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Still breathing somewhat raggedly, Nick lifted Kate off himself.  Nick wants a bit of a
rest, and then he ll decide. He kicked off his boots and floated lazily toward the lavatory,
presumably to wash up.
Paris took his time untying Kate s bonds, keeping her heated and ready with licks and
When the lavatory door closed, Kate whispered,  Nick is very good. I m surprised. 
 If he keeps up this kind of performance, you might consider recommending he get a
secondary skill license as a fully trained sex engineer. It would be a boon to the cruiser to
have one on staff. Paris considered as he worked on a stubborn knot.  I d even write him a
56 Lena Austin
letter of recommendation to Maxim, if you think it can be done. The ropes fell away and left
a pretty pattern on Kate s skin that would fade in a few minutes.
Her arms freed, Kate wrapped them around Paris to keep from floating off.  Marvelous
idea! He has a subordinate ready for advancement that needs the full experience of
astrogation to get his next licensing level. Nick could be spared long enough, I think. I ll ask
when I get back on duty.
Taking a half-step that would allow him to float backwards on the bed, Paris took Kate
with him.  Would you like to tie me down and ride, or do you have another position in
mind? He carefully toed off his boots and allowed them to both float free.
 Well, I ve always wanted to try a position known as the wheelbarrow. Do you know
it? Kate bit her lip and looked hopefully down at Paris.
Paris flipped through the database in his mind.  Indeed I do. Perfect choice for zero-g.
The only anchor point for you would be Nick s boots. Can you keep hold of them with your
hands long enough for me to fuck you?
She sniffed.  Easily. I don t look it, but I m half-blooded Betelgeusian. She lifted away
from Paris and shot toward Nick s boots.
Paris dropped his jaw.  You re half heavy-worlder? So am I. He sat up a little too
violently, and was forced to correct before he hit his head on the ceiling.
Kate latched on to Nick s boots.  I kinda figured you might be. Dad had a purple cock,
too. Darker than yours, and just as large. We lived in a terraformed dome and didn t wear
clothes much. Are you going to fuck me?
 At least I don t have to worry about hurting you. Paris pushed off the ceiling and
positioned himself between Kate s spread legs.
Nick came out of the lavatory just as Paris took position. He took one look at Paris s
placement between Kate s legs and swore softly.  Damn, I knew I came too fast. Save some
for my ass, please.
Sex World 1: Assassin 57
Kate looked over her arms at him and laughed.  Wait your turn, greedy. She gasped
and held more tightly to the boots as Paris entered.  Oh, shit! Guards, that feels ... uhnh!
Nick propelled himself over to join them as Paris began thrusting. He put on his boots
without disturbing Kate s use of them, and moved to help anchor Kate s lower body to the
deck by holding her arms down until her elbows touched the deck.
With Nick s cock dangling right in her face, Kate happily let Paris s next thrust propel
her forward just enough to take Nick into her mouth. Paris had to admire the strength in her
arms, which looked just as fragile as a lightweight.
 Speaking of asses, Kate, may I commend you on yours? Paris commented. He looked
down and saw Nick s expression of growing arousal.  Never mind, don t bother to answer at
the moment.
 Good, because she s nearly as good at it as you are. Then Nick gasped sharply.  Ouch!
Okay, she is as good as you are. Dammit, woman, you bite like that again, and I ll likely find
a wormhole on my next duty. Nick s empty threat was followed by a caress on Kate s blonde
Paris chuckled and dictated the rhythm that pistoned Kate between his cock and
Nick s. Too much force, and he d go floating off. Kate s moans became an audible
counterpoint to his work.  Nick, why don t you piston her off and on your cock for a
moment? You re anchored better.
 If she keeps this up, she s going to get offered a marriage contract. Ouch! Dammit,
Kate! Nick moved his hands to grasp Kate s upper arms and began to move her as soon as
Paris stopped.
Paris withdrew, causing a moaning protest from Kate, but she didn t stop sucking
vigorously on Nick. Paris quickly donned his grav-boots and lowered Kate until he could re-
58 Lena Austin
enter. With only a few now-deeper thrusts from Paris, Kate s body began to quake from
 Jeezers, Paris, don t stop. She s sucking hard enough to pull the brass off the fittings of
the ship! I take it back, she s better than you. Nick s eyes were glazing with his own
impending orgasm.
 Really? Perhaps we ll see tomorrow evening. Tonight, I intend to finish inside your
ass, Nick. Paris wasn t insulted in the slightest to be compared to a non-professional. He d be
delighted to recommend both for secondary licensing, if it came down to it.
That promise, spoken with a casual air, apparently did it for both Kate and Nick. They
orgasmed, with Kate unable to swallow and cry out simultaneously. Paris helpfully pulled
her off Nick s cock before she choked, and Nick sprayed her face.  Thanks! she gasped, and
licked her lips.
Nick pulled her to him and off Paris.  I ll get you a cloth. Be right back, Paris offered.
His own cock began to ache for release. He went into the tiny lavatory and found a
washcloth and the solution used in place of precious water on the ship. His heavy boots
clumped on the decking, warning Nick and Kate of his return. They might not have noticed
otherwise, considering they were locked at the lips as if glued there. Nick hadn t even moved
from the crouched position he d been in since he d served as Kate s anchor.
Paris politely put the cloth in Kate s hand to let her clean her own face when she was
ready. Meanwhile, he opened the little cage by the bed and got out a lubricant-and-
protectant combination he favored when going at it male-to-male.
Shaking his head at the couple on the floor, he began to wonder if Nick s suggestion of
a marriage contract had been such a joke after all.  Nick, put her on the bed and strap her
down if you re going to do that the rest of the night. Just stay bent over the edge. 
Sex World 1: Assassin 59
Kate began to giggle and broke the kiss.  Yessir! She saluted and launched herself to
float on her back above the bed. She helped Nick position the straps over her body to hold
her firmly in place.  Wait until you feel this, Nick! Yummy!
Nick took one look over his shoulder at Paris s stiff erection.  I ve been waiting. My
turn. He wrapped his wrists in two of Kate s extra straps and made minute adjustments to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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