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had was the business. I was proud for lining up those catering gigs. I
mean I really felt a sense of accomplishment knowing I d developed this
side thing on my own. To find out it was all because of you& even after I
sent you away you were affecting my life. I knew the only way to get over
you was to cut all ties. Even then, it didn t work. It s time I faced up to
the fact I ve been unfair to you. I d be honoured to be your business
partner again.
He stared into her eyes.  You re sure?
 Don t you know what you ve become? She clasped his wrists in her
fingers, meeting his gaze squarely.  I ve always been the girl who didn t
take care with your feelings, and went on to be nothing special. But you
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Donna Alward
are special, Ric. More than you know. More than I deserve. You always
have been.
 Never say that again. You deserve everything. You picked yourself up
and made something of yourself no matter what people said. That takes
courage and vision and brains. Don t let anyone tell you different.
The fire chief approached, his face dusky from smoke.  You re the
Ric and Katie faced him; whatever news he had they would stand
together to hear it.
 Eye witnesses report seeing a group of kids hanging around the
back, and we think the fire started in the dumpster. We ll finish our
investigation, of course, but I thought you d like to know it doesn t
appear to have started in your kitchen.
Katie held out her hand.  That s good to know. I appreciate the heads
He pulled off his glove and shook her hand.  You re welcome. You ll
receive our final findings, of course.
The fire trucks pulled out, leaving a small crew to deal with hot spots.
It was final. The Pick and Choose was a chunk of charred rubble, tiny
flumes of smoke puffing up from random spots in the gutted building.
She took a few steps closer and snuggled up to Ric s ribs, prompting
him to put his arm around her, tight to his side. She sighed. Suddenly it
didn t matter what the world thought. The fire wasn t her fault. The facts
were that she d come up with this concept and did whatever it took to
put it in motion. Her hard work wasn t something to be forgotten and
dismissed because something had happened beyond her control. Big deal
if she d had a little help along the way. Ric had helped because he
believed in her. And somewhere along the way he d stolen her heart as
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The Girl Most Likely
well. Knowing he loved her too made her feel, for the first time, cherished
and protected.
 You know what? The words were muffled against his chest.
 Hmm? His answer rumbled, and she felt the vibration purr into her.
Pulling away, she smiled up at him.  I don t care anymore about The
Girl Most Likely to Succeed. There s something I want to be more.
 What s that?
 The Girl Most Likely to Love You. If that s agreeable, of course.
 Should I draw up a contract? His lips curved up even as his gaze
tenderly warmed her.  Make it official?
She laughed.  That sounds good. She stared into the hissing mess of
the fire.  So where do we go now?
Ric tilted his head, pressing a kiss to her hair.  How about home?
Katie angled her head, rubbing her cheek against his chin.  Home?
His lips pressed against her cheek and she smiled in return at his
words.  It s been waiting for you, you know. If you can deal with
Gilligan s jealousy.
Tears sprung into her eyes as she was faced with the fulfillment of
dreams she d never even known existed. His house, waiting for her to
come and make it a home. Perhaps even a few children. But wait&
 What about the restaurant?
Ric pulled away, scanning the dark windows of Stephen Avenue.
 Well, how about there? He nodded at a shop down the block, on the
opposite side of the street, with a leasing company s  For Lease sign
sitting in the window.
 It s close. Our clientele won t even have a problem finding us.
 And, a bonus. I don t own it.
She laughed, so full of contentment and peace that it flowed out of
her.  With both our names on the lease.
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Donna Alward
His expression sobered.  Later, he whispered.  You still haven t said
whether or not you ll come home with me.
 How s this for an answer? she replied, and stood on tiptoe to tease
him with her mouth.
 Mmm, she murmured, standing back and smiling at him saucily.
 That s much better than ice cream.
 It had better be, he grumbled, catching her in his arms.
 I promise, she said, vowing never to let him get away again.
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About the Author
To learn more about Donna, please visit www.donnaalward.com.
Send an email to Donna at mailto:donna@donnaalward.com or visit her
blog at http://www.donnaalward.blogspot.com.
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Almost a Family [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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