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had happened at first, but I don't suppose you were either.
 That is exactly right. I am still getting used to it.
 Well, take it from a guy who's been in the saddle for six years. You don't
ever get used to it. You just develop calluses in the right places, if you
know what I mean.
 Yes, sir.
 Listen, the reason I called is this. I know you're gonna be here a little
longer than you expected, so I want you to spend a night or two here with me
and Wilma. Can you do that?
 In Washington?
 Right here at the White House.
 That would be such a privilege.
 We'll have somebody talk to your people about the right time, but it's got to
be soon 'cause Congress is in session, and I know they'll want to hear from
Carpathia shook his head and Buck thought he seemed overcome emotionally.  I
would be more than honored, sir.
 Speaking of something that was a heckuva thing, your speech today and your
interview tonight well, that was something. Look forward to meetin' ya.
 The feeling is mutual, sir.
Buck was only a little less overcome than Carpathia and Rosenzweig. He had
long since lost his awe of U.S. presidents, especially this one, who insisted
on being called Fitz. He had done a Newsmaker of the Year piece on
Fitzhugh Buck's first, Fitz's second. On the other hand, it wasn't every day
that the president called the room in which you sat.
The glow of the call seemed to stay with Carpathia, but he quickly changed the
subject.  Buck, I want to answer all your questions and give you whatever you
need. You have been so good to Chaim, and I am prepared to give you a bit of a
secret you would call it a scoop. But first, you are in deep trouble, my
friend. And
I want to help you if I can.
Buck had no idea how Carpathia knew he was in trouble. So he wouldn't even
have to bring him up to speed and ask for his help? This was too good to be
true. The question was, what did Carpathia know, and what did he need to know?
The Romanian sat forward and looked directly into Buck's eyes. That gave Buck
such a feeling of peace and security that he felt free to tell him everything.
Everything. Even that his friend Dirk had tipped him off about someone meeting
with Stonagal and Todd-Cothran, and Buck's assuming it was Carpathia.
 It was I, Carpathia said.  But let me make this very clear. I know nothing
of any conspiracy. I have never even heard of such a thing. Mr. Stonagal felt
it would be good for me to meet some of his colleagues and men of
international Influence. I
formed no opinions about any of them, neither am I beholden to any of them.
 I will tell you something, Mr. Williams. I believe your story. I do not know
you except by your work and your reputation with people I respect, such as Dr.
Rosenzweig. But your account has the ring of truth. I have been told that you
are wanted in London for the murder of the Scotland Yard agent and that they
have several witnesses who will swear they saw you distract Tompkins, plant
the device, and activate it from within the pub.
Page 113
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
 That's crazy.
 Well, of course it is if you were mourning the mysterious death of your
mutual friend.
 That's exactly what we were doing, Mr. Carpathia. That and trying to get to
the bottom of it.
Rosenzweig was called to the door again, then he whispered in Carpathia's ear.
 Buck, come here, Carpathia said, rising and leading Buck toward a window,
away from Rosenzweig.  Your plan to get in here while being pursued was most
ingenious, but your boss has been identified and now they know you are here.
They would like to take you into custody and extradite you to England.
 If that happens and Tompkins's theory is right, Buck said,  I'm a dead man.
 You believe they will kill you?
 They killed Burton and they killed Tompkins. I'm much more dangerous to them
with my potential readership.
 If this plot is as you and your friends say it is, Cameron, writing about
these people, exposing them, will not protect you.
 I know. Maybe I should do it anyway. I don't see any way out.
 I can make this go away for you.
Buck's mind was suddenly reeling. This was what he had wanted, but he had
Carpathia could do nothing quickly enough to keep him from getting into Todd-
Cothran's and Sullivan's hands. Was it possible Carpathia was in deeper with
these people than he had let on?
 Sir, I need your help. But I am a journalist first. I can't be bought or
bargained with.
 Oh, of course not. I would never ask such a thing. Let me tell you what I can
do for you. I will arrange to have the London tragedies revisited and
reevaluated, exonerating you.
 How will you do that?
 Does it matter, if it is the truth?
Buck thought a moment.  It is the truth.
 Of course.
 But how will you do that? You have maintained this innocence, Mr. Carpathia,
this man-from-nowhere persona. How can you affect what has happened In
Carpathia sighed.  Buck, I told you your friend Dirk was wrong about a
That is true. I am not in bed with Todd-Cothran or Stonagal or any of the
other international leaders I have been honored to meet recently. However,
there are important decisions and actions coming up that will affect them, and
it is my privilege to have a say in those developments. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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