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missed your breasts, Jules. The flavor of them, the way your nipples tighten up for my mouth.
So hard they hurt. She arched into his plucking fingers, moaning despite her deepest desire not to.
 I can t look at you without remembering how you taste. What it sounds like when you beg me to
make you come. His free hand captured her other breast, pulling down the offending fabric before cupping
it and drawing a helpless cry from her. His thumb began its own torture on the nipple he found there. He
lowered his face to her neck, his breath hot against her skin.  I need you, Jules. Every minute of every day,
I need you.
 No you don t. If he d needed her, he wouldn t have pushed her away when she tried to comfort him.
Back when she d thought his silences held secrets and pain instead of indifference.
 Yes, I do. I can t even breathe anymore without you. Down. She felt him drawing them both down
to the floor. She went, her body flowing into his, over his. He lay back on the carpet, pulling her with him,
fitting her mouth to his, not to kiss, but to breathe her in.  You re air to me, Julia. You re the fucking air.
Her eyes burned again, hot tears splashing down her cheeks again.  No, Grant 
 Yes. You can believe in that, can t you? Believe in me, in what we are together. He kissed her,
finally, oh God, finally, his hands cupping her head to keep her still while he plundered her mouth,
searching for something she didn t know if she had to give to him anymore. Helplessly, she gave in, lost in
the swirl of need and desire. Her hair finally gave up as well, falling around them like a curtain. His hand
moved off her face, following the concave arc of her spine before sliding over the curve of her rear. He
squeezed, sending a flash of white-hot sensation through to her slick sex. He traced the crease he found all
the way down to her wet folds, teasing her opening with dipping caresses.
She throbbed there, her sensitive flesh straining to take him in, practically sucking at his tempting
touch but finding no reprieve. She needed him. Needed to be filled. Yanking back from his kiss, she braced
a hand on his chest so she could pull at the button of his slacks. With a groan, he helped her, the two of
them impatiently freeing his cock. He took hold of it, gripping the thick base to steady it for her. Need
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Dee Tenorio
demanded she fit herself over him, take him in and fill the emptiness, but greed demanded something else.
A taste.
As if he could read her mind, he opened his eyes halfway, peering at her for a frozen moment. She
stared right back, even as she lowered her lips and took the swollen head of him between them. Down she
went, taking him all the way into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him until she felt the too-tight grip
of his hand.
Back up, slow, only to draw him once more into her mouth. It wasn t the same kind of fullness she d
wanted, but satisfaction tingled through her as she again met his now-pumping grip. The stain of red on his
cheeks and the near-glowing intensity of his eyes fed the hunger in her, made her move faster over him.
She licked, sucking at the hint of fluid seeping from the head, tearing a guttural groan from him before
speeding her pace to match his strokes.
Soon, it wasn t enough. She needed more. Needed him. He didn t question when she pulled him from
her mouth. No, he simply reached out to help her kneel over him. Swore virulently when the crown of his
cock met the wet heat of her pussy and sank deep inside. Rocking on him, full of him, Julia became a being
of pure feeling. Her hands settled on his chest, using him as leverage to lift herself up before sliding back to
the hilt. Faster and faster she rocked, her need a clawing desperation. He lifted onto one elbow, stilling her
by looping his other arm around her waist and drawing her breast to his mouth.
She cried out as he nipped at the hard point, licking at the sting before sucking deeply. She tried to
move, tried to reach the peak, but the faster she moved, the slower he met her. Her hands clawed at his
shoulders, but he refused to match her pace.
Then, suddenly, he flipped them, fitting her beneath him. She gasped, blinking up at him, her heart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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