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She lifted her hand to his face, brushing his cheek lightly.  No.
He closed his eyes and savored that word, loving how full of wonder it had been. As if her trust was
something she could not explain, it just& was.
Since when had he wanted trust from anyone? Since when had he cared?
Since her. Incredibly, she had somehow reached into him, to his  charred, black stump of a heart , as
she d once called it long ago, and caused that useless organ to thump. And thump again. Until finally it had
beat until it shook off the accumulation of centuries of hate like an old, black crust. He hadn t thought it
When he made no move to kiss her, she took action, lifting her head the minute distance it took to
press her lips to his. A shudder worked its way through him, accentuated by another jolt that signaled his
masters were calling him home. This one hurt, but he managed not to grunt as her tender kiss turned
searing. The summonses would get worse and worse until he obeyed. Thankfully, he was accustomed to
pain, and there wasn t enough of it in the universe to tear him away from her at this moment.
His hand tugged until her robes fell away from her shoulders, leaving her breasts bare.
It pained him to abandon the fire they generated with their lips, but he had to see her like this. Lovely,
quivering& He traced her delicate collarbone with his fingertips and slid his hand down until the soft, rosy-
crested flesh filled his palm, her nipple a tight little peak as he brushed it.
She whimpered, drawing his gaze to her face. He d been lying through his teeth. If he saw the merest
flicker of fear there, or second thoughts, he would end this. He wouldn t do this to her. She somehow gave
him the strength to fight all those base instincts that screamed at him to possess her utterly, savagely,
All he saw in her expression was acceptance.
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Chapter Five
Celeste marveled something that felt as right as this could be wrong. No matter how sweet the apple
Eve had bitten, she was sure it had been far sweeter for its forbidden lure. That was his kiss. Illicit. And
It wasn t fair. He d mentioned repercussions, but she didn t know what sort she would face, and right
then, God help her, she didn t care.
His mouth trailed down her throat and she arched sinuously against him, loving the slide of his lips,
like damp silk brushing her skin. Stretching her arms over her head, she gave every inch of herself up for
his perusal, feeling no shame as he tugged her robes away from her body and tossed them aside on the
Damael s breath shuddered out. He trailed one finger between her breasts, over her heart, and her eyes
fell closed. He could hurt her now, and it would be her own fault, her own stupidity. The ache pooling
between her thighs and in her breasts seemed to have chased all rational thought from her mind, and she
knew it. Still, the sensations couldn t be denied.
His touch left her, and she heard rustling, as if he was shedding his jacket. She looked to see him
doing just that, his gaze never leaving her. She immediately reached up to work the buttons on his shirt,
unable to move her fingers fast enough. Once she had them undone, she shoved the fabric down his
shoulders, and he stripped it off the rest of the way.
God, he was beautifully sculpted, lean and pale in the moonlight. Black markings snaked around from
his back to his shoulders and biceps, like sharp fingers from the darkening sky trying to claim him and pull
him back into itself. For some reason, it made her all the more desperate to keep him here in her arms, just
like this. She didn t want to think about the beastly form his flesh kept contained.
She reached for him, pulling him down so he covered her body with his. Her fingers traced one of the
intricate patterns around to the base of his throat.  What do they mean? she whispered, hearing the tremor
in her voice even over the rushing waves. Something about those marks filled her with dread, and touching
them exacerbated the sense that perhaps she didn t want to know what they meant.
Damael meant to spare her, shaking his head and lowering his lips to nudge under her chin.  Never
you mind.
He had done wicked things. She knew that, because she had seen them. Had those actions given him
joy? Or had he been ambivalent, only carrying out his masters bidding? Would she ever truly know?
Cherrie Lynn
His lips closing around her nipple shut down her mind s feverish pondering, and she moaned as he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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