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keep testing others to see if they also work. The more techniques you can master, the better. By always
trying to learn more and test more, you will be developing a personalized set of dream skills. As you
develop and refine these skills, you will be more successful and more confident. Considering that our
dreams are so highly influenced by our thoughts and emotions, having confidence will create a
foundation for repeatable results. So in the beginning it is best to feel your way through it with an
open-mind and remember that there is always going to be more to learn. With time and experience you
will get better at maintaining your lucidity, and then you will have more time to explore your Dreamtime.
When I first began lucid dreaming, even a few moments of becoming lucid seemed like a great
accomplishment, and it was! Once I became able to maintain my lucidity for several minutes I was even
more thrilled. Over time my lucid explorations lengthened from five minutes to ten minutes then twenty,
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The Lucid Dreamer s Manual: From the Basics to Beyond
and if I am lucky, I am now able to remain fully conscious in the dream realm for an hour or more. I
would expect that as time progresses I can look forward to even longer periods of lucidity. Even though
your first flashes of lucidity may be short-lived by pragmatically testing and continually refining your
dream skills, you will undoubtedly learn how to remain fully conscious for longer periods.
Controlling Your Lucid Dreams
Before we go into some of the effective techniques that you can use to maximize your dream control, we
should first discuss dream control in general. You have undoubtedly had normal dreams where you have
created certain events within the dream. Maybe you were looking for someone and found that person, or
maybe you were thinking about a specific turn of events and then sure enough they occurred. Maybe you
discovered that you were able to fly, and by doing so you were able to save yourself from some
predicament. We exercise a certain amount of dream control simply by thinking and acting within the
dream itself whether the dream is a lucid one or not.
The more effectively you can maneuver within the dream realm, the better the odds that you will have
positive experiences while in a dream. Increasing your dream control will have numerous benefits
ranging from decreased fear to better navigational skills. When discussing dream control the focus
centers upon the degree to which your thoughts and intentions directly affect the dream. Even if you
develop exceedingly high levels of dream control, there will still be factors within the dream that don t
seem to be under your conscious control, and that is fine. The complexity of exactly how your mind
works to create such vivid dreamscapes may never be fully understood, but for now, it is safe to assume
that the subconscious mind plays a large role in supplying dream material.
It would be simply too much to expect your conscious mind to be controlling all facets of the dream at
the same time. For example, you may be lucid and exercise a great degree of dream control but you are
not consciously creating the entire dreamscape. You are influencing a preexisting structure. It is as if
your subconscious mind fills in the general blanks and creates the basic playing, and it is up to you to
consciously interact within this given environment. You can influence many factors within the
dreamscape and you can even actively create changes in this environment, but there is a substantial
amount of underlying help that you receive from your subconscious mind.
When you think about it, if you did consciously generate every facet of the dream from the petals on
every flower to the beautiful horizon, it would be a lot less fun and a lot less insightful. One amazing
thing about dreams is that they are so unpredictable and so insightful, precisely because they are coming
from a source that is more comprehensive than your fragmented conscious mind. You will be directly
interacting with your subconscious in many ways and learning which approaches will work best in
certain situations. When I say work best, I mean which actions, thoughts or intentions will bring about a
desired outcome.
The amount of dream control may vary from dream to dream, but just like in the case of prolonging your
lucidity, with time there is a tendency for the dreamer to become more skilled at positively maneuvering
through the dream. It makes perfect sense when you think about it. The more experience you have the
more you will learn through trial and error which ways work best for you. Hopefully, the following
dream control tips and techniques will give you the advantage of knowing beforehand what to expect,
how to react, and most importantly, how to create the results that you desire.
The Power of Intent
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The Lucid Dreamer s Manual: From the Basics to Beyond
First of all, if I were to summarize the mechanics of effective dream control into one word it would be
"intent". Your dreams are the product of your conscious and subconscious thoughts combined with your
belief systems as we mentioned earlier so it should not be too surprising to learn that your thoughts are
the driving factor in your dreams. To tie this in with dream control and the power of our intent, we need
to establish the proper foundation within our belief systems to allow us the ability to have an influence in
our dreams. For example, if you feel that you are rarely in control during your waking life then you will
probably have more work cut out for you when you are working on developing your dream control. You
will need to redefine and develop your belief systems so that you not only think that you are capable of
being in control, but you must believe it. If you don t believe it, the power of your intent will not have
the proper framework to carry out its magic.
On the other hand, if you are a control freak, you may be a natural when it comes to dream control but
you may want to exercise less control in order to learn that you can find peace and security even when
you give up your need for control. Sometimes it is wiser to go with the flow than it is to waste energy
and time following your tight fisted tendencies. Flowing is almost always the best option when your only
other option is forcing. This is especially true in the dream realm where a forced experience may result in
a missed opportunity to learn something very valuable. Oftentimes had you just gone with the natural [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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