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He rolled onto his side and gathered her very close.  We ll get it back again when we ve rested. He
kissed her gently.  For a first time, it was fairly volcanic, wasn t it? he mused. He laughed
delightedly.  And we fit, don t we?
 Oh, yes. She nuzzled closer, shivering with pleasure and love.  Hank& 
His mouth slid over hers.  We ve just said all there is to say, and we never spoke a word, he
whispered into her mouth.  I m glad you waited for me, Poppy. I wish that I d been able to wait for
you, all my life.
She hugged him closer.  I ll settle for the rest of our lives, she said gently,  and everything that s
ahead of us.
His big arms folded her close.  Love, then. Years and years of it.
She smiled against his chest.  And children to share it with.
 Yes. He tugged the cover over them, because it was chilly at night this high up in the mountains.
 I m glad I didn t apologize for abducting you, he murmured.  It was the only sensible things I ve
done in the past few years.
 All the same, you can t abduct anyone else, ever.
 Oh, I m reformed, he promised her with a grin.  The only thing I expect to abduct in the future is a
piano now and again, so that I can compose an occasional song.
Her eyes fell to his mouth.  I particularly like the way you compose in bed. Would you like to try a
new theme? Something on the order of a blues tune?
He rolled over, smoothing her body against his in the growing darkness.  I think I can manage that.
H chuckled.  How about you?
She whispered that she had no doubts at all; about that, or about the future with him. It was going to be
wonderful. And she told him that, too.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER SIX [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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