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be. How would I make it through training to-
night? I didn t think I even had enough en-
ergy to shower. Blood would help though. I
just better make sure I drink a lot.
When I got near the Château I didn t
bother trying to sneak through the gardens.
It would take too much time and I was too
tired. So, I walked into the northeast en-
trance, my feet heavy and thick with mud.
A Blood Guard flashed to my side before I
even set one foot inside the Château.
 I m fine. I pushed him away.
 You look injured. Are you injured? Panic
coursed through his voice.
I had to think of something to tell him. I
didn t need him tattling on me.  I woke up
early to get some practice in before training
and got a little carried away. That s all. You
know Eli, he s a strict teacher. I forced a
smile and continued on down the hallway as
naturally as I could. The guard looked after
me, worry creasing his face.  Do me a favor
though, would you?
 Of course, Princess. Anything.
 Have a servant bring me some blood. I m
starving. I figured giving him something to
do would not only keep him busy, but also
buy me some time. Chances are he would tell
someone about my appearance and word
would get around quickly. If I could clean
myself up fast enough and eat, then maybe I
could think up a good story for why I was
outside and looking like such a mess. I would
just have to hope no one noticed I wasn t in
bed all day.
I made my way up to my room as quick as
I could and tried to avoid all of the worried
and questioning glances. I didn t have time
to explain myself to anyone.
My room looked untouched and I sighed
in relief. I just might get away with this. I
hated to be sneaky but I didn t want anyone
worrying about me. I finally got them to take
me seriously. I didn t want to be coddled like
some delicate princess. I wanted to be the
warrior my father thought I was.
Last night, I just got a little ahead of my-
self. That s all. I won t push myself so hard
next time. Slow and steady wins the race,
I walked to the bathroom and rested my
body against the counter. My legs were grow-
ing steadily heavier. I avoided the mirror as
best I could. I probably looked terrible. And
if I saw just how terrible, then maybe I would
realize how close I really came to the edge
last night. No, I wouldn t look. I didn t want
anything to stop me from trying again.
By the time I had undressed, there was a
knock at my door. Please let it be blood. I
pulled on a robe and headed for the door. A
young maid poked her head and smiled until
her eyes met my face. The platter in her
hands trembled. I ignored her reaction and
grabbed the glass greedily.
The warm blood gave instant relief. I
could feel it traveling through my body rap-
idly. Three swallows later, the tall glass was
empty and I licked my lips. The maid stared
at me, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging
open.  Are you okay? Her voice was like the
squeak of a mouse. I set the glass back on the
tray.  You weren t in your room all day.
Where did you sleep?
She knew I was gone. What could I say to
her? Would she even understand? No, I
couldn t explain it to her. She was so young,
probably a couple years younger than me.
Yet, her face was deep with concern and I
could sense she was truly worried. I had nev-
er said more than a few words to her, but her
feelings were strong.
 Please don t tell anyone. I m okay. Could
you just bring me more?
I grabbed the tray with my fingers and
pushed it toward her, urging her to leave
without saying it. Her eyebrows narrowed
down to her eyes. She wasn t going to budge
and I didn t have the strength to force her.
Could I glamour her, like Dmitry had done to
me so long ago? No, I d never tried that be-
fore and I didn t want to use any abilities un-
til I could rest.
 You shouldn t sneak off with him,
Sneak off with whom? What was she talk-
ing about?  I m sorry? It might not have
been the best lie, but I d rather people think I
snuck off with a guy than the truth. Maybe.
 I saw the two of you last night, talking in
the hallway. He tries to act, so innocent with
all the girls, but& he s not.
Who was she talking about? I racked my
brains as to who I d spoken to last night -
and then it came to me.  Bennett? The maid
nodded. Okay, maybe people thinking I
snuck off with a guy wasn t a better option.
Especially when it was Bennett. The guy
made my skin crawl.  I didn t sneak off with
him, I reassured her. Fortunately, I must
have said it strongly enough that she
believed me, because she let out a sigh of re-
lief and nodded.  Could you bring me more
please? I was tired of talking to her and just
wanted to clean myself up.
When she finally nodded and walked
away I all but slammed the door behind her.
Finally. Peace and quiet. The shower was ec-
stasy. The hot water soothed my aching body
and warmed my muscles. I was still shower-
ing when the maid returned with a second,
larger, glass and I snatched it from around
the shower curtain. I didn t want to get out.
 Are you sure you re okay?
 I m fine. It was nice she was worried,
but I really didn t feel like talking. She left si-
lently, shutting the door behind her, and a
twinge of guilt hit me. I was kind of being a
bitch. She was just trying to be nice. I d have
to apologize later, but right now I just
wanted to lie in bed.
I knew training would come all too
quickly, so I didn t even bother getting
dressed. I stayed wrapped up in my robe and
curled into a ball on my bed. The thick com-
forter felt like a giant pillow and I fell to
sleep almost instantly.
Light flickered on my face, waking me.
The candle on my bedside table had been lit,
but I distinctly remember it being completely
dark in my room when I had climbed into
bed. Fear swiftly flew through me.
 It s okay, Claire. It was my mother s
voice. Fear transformed into relief. I hadn t
even noticed her sitting there.  I came to
check on you. It is very unusual for a vam-
pire to sleep so late.
I looked away. I knew I couldn t hide the
guilt on my face and if she asked I wouldn t
be able to lie to her. I jumped out of bed and
apologized for being lazy. Maybe I could
avoid the subject altogether if I got her talk-
ing about something else.
 I ve got to get ready for training, I called
back over my shoulder as I grabbed clothes
and rushed to the bathroom. I felt like I
could sleep for days, but I felt better than I
did earlier.
 How was your night? Her voice was
closer now. She was standing by the bath-
room door.
 It was good. Eli had me training with
Bennett. I didn t make it easy for him. I was
still proud of the fact even though I did lose
in the end.
 Is everything alright, Claire?
Geez, was it mother s intuition or could
she just sense I was hiding something?
 Yeah. I pulled shirt over my head, my voice
I heard my mother sigh loudly. It was
more sad than anything.  I know you are
worried about Arrick, but he will be fine. He
is a strong and brave warrior. You should
have faith in his abilities.
I hadn t been worried about Arrick, but
now I was. Had news arrived about him? I
opened the door and leaned against the
frame.  When will he be back? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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