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looked very young and, indeed, she was.
He kissed her nose and gave her a sensual smile of reassurance.  Yes, my beauty, but now I ll make it
all better.
Her eyes flickered with renewed desire as he ran his hand down her side and touched her between their
bodies. Her moan was little more than a murmur of pleasure, but her sinuous movements were an
unmistakable invitation. He rose up on his hands above her and rode her endlessly with slow, tender
care; she arched beneath him in trembling desire, caressing the flexing muscles of his chest and abdomen,
staring hotly into his eyes.
The dancing hearth flames cast the shadows of their lovemaking across the expanse of bare walls and
ceiling in the once-elegant drawing room, and as Damien felt his control melting away, he caught a
glimpse of future dreams; this house would live again, he thought, for his fiery Miranda would give it new
life color and laughter and music and warmth all of the rich gifts she had given to him. Then all thought
dissolved, great currents of emotion rolling up from the depths of his heart like a river rising. He clutched
her to him, lost in kissing her, consuming the sweet cries of her climax as he spilled his seed inside of her
body, making her a part of himself irrevocably.
When it was over, he collapsed on her and stayed like that, caressing her cheek and her hair while she
held him. They stared in mystical silence into each other s eyes, both overcome by the depth of the
passion they shared. At length, they drifted off to sleep, their bodies still entwined.
Algernon and fifteen members of the Raptors gang rode up to Bayley House as the red sun was
glimmering on the eastern horizon.
 Surround the house and find them. Remember, he ordered,  no one is to touch the girl. She is mine.
Their swarthy ringleader gave him a surly nod and swung down from his horse, gesturing to the others to
do the same.
One remained behind with him while the others darted off, slipping stealthily around the outer walls of the
house. Algernon dismounted and jerked a nod to the remaining man to follow him to the front door.
Creeping slowly up the front steps, he drew his pistol, then stood well off to the side as he tried the door.
His heart pounding, he nodded again to the professional housebreaker next to him. The gang member
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pulled out a little metal pin from his ridiculous hat, knelt down smoothly, and picked the lock with the
dextrous precision of a Swiss watchmaker. Less than a minute later, the thief turned the doorknob
without a sound and pulled out a knife, then crept into the manor house ahead of him.
Following him into the tomblike silence of the huge, dilapidated house, Algernon passed a glance over
the cobwebby entrance hall with its empty walls and peeling paint. The smell of a smoldering fire hung on
the air. It seemed to be coming from somewhere upstairs. He nodded to his accomplice; then they stole
silently toward the staircase.
Damien awoke with a start, though he didn t know why. He had not been having a nightmare; he did not
think he had heard anything, but wakefulness zoomed into him, calling all of his battle-honed senses onto
high alert. Miranda slept peacefully beside him in his bedroll. He was glad they had put on some of their
clothes before bedding down for the night, for the vast drawing room had gone cold. The fire was nothing
but embers.
An orange-red glow filled the large, arched windows, however, from the rising sun beyond the eastern
He heard something: an indistinct creaking. He held very still, listening with highly attuned senses.
Perhaps it was just one of those noises peculiar to the old house, but he slid out of their warm lovers
nest to go make sure.
He was careful not to disturb Miranda s slumber as he left her alone. Her beauty caught at his heart, but
he did not linger, stalking over silently to glance out the window. He drew in his breath at the sight of over
a dozen riderless horses on the lawn. He turned his head swiftly, just in time to see two men dart by on
the ground beneath his window, gliding toward the back of the house.Who the hell were they? He did
not stop to ponder the question.
In the next second, he was dragging Miranda out of the bedroll, barely awake.
 They re here. Don t breathe a word, he whispered, half carrying her over to the wall by the main
entrance of the drawing room. He ran back over to his camp around the fireplace and grabbed his
weapons pistols, sword, dagger then returned to her and flattened his back against the wall.
She looked at him in bewilderment, sleep in her eyes.  Who s come?
 Whoever s after you. We shall find out soon enough who it is, I warrant. Shh.
He slipped his knife silently out of its sheath while she cowered in terror beside him, covering her mouth
with her hands. He could hear the men coming down the corridor. There was scarcely time to wonder
how their faceless enemy had known they had left Knight House and had come here. The trespassers
were closer now; he could hear their creeping steps.
He cocked his head, focusing on discerning the number, weight, and height of the men by their footfalls,
gauging their size before he had even clapped eyes on them. He counted two. He knew he had to kill
them quietly, or it would bring the rest running. He held his breath as he waited, a terrible thrumming
blood lust pounding in his brain.How dare they storm his house? He had to protect Miranda. He could
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feel them getting closer, closer. He flicked his fingers over the hilt of his knife and ticked off the seconds
in his mind.Four, three, two, one.
He whirled out of his hiding place as they stepped into the drawing room and swung out with the knife,
slashing the first man s throat, stabbing the second in the belly with one smooth, dancelike motion. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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