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time, everything was right. "Mom& I'm in love with Qhuinn," he blurted.
Just saying the words made him feel better, but the silence on the phone grew long. If he
didn't hear his mother breathing, he would have thought she had hung up on him.
"When did this happen?" She sounded devastated.
"I don't know? I've known for a long time." Please let her understand, he prayed.
"Does he know?"
"We're together," he answered, clear and to the point.
She sighed into the phone and he could hear her crying. "Mom? I'm sorry& I know this
isn't what you wanted or expected from me, but I had to tell you. I'm tired of hiding." He
paused for a few moments, listening to her cry. "He makes me happy," he said softly.
"Blaylock, you are my son and I will always love you, but& "
Blay squeezed his eyes shut, the tears welling up in them. He didn't want to hear the
"We are just now getting our lives back together after the attack. Everything is finally
back in place and now this? The glymera will not stand for it." She raised her voice on
the last sentence.
Blay didn't believe what he was hearing. His mother was not choosing her place in
society over him. No, he refused to believe that. He knew there was a chance she would
react this way, but in his heart, he hoped she would accept him. "I'm sorry you feel that
way," he whispered, the tears now streaming down his cheeks.
"Blaylock& " She began sobbing, heavily. "I just need time to think about this. Just give
me time. I have to go." She hung up.
After what felt like hours, but had probably only been a few minutes, Blay finally
lowered the phone from his ear. He got up from the chair, standing at the edge of the pool
and opened his hand, dropping the phone into the water. He watched it float all the way
to the bottom, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. Completely numb, he
turned around and headed straight for the gym.
Chapter 25
Qhuinn sat in the bar area of Trez and iAm's new restaurant, clicking the backlight of his
phone on and off. He was surprised that he hadn't heard from Blay at all, no missed calls,
no missed texts. He took a deep breath, twisting his neck to the side until it popped.
Drumming his fingers on the bar in front of him, he forced himself to remain calm. He
wasn't going to freak out just yet.
"Why don't you just call him?" Xhex asked, startling him. When Qhuinn looked up, it
was just him and Xhex at the bar. Shit, he never noticed John leave. "He went to the
bathroom," she assured him. He looked Xhex in the face then back to his phone. He'd
give John one more minute before he went looking for him. "Well are you going to call
or just sit there staring at your phone all night?"
"What's it to you?" He shot back.
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, sit there and mope, I don't give a fuck."
Qhuinn watched as Xhex swallowed the last of her bottled water. Did he really want to
have this conversation with her? Hell, she hated his guts and she was good at throwing
smartass comments his way. "He thinks I'm over protective," he finally replied.
She whipped her head back around. "He thinks you're over protective," she laughed. "I'd
have to agree with that."
"Well that's why I'm not calling." Qhuinn spoke sharply, taking a swig of his beer. He set
his phone down on the bar and continued drumming his fingers. This conversation was
over. What business was it of hers anyway? Since when did caring about someone add up
to being overprotective?
"I like what you do." Xhex interrupted his mental pouting.
Qhuinn turned his head towards her. "Excuse me?"
"What you do, watching over John, I like it. It makes me feel at ease when he's out
fighting, knowing that you are with him. Not that he can't take care of himself, I just feel
better about it."
Qhuinn smirked. "Is that gratitude I hear in your voice?" Xhex turned her head,
pretending to focus on the TV mounted in the corner of the room, but Qhuinn knew
better. He knew it took a lot for her to say what she just said, especially to him. As much
as he didn't want to admit it, he and Xhex were a lot alike. Like Blay said, two of a kind.
"I like you as his shellan," he blurted before getting up to go check on John. He could
have elaborated by letting her know that it seemed less like a twenty-four/seven gig since
she was around, but he didn't want to boost her ego to much, so he kept it simple. That's
not to say he wasn't pissed off that she and John were allowed to fight together. It didn't
seem fair to him, but whatever.
Qhuinn looked in the bathroom, but John as nowhere to be found. "Tonight is not the
night to be fucking around, John," he mumbled under his breath. He rushed out of the
bathroom, his eyes darting around the room. He looked back to where Xhex was sitting,
but he wasn't there either. "Son of a bitch." His heart started racing. God, he did not need
this right now. He pulled out his phone and hit the speed dial. "I know you can't talk,
bastard, but where the fuck are you," he cursed into the phone.
He walked around to the other side of the wraparound bar, scanning the room frantically
while listening to John breathing into the phone. "Do you see me, asshole?" John
whistled in reply. Finally, he spotted him in the corner with Trez. Qhuinn sat or more like
fell on the nearest stool and breathed a sigh of relief.
This was too much stress for one night. He had to call Blay and get it over with. After
several rings, the call went to voicemail. He hung up and dialed again and again and
again. Blay wasn't picking up. With shaking hands, he sent him a text.
"Would you like another beer?" Qhuinn jumped, his phone falling out of his hand on to
the floor. The little blonde female working behind the bar was looking at him with a
warm smile. She wasn't the typical whore he'd grown accustomed to in places like
Screamer's, in fact, he couldn't smell a trace of lust bouncing off of her.
"No thank you," he replied nicely, thinking how Blay would have been so proud of him.
He gave her a half ass smile before leaning over to pick up his phone. Luckily, the thing
wasn't shattered to pieces. He flipped it open and called once more. After getting the
voicemail yet again, he skimmed through his inbox making sure he didn't miss a text [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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