than likely that he would not have given
that a thought when he found a female that appealed to him, but it would have been a good thing
to think about.
He turned to study Cara for a moment and realized he was looking for reasons to approve of
her because he desired her and the discussion with his triad had only hardened his resolve to
have her. He had been thinking about it from the first, he realized, just as they had.
He was fairly certain that he and Dagon had been mostly focused on their dicks at the time,
unlike Joar, but that hardly mattered when they were in agreement, now, that she was definitely
mate material not simply a good candidate for fucking.
He discovered she was staring back at him uneasily. It discomfited him, mostly because it
occurred to him that she might be able to read his mind.
He was fairly certain she couldn t, though.
He made a tentative effort to probe her mind. Since he didn t detect any signs of pain
awareness but not pain he projected images to her of her surroundings. She responded by
naming them, he was pretty sure, in her language.
Heartened, he left her to finish her meal and returned to the bridge to share the information
he d managed to gather.
Chapter Five
The food reminded Cara of some of the spicy foreign dishes she d had before nothing
particular but a little on the spicy hot side. And it was hard to determine what the food under the
spices tasted like.
She was fine with that. She knew it couldn t possibly be anything she was familiar with but
the taste and texture was similar enough that it didn t make her queasy to eat it.
She hoped like hell that it didn t turn out to be something that was poisonous to humans, but
she was going to starve to death anyway if she didn t eat.
ALIEN ABDUCTION Kaitlyn O Connor 30
Of course, it could take a while to starve, which meant lengthening her life, but that wasn t
going to be a comfortable way to die. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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