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been fun. I really had a good time.' she looked up at him archly. ' I
should become an actress! He smiled. ''d be good at it. You certainly
fooled this audience! 11 did, didn't IT "Here's the rest of your
money.'He took an envelope out of his pocket.
"And your plane ticket back to Chicago.' ' you.' He looked at his watch.
''d better get going! '. I just want you to know that I appreciate
everything. I mean, your getting me out of prison and all! He smiled.
''s all right: Have a good trip.' '! lie watched her go upstairs to
pack. The game was over. Check and check mate. Margo Posner was in her
bedroom finishing packing when Kendall walked in. ', Julia. I just
wanted to She stopped. ' are you doing?' ''m going home.' Kendall looked
at her in surprise. ' soon? Why? 1 246 was hoping we might spend some
time together and get acquainted. We have so many years to catch up on.'
'. Well, some other time.' Kendall sat on the edge of the bed. ''s like
a nuracle, isn't it? Finding each other after all these years- Margo
went on with her packing. '. It's a miracle, all right! ' must feel like
Cinderella. I mean, one minute you re living a perfectly average life
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and the next minute someone hands you a billion dollars! Margo stopped
her packing. ' ' said ...' ' billion dollarst '. According to Father's
will, that's what we each inherit. Margo was looking at Kendall,
stunned. ' each 4 get a billion dollarst ''t they tell yout ','Margo
said slowly.'They didn't tell me.'There was a thoughtful expression on
her face. ' know, Kendall, you're right. Maybe -we should get better
acquainted! 4111., Tyler was in the solarium, looking at photographs of
yachts, when Clark approached him. ' me, Judge Stanford. There's a
telephone call for you.' ''ll take it in here.' 247 _711,@ It was Keith
Percy in Chicago. ' '.' J have some really great news for you!" 60ht '
that I'm retiring, how would you like to be appointed chiefjudge?' It
was all Tyler could do to keep from giggling. ' would be wonderful,
Keith.' ', it's yours!' ' ... I don't know what to say.' What should I
say? ' don't sit on the bench in a dirty little courtroom in Chicago,
handing out sentences to the misfits of the world?' Or '1l be too busy
sailing around the world on my yacht?' ' soon can you get back to
Chicagot ' will be a while," Tyler said. ' have a lot to do here.' ',
we'll all be waiting for you.' Don't holdyour breath. '-bye.' He
replaced the receiver and glanced at his watch. It was time for Margo to
be leaving for the airport. Tyler went upstairs to see if she was ready.
When he walked into Margo's bedroom, she was unpacking her suitcase. He
looked at her in surprise. ''re not ready.' She looked up at him and
smiled. '.
I'm unpacking. I've been thinking. I like it here. Maybe I should stay
awhile.' 248 He frowned. ' are you talking about?- You're catching a
plane to Chicago., ''ll be another- plane along, judge.' She grinned. '
I'll even buy my own., ' are you saying?' 4YOu told me You wanted me to
help you play a little joke on someone ' "Well, thejoke seems to be on
me. I'm worth a billion ..' Tyler's expression hardened. ' want you to
get out of here. Now.' ' you? I think I'll go when I'm ready,, Margo
said. ' I'm not ready., Tyler stood there, studying her. ' ... what is
It u wantt I She nodded.
"That's better. The billion dollars I'm supposed to get. You were
planning to keep it for yourself, right? I figured You were pulling a
little scam to Pick UP some extra money, but a billion dollars! That's a
different ball game. I think I deserve a share of that.' There was a
knock at the bedroom door. ' me,' Clark said. ' is served.
Margo turned to Tyler. ' go along. I won't be joining you. I have some
important errands to run.' Later that afternoon, packages began to
arrive at Rose Hill. There were boxes of dresses from Armani, 249 -
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sportswear from Scaasi-Boutique, lingerie from Jordan Marsh, a sable
coat from Neiman Marcus, and a diamond bracelet from Cartier. All the
packages were addressed to Miss. Julia Stanford. When Margo walked in
the door at four thirty, Tyler was waiting to confront her, furious. '
do you think you're doing?' he demanded. She smiled. ' needed a few
things. After all, your sister has to be well dressed, doesn't she? It's
amazing how much credit a store will give you when you're a Stanford.
You will take care of the bills, won't yout ' ...' '.' She reminded him.
' the way, I saw the pictures of yachts on the table.
Are you planning to buy onet ' none of your business.' ''t be too sure.
Maybe you and I will take a cruise. Weill name the yicht Margo. Or
should we name it Julia? We can go around the world together.
I don't like being alone.' Tyler took a deep breath. ' seems that I
underestimated you. You're a very clever young woman.' ' from you,
that's a big compliment.' ' hope that you're also a reasonable young
woman.' ' depends. What do you call reasonablet ' million dollars.
Cash.' Her heart began to beat faster, ' I can keep the things I bought [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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