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mirror. The drive to school took ten minutes, like before. This time when they parked
there were ten cars in the back lot. Manny had told her to report to the coach s office
before the meeting.
The meeting itself would take place in the administrative office of the school. Anna
wasn t sure why they weren t meeting at the superintendent s office or board of
education building down the road. She found going to the principal s office at age forty
rather ironic.
Not once in her life had she done anything to deserve getting sent to the principal s
office. Here she was about to answer for a photograph that was taken by a spiteful,
gossip-hungry reporter.
Anna and Kyran found Manny and Brian in the coach s office. At first, they eyed
Kyran like he had a disease. Fortunately, he charmed them with ease, shaking hands,
including Anna in their conversation about football.
 Let s go to the principal s office, Manny suggested a few minutes later.
 You two realize that the next big headline is going to wash Saturday morning s
edition off the public s radar? Kyran asked, falling into step beside Anna.
 We trust Anna s judgment where you re concerned, Manny said.  This meeting
was called because someone on the board wasn t happy with the article. He wants
 Someone being Will Simmons, Anna guessed.
 That d be the guy, Brian answered.  Superintendent isn t coming, by the way. He
thinks this can be cleared up without much trouble.
 Thank God, Anna breathed out.
 Karen Donnelly and the school s administrative staff will be there, along with
Brian and me, Manny said.  There s a chance our alarm on Saturday was misplaced,
Anna, apologies.
Quarterback Blitz
 Accepted as long as I can keep working, she replied.
Relieved that things were better, she let Kyran take her elbow and walk her
alongside her co-workers. They entered the administrative offices, heading straight for
Karen Donnelly s office. The principal of the school, Karen was a fair person.
Brian was right. The superintendent of Baltimore County Schools was not present.
But the two assistant principals were there, along with Karen and the board s
representative, Will Simmons. Appointed to his position when they were engaged,
Anna wished he d have resigned.
 Ms. James, thank you for coming to see us today, Karen welcomed with a
generous smile.  I believe we haven t been introduced to your& um& friend.
 Kyran Black, Anna supplied, looking at the man she was dating.  This is Karen
Donnelly, the principal here at Central Technical High School. Our school features
specialized, technical studies for students, such as mechanics, carpentry, cosmetology,
culinary arts, that sort of thing.
 Nice, Kyran said, turning his focus on the principal.  Ms. Donnelly, pleasure to
meet you, although I wish it was under different circumstances.
Karen Donnelly smiled.  It seems the two of you created a bit of a stir.
 Because of an article that had no business reaching the eyes of our students, Will
Anna glanced at her ex. She was glad things ended when they did. Will was a good-
looking man. Polished, professional, looking every bit the college professor in his gray
pinstriped suit, he barely managed to blink for all the staring he was doing at Kyran. He
was jealous. But what surprised her was the fact that she could now see Will lacked
character and depth.
 That was not our intention, Anna told him.  A reporter caught Kyran and I
sharing a moment alone. I m never named specifically, just labeled unfairly.
 A moment caught on camera that gives enough to show us all who you are, Will
added, nostrils flaring when he said  moment .
 The problem isn t so much the article, it s how much the reporter knew about you
as a teacher here at Central Tech, Karen explained.  It s true the school isn t named,
but the county, your job title and assistant coaching job allowed people to find out who
you are. The fact that the Alexandria Journal was deliberately sent to Manny, Dr. Will
Simmons and the superintendent worries the administration. Are the students going to
care? Will it impact them or cause trouble?
 Ms. Donnelly, they are high school students. They apply here and the boys I coach
are in the tenth grade. They ve seen sexier images on their laptops and TVs, Anna said.
 It would be a mistake to make more out of the newspaper than what it was, a gossip
piece. If we all settle down, the photo and article will be forgotten, Anna insisted.
 When it comes to teenagers, it s best not to make a mountain out of a molehill,
Karen agreed.  I m still concerned for student safety, as well as yours, Ms. James.
Frances Stockton
 As am I, Will complained. He d aged a good bit since she d seen him last. Forty-
five to her forty, he looked at her and Kyran like they were beneath him.
Kyran faced Anna s ex-fiancé, keeping his attention focused.  Its meetings and
questions about Anna s conduct that allow story hunters to find out who she is. Fact is, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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