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reminded the people that Tsion Ben-Judah had promised to come and address them
in person, and they lifted such a roar that he himself could barely wait for
that day.
"You know, do you not," he said, unamplified yet miraculously able to be heard
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by all under his charge, "that the Word of God tells us we will live here
unmolested, our clothes not wearing out, and we will be fed and quenched until
the wrath of God against his enemies is complete. John the
Revelator said he saw 'something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and
those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark
and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of
God.' Beloved, those John would have seen in his revelation of heaven and who
had victory over the beast are those who had been martyred by the beast. Death
is considered victory because of the resurrection of the saints!
"Sing with me the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,
saying: 'Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true
are your ways, O King of the saints!
Who shall not fear you, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy.
For all nations shall come and worship before you, for your judgments have
been manifested.'
"John said he heard the angel of the waters saying, 'You are righteous, O
Lord, the One who is and who was and who is to be, because you have judged
these things.'
"And what," Chaim continued, "of our enemies who have shed the blood of saints
and prophets? God has turned the oceans into blood, and one day soon he will
turn the rivers and lakes to blood as well, giving them blood to drink. For it
is their just due.
"But what shall we his people eat and drink, here in this place of refuge?
Some would look upon it and say it is desolate and barren. Yet God says that
at twilight we shall eat meat, and in the morning we shall be filled with
bread. In this way we shall know that he is the Lord our God."
That evening a great flock of quails invaded and a million saints enjoyed
roasting them over open fires. In the morning, when the dew lifted, there on
the rocky ground were small, round flakes as fine as frost. "We need not ask
ourselves, as the children of Israel did, 'What is it?'" Chaim said. "For we
know God has provided it as bread. Take, eat, and see that it is filling and
sweet, like wafers made with honey. As Moses said to them, 'This is the bread
the Lord has given you to eat.'
"And what shall we drink? Again, God Almighty himself has provided." Chaim
raised both arms, and springs of fresh, cool water flowed from rocks in every
quarter of Petra, enough for everyone.
The refueling had gone without incident in Maryland, but Rayford wondered when
their supply of impostors would run dry. A couple of hours later, Rayford took
the controls for the landing at the tiny airstrip by Lake Michigan near what
was left of downtown Chicago. His passengers were rested but stunned by the
news related in his call from Steve Plank.
The news had also proved devastating at the safe house. Chang reported from
New Babylon that he had been able to cover in the computer for the motion and
heat activity of Chloe's movements that might otherwise have raised a red
flag, and Tsion told Rayford by phone that Chloe was sick about having been
responsible. "But she has exciting news," Dr. Ben-Judah said. "She is
insisting on being the one to pick you up. And yes, we have the young Mr. Wong
covering for your landing and your transport here."
The landing was a test of Rayford's skills, and as he touched down as close to
the water as possible, he wondered if he would have been smart to let Mac
handle it. But the reverse thrusters left him with room to spare, and he
maneuvered the jet between two abandoned buildings, where it could be
recognized from the stratosphere only from an angle available just a few
seconds a day.
The others allowed Buck out first to greet Chloe. She drove a Humvee from
beneath the Strong
Building and had brought Ming to hold Kenny. Rayford stretched and watched the
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reunion as the other five clambered out and unloaded luggage. Finally safe
again in the building, introductions were made all around before they knelt
and prayed and wept over lost and endangered loved ones. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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