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want to ask anyone else to give up their Halloween night.
Besides I think she has something going with Stuart from the
theater next to the bakery. Why are you here?
Tony took a few steps closer.  I had some time
before exams, and I thought I would drop in on the party.
Mel said you were sick. Mom made you soup. Tony
lifted an armful of packages that Libby hadn t noticed he
lifted an armful of packages that Libby hadn t noticed he
was carrying. His eyes seemed to travel from the top of her
head to where she sat cross legged under her pink flowered
comforter.  Your hair is wet. He took another step
towards her.
 I just got out of the shower. That is a lot of
Tony stopped. Libby with wet hair. Libby in
the shower. Water rushing down& No. He was not going
to think about Libby in the shower. He took a few breaths
and forced a friendly smile.  I brought more than soup. I
will be right back. He turned and jogged out of her room.
Two minutes later he came back empty handed
and swept a quick look around her room. Libby silently
thanked the powers that be for Wednesday s spontaneous
cleaning episode. And she prayed that she had remembered
to put the lid down on her hamper. Dirty laundry was never
a part of her Tony-in-my-bedroom hallucinations.  This
isn t going to work Tony quickly closed the distance to her
bedside, and in one motion scooped her (pink comforter
and all) into his arms. Her arms instinctively wrapped
around his neck as he carried her down the hall into the
family room. Somewhere at the edge of her mind she dimly
recognized that while this did happen in her hallucinations he
was usually carrying her in the other direction. Tony gently
put her down on the couch, and left the room again.
When he came back he was carrying two
bowls, and had a couple bottles of water wedged under his
arm.  Dinner is served. He pulled their coffee table closer
to the sofa and placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in
front of each of them.  I hope you don t mind I helped
myself. I love my mother s soup. He cocked a happy grin
at her as she scrambled to edge of the couch to take a
Libby took two big spoonfuls and sighed
happily.  mmm. Me too. What s in the rest of the bags?
Tony watched her eat& stupid spoon. Maybe
he should have brought a thermos. Was chicken noodle the
kind of soup you could drink from a thermos? Tony didn t
think so and anyway somehow he doubted that Libby
drinking out of a thermos would be any less& effective&
than watching her lick that damn spoon.
 What? Oh right the bags. Well we have a selection of
DVDs, and well I have a surprise for you for later.
Libby twitched her eyebrows at the mention of
a  surprise , but she pulled the bag of DVDs towards her
and poked through it. He had brought a bunch of slasher
films (probably in honor of the holiday), the first Pirates
movie (probably in honor of the fact that he thought Keira
Knightely was a babe), and&  The Little Mermaid?
 I figured if you were sick, and missing a party
then I could make a cinematic concession. And there was
that grin again. Libby was having a hard time deciding if it
was the flu or Tony s smiles that kept giving her waves of
light headedness.  So? What s your pleasure?
Pleasure? Oh, the movie.  I will spare you on
The Little Mermaid, but only because my throat hurts too
much to sing along. How about Pirates?
 You got it. Tony was relieved; and
disappointed. When he had been tossing choices into the
bag those slasher films had conjured images of Libby
clinging to his hand, burying her head in his shoulder, and
leaping into his lap. She had the flu for crying out loud. A
gentleman would not be thinking what he was thinking.
Really he had just wanted to cheer her up. And to be
honest arriving home in time to find a bunch teenagers
dancing around his back yard in costumes, his sister
plastered all over pre-med John, and no Libby had been
more than a little disappointing. So when his mother had
asked him to bring the soup over he had ignored her
annoying wink and hustled himself over to see Libby.
When the soup was gone and Johnny Depp was
on his way to adventure on the high seas, Tony turned to
Libby.  Is that Parker fellow going to mind you watching a
movie with me, or Sam Tucker?
 You have a weird obsession with Sam
Tucker. What about Effie? Libby dodged the question. It
was true that she was supposed to be on a date with Parker
right now. But that was more of a matter of default due to
their best friends being make-out buddies more than
anything else.
 Effie isn t my girlfriend Lib. Tony sounded
agitated as though he was tired of answering that question.
This was categorically unfair as Libby went out of her way
This was categorically unfair as Libby went out of her way
to completely ignore her existence.
 We were friends who were rooming together,
and I have hardly seen her since we moved back to
campus. Not that it was her business, but it suddenly
seemed important to Tony that Libby understand.  I don t
have a girlfriend at the moment.
His words reverberated in the air for a little
while. Libby could almost feel the electricity zinging
between them. She opened her mouth to say something and
 she sneezed a loud and somehow hilarious sneeze. They
were both laughing uncontrollably, and Libby was trying to
catch her breath. It was amazing that even though the
delicious tension from a moment ago had disappeared Libby
was still having the time of her life.
 I ll get you some tissues. I should have thought
of that. Tony was still chuckling as he unfolded himself
from his corner of the couch.  Do you need anything else? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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