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because I couldn't indulge? I rolled over and shoved him onto his back, and bent to kiss his lips
gently. I heard his hissing intake of breath, and I whispered very softly,  Why do you still have
your clothes on? Indulge me I love to see you naked."
He caught my hands as I unbuckled his belt.  You can't break training..."
"Who said I planned to? I murmured, kissing the line of his scratchy jaw.
"You don't have to... he began, and stopped with a whimper as I slipped my palm under
the open fly of his jeans to circle him.
"I know, I whispered as I shoved his jeans down to his knees and shoved his T-shirt up to
his ribs.  But I want to. And as I slowly stroked his silken shaft to full attention, waiting for the
shiny pink glans to appear from the stretching folds of his foreskin, he stroked my cheek and
arched up to meet my slow, hot lick. I heard his hiss of pleasure as I cupped his sac and took him
into my mouth, continuing to squeeze and stroke, as his satin-over steel erection grew so thick
and long, I felt my belly clench from want of it.
I laved it hungrily, swirling my tongue around the glistening tip as he closed his eyes and
bit his lip to keep quiet his body shuddered with reaction as I ran my tongue down the side and
back to the tip once more, before sucking him deep into my mouth again. His fingers fisted into
my hair as he whispered huskily heated words I could not understand whispered
encouragement that I could and then he hissed,  Move! and I ignored him, remaining where I
was as he came hard and hot, filling my mouth with salty, pearly liquid as he groaned and thrust
upward with amazed delight.
His eyes were glazed as he stared at me.  You are a wicked woman, Lisa..."
* * * *
There had to be some kind of medicinal thing about sleeping wrapped in someone's arms.
Matasi hadn't even blinked when he had come into my bedroom to find James stretched out on
my bed, and he had said crisply,  Wake up, you two. You have a long day ahead."
After he left the room, I'd yawned and stretched, and had been further awakened with a
lingering kiss that had gotten my blood started extremely efficiently. James had given me a leg
massage, and a back rub, and I'd arisen feeling like a million bucks. We ran two miles side by side,
and this time, I felt like exploding. I had far more energy than I had the prior two mornings, and
my body ached far less. Definitely medicinal!
Matasi kept my car, and James took us to the school in his van. He didn't say much, but I
knew that things had changed between us, in some indefinable way. Maybe it had been last night,
sleeping in each other's arms without making love. Maybe it had been the way he'd simply
known what I needed, and had been there for me. I wasn't certain, but I felt warmly comfortable
with him, and I didn't need to say anything. And his quiet gratitude for the gentle easing of his
hunger this morning made me feel marvelous. I wondered quietly if this was what it felt like to
trust. Did he feel the same way I was feeling?
It was well past noon when I saw Matasi again. James was helping me with some
stationary weights when he came into the school, but there was no Merrick with him. I sat up
and wiped my face with my towel, and I gazed at him questioningly.  Did she come? Where is
He smiled quietly.  She is at the apartment, child. You did not expect her to show up
here after an eight hour flight, did you?"
"You did."
"Ah, but I am not a delicate flower of femininity, he breathed with a thoughtful smile.
James turned away to hide his laugh, and I frowned.  I seriously doubt that Merrick is
going to wilt away any more than you would. Women aren't the delicate creatures you seem to
He laughed.  I dropped her there so that she could fix supper for us. She wanted to
surprise you with her specialty. She wants very much to make a good impression, Daughter.
Please humor her."
"Of course I will. If you think she's special, she must be. I frowned.  Don't tell me she's
one of those delicate flowers of femininity who worries about what other women think."
Matasi laughed aloud, and shook his head.  Only what you think, child. Other women,
I grinned and lay back to begin working with the bar again. James spotted for me as I
carefully got a good grip and began to press once more.  A woman after my own heart, I grunted
as I set the bar back on the braces after ten reps.
* * * *
Merrick met us at the door of my apartment, wearing a flowing caftan of azure silk that
made her silver hair and her gray eyes seem soft and luminous. I saw a smiling woman who
appeared to be in her early fifties, but who was, in actuality, far older. She smiled at me with a
sweet curve to those fine lips, and I knew instantly what Matasi found so adorable in the woman.
She seemed to be concerned for everyone's comfort. She put me instantly at ease, and I hugged
her warmly, kissing her smooth cheek.  So, this is the person who did such a wonderful portrait
of my parents, I smiled.
"Oh, I certainly hoped you would find it acceptable. Matasi has told me so much about
them. I felt I might not be able to do them justice. she replied quietly.
"It was perfect thank you, I whispered.  So, someone finally roped the old dog. I hope
you know what's in store for you."
She dimpled beautifully, and said with a laugh,  It took some doing. Do you realize how
far I had to go to get the man to notice I was even alive?"
"Did you run naked in front of him with a rose in your teeth? I grinned wickedly, too
softly for the men to hear.
"Hmmm. I never thought of that, she pursed her lips.  It might have saved a great deal of
time and effort."
I gave a laugh of delight, and hugged her again.  I think I'm going to like you very much."
"I do hope so. He speaks of nothing but you, did you know that? she smiled.  At first I
was jealous, and I think, now that I've seen you, that I still am, she breathed with a smile.
I flushed and glanced at James.  Matasi was my first love, but I don't think he means to
share. Her gaze followed mine, and she smiled appreciatively.
"Mmm very nice, she nodded.  What is it these Asian males seem to have that drives us
women wild?"
"They're chauvinists a complete challenge. I said, linking my arm through hers and
taking her off to the kitchen so we could talk in private.
"I think you're right."
"I know I'm right. We feel obligated to teach them manners."
"That sounds right."
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