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path. "I had no idea you'd--"
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"Nice running into you, Len. Right now, though, I really--" "Nope, I
insist on one dance immediately." "Maybe later."
"I'll follow you around, dog your every footstep, Moll, until--"
"Okay, allright. One." She let go of Dan. "You go ahead. I'll pacify this
nuisance and join you."
Dan waited until the handsome young man had taken Molly out into the dancing
crowd and then continued on his way.
In less than five minutes he was crouching behind the platform, hidden in the
deep shadows. He could see the table where China, Knerr and
Pickfair were seated. Carefully he aimed his sound rod stuck the tiny earphone
in place and activated the recorder.
"... something can be arranged," Knerr was saying.
Pickfair laughed. "Something unpleasant," he suggested. "You know, the thing
that absolutely annoys the very hell out of me is
people who think that they're smarter than I." He was a pudgy young man with
curly brown hair, about nineteen at most, and wearing a too tight tuxsuit.
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China took a sip of her drink. "You tend to get awfully nasty when
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you're annoyed."
"I'm nasty at the best of' times, dear heart." Smiling, he shifted in his
chair and looked directly at the distant spot where Dan was crouched. "You may
as well come join us, Danny boy," he said. "We already have Molly."
Gomez, limping slightly, walked over to the window of their hotel suite. A new
day was commencing and Vienna was beginning to fill with pale sunlight. "Did
you believe the prof?." he asked.
"He impressed me as being sincere, yeah." Jake was sitting, slouched, in an
armchair. Weariness showed in his face. "Soon as we finish up the official
rigamarole with the local police, I want to head back to
Greater LA and look up this Roddy Pickfair."
Turning his back on the. morning Gomez said, "Our assignment, far as
Cosmos is concerned, was to find out who was behind the assassinations in
Berlin and if any US gov agencies were tied in. We've got Nister, who helped
arrange the details of the killings, and eventually we'll have his Tek cartel
cronies. We also have the name of the IDCA agent who--"
"It isn't over for me, Sid," said Jake quietly. "Not until I run down everyone
who had anything to do with Beth's death."
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"Jenny Keaton is planning to remain here in Vienna to see that all the local
miscreants get rounded up and brought to justice," reminded his partner. "We
can go home to GLA, si, but why don't we just take a rest and--"
"I didn't kill Nister last night." Jake rose up out of the chair.
"I'm not an uncontrollable madman. If Pickfair is guilty of anything, I won't
slaughter him or--"
"You came damn close to doing in Nister, amigo. "Gomez held his thumb and
forefinger an inch apart. "Damn close. I know what you're feeling, but it
would be safer to declare this case closed."
"All I intend to do is find out if Pickfair is tied in or not. You don't have
to help," Jake told him. "But I'm not stopping. If Bascom wants me to take a
leave while I continue to--"
"Jake, mornentito," cut in his friend. "I'll keep working with you on this
mess. But, porfavor, you have got to stop acting so much like a vigilante. To
me you seem to be getting damn close to the edge."
"Maybe I should've reserved a room there at the Berggasse Foundation, huh?"
Jake's voice was getting near being a shout. ""I've got this problem, doctor.
Ever since they blew up Beth, I don't know, I've been upset. Then, after they
killed her, they tried to make me believe she
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was still alive. Why'd they do that? Oh, because it amused the bastards to
play a god damn game with--"
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"I know what they did. I know what it means to you," said Gomez carefully.
"But I don't want to see you turn into somebody who uses a tragedy as an
excuse to--"
"Sid, I didn't kill Nister, remember? I wanted to--yeah, I admit that
I truly did--but I got control of myself. Even if you hadn't been there, I
don't think I would have gone ahead with it." The vidphone rang.
"I'll answer." Gomez crossed to the alcove. "Then afterwards we can resume
hollering at each other, amigo."
It was Bascom, even more rumpled than usual. "Is Jake around?"
"Something wrong, jefe?"
"Well, something is very much futzed up. Can I--"
"What is it, Walt?" Jake sat down in front of the phone screen
"I thought I'd better let you know this," said the head of the Cosmos
Detective Agency. "May not be serious, yet--"
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"Is it Dan? Has something happened to him?"
"The op who was watching him--it was McCay on this particular shift--was found
unconscious, stun gunned in some decorative shrubs behind the GLA Civic Plaza
an hour ago."
"And Dan?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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