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once-over and smiled. “My dear, adorable genie, you’ve got fists like ham hocks and
the rest of you is muscle layered on muscle.” She squeezed his biceps and he
immediately curled his arm to make an impressive muscle.
“See?” She silently cursed herself for feeling that muscle. Damn. Now she’d have to
walk around with damp panties while they shopped. “A definite case of overkill.
You’re stronger and more fearsome than any man deserves to be, Lugal, with or
without a sword.”
Samantha and Her Genie
He grabbed her to his chest, crushing her breasts to him, nibbling her neck. “Your
eyes darken with passion when you feel my strength, little one. Why go to the markets
when we can stay here and fuck all day?”
“You really like that new word, don’t you?”
“I love it.” He ground his erection against her. “I love to fuck you. I love it when
you fuck me. I love fucking.”
Nearly limp with desire as he expounded on the virtues of his favorite new word,
Samantha pressed her hands against his chest. Intending to push him away, she
relished the feel of his hard pectorals beneath her fingers.
Great. Now she’d be walking around with a soaked pussy all damn day long.
She sucked in a deep breath and expelled it, reluctantly pushing herself away from
his embrace. “We have to go. We need to get to the mall before it gets too crowded.”
The fewer people who saw him outfitted like a giant transvestite the better. “Ready for
a ride in my horseless chariot?”
Lugal’s eyes widened. “You have a gas engine automobile like that of Charlie’s?”
“Mine’s older and smaller, but it’s pretty much the same.” She yanked Lugal’s hand
and headed for the door leading to her garage.
“Yes! I will enjoy driving this great metal monster on wheels.”
She stopped in her tracks. “Whoa, hold on a minute, macho man. You’re not
driving. You don’t know how. You’re job is to be the pretty passenger.”
“You will teach me,” Lugal stated. “Women should not be operating such vehicles.
It is a man’s responsibility.”
Samantha opened her mouth and snapped it shut. No use arguing with her sexy
chauvinist now, or else they’d never get to the mall. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed his
sleeve, marching him to the garage.
The short drive to the mall was harrowing. Between Lugal’s shocked gasps, cries of
wonder and urgent demands for explanations, Samantha felt drained. She’d also made
the mistake of turning on the radio without preparing Lugal first. He practically shot
through the roof as music blared and singers sang.
Thank God he didn’t have the saber with him.
Samantha showed him how to switch stations by pushing the buttons. Lugal zipped
from rock to rap to classical to country to talk radio. When the news came on he listened
intently, answering the newsman wherever he deemed appropriate. And he argued
with the meteorologist about weather conditions.
It was when Lugal asked the announcers questions, awaiting answers, that
Samantha decided she deserved a gold medal for holding back her laughter. She did her
best to explain what a radio was and how it worked, but realized technical explanations
simply weren’t her forte.
Daisy Dexter Dobbs
Big trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, and bicycles grabbed his attention, causing a
flurry of new questions. The planes flying overhead had Lugal gasping and shoving his
head out the window to watch the great white birds in the sky.
Hanging on to him by the elasticized waistband of her jeans as she drove, Samantha
was scared to death Lugal was going to kill himself by jumping out of the car to explore
all the amazing, magical aspects of his new world.
Or to wage war on other drivers.
Like when she explained the meaning of the insistent honking followed by a pissed
off male driver giving her the finger as he sped past Samantha, who’d been driving
slow for safety. Her heart about stopped when Lugal’s warmonger genes kicked in.
Focused on revenge, he demanded she catch up to the offending driver so he could
teach the uncouth wrongdoer a lesson in how to properly treat a lady.
The most difficult part was trying to explain to Lugal how the term fuck you and all
its variations could have such distinctly different meanings.
Things didn’t improve once she parked in the mall’s lot. They hadn’t taken ten
steps before she heard a wolf whistle followed by a yoo-hoo! Since Samantha rarely
engendered that sort of response from men on the street, she suspected the whistle was
meant for Lugal.
“Well hello there, precious,” a man said in a singsong voice after he and two other
guys approached from behind. It came as no surprise that he was addressing Lugal.
The flamboyant threesome—with touches of makeup, one wearing a fuzzy pink
sweater, and another with skintight lime green pants—no doubt figured they were
going to the same party as the cabbage-rosed Lugal.
“Isn’t he just the most delicious thing?” mascara-guy asked his companions while
skimming a finger along Lugal’s chest. Visibly bristling, Lugal scowled at the
familiarity. “Where have you been all my life, sweetheart?”
“Are you here for the gay film festival?” pink-sweater-guy asked. None of them
seemed to notice Samantha.
“I do not know of this,” Lugal answered. “I am here to shop for typical male garb
and to find chains and restraints.”
Samantha nearly expired on the spot.
“Ooh, now that sounds promising,” lime-green-pants guy said. “But you won’t find
any sex toys in this place, handsome. Why don’t you come over tonight and I’ll show
you my extensive personal collection?” He gave Samantha a fleeting appraisal. “Feel
free to bring your fag hag. She can hang out with mine.”
Mouth agape, she couldn’t help growling her displeasure. “Excuse me. I am not his
fag hag. I’m his…” Elevating her chin, she cleared her throat. “His girlfriend.” The
statement gave her the most delicious shivers.
“Of course you are, darling.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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