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middle of the room, not moving from the spot.
He wanted to pull her under him and fuck her for being the submissive that she was.
He gritted his teeth as he reached into the bag of tricks.
Funny, but he usually would have had sex a few times by now, instead of only once.
Somehow, she tamed his heat. Made him more invested in her pleasure instead of banging
her for his satisfaction. Odd.
 Come here, Angelica. He d found what he wanted to use.
With a swallow, she tiptoed over to him so quietly he barely heard her. Ducked her
head down, looking at her toes. Such a perfect look.
Settler s Mine 4: The Wolf 41
He reached over with a sure hand to pull up her chin.  Look at me. His gaze sought
hers out.
 Yes, Clyde. She swallowed again as her eyes met his.
 Hold out your hands.
 Yes, Clyde. She held out both hands in front of her. She wasn t shaking or nervous.
She was in her element.
Any sign of unease and he d have stopped. But her calmness made him sure of his
actions. He slipped rope bonds up over her hands onto her wrists. They would keep her
hands together. He moved swiftly to the bed and looped a longer rope up on the headboard.
When the time came, he d tie the wrist bonds to that rope.
He saw a delicate shiver move across her back.
She looked down at the bonds holding her hands. And blew out a deep breath. She
seemed captivated by the ropes holding her.
 Too tight? He ambled back to her side.
 No, Clyde.
 Good. If you ever don t like something, or it hurts, I want to know. He wanted to
give her what she wanted, not hurt her. This was about satisfying her. Which would bring
about his own pleasure.
 Yes, Clyde. Her low, throaty voice made his pulse pop.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and spread his legs apart. His gaze met hers again.
 Suck my cock.
A sweet pink tongue came out to massage her lower lip.  Yes, Clyde. A smile gathered.
His chest constricted. He liked making her do things, but it was even better knowing
how much she enjoyed his actions and his commands. He felt responsible for her pleasure.
And would take that responsibility seriously.
42 Mechele Armstrong
She lowered herself to the floor, kneeling before him. On her knees, she crept over to
the bed.
He spread his legs a hair more apart and watched her approach. He leaned back on his
hands with his hips at the very edge of the bed.
So lovely. He wanted to nip that ass and ride her already. Her mouth on him was going
to be sensual heaven.
She drew up on her knees in front of him. Placed her bound hands on his knee to
steady herself. Her mouth lowered and pressed a kiss to his thigh.
A tease.
A test.
A small one, but an act of not doing what he d asked. And that wouldn t do. She
wanted him to command her. And that meant her doing what he d commanded.
He reached down and pulled her head up by her hair.  I said to suck my cock.
Anywhere but there, and I ll go to bed for sleep.
A shudder rocked her and her voice was husky.  Yes, Clyde. Sorry, Clyde. He d never
heard such eagerness from her before. He d passed a test with her. Kept her on the track of
obeying him.  Yes, Clyde.
He released her head and it dipped down again.
Glorious lips descended on his cock. Her warmth and wetness surrounded him.
Enveloped him. Took him into a warm cavern. His hips bucked a little off the bed.
She slipped her mouth around the tip of his cock and suckled slightly. Barely enough to
register on his radar, but reminding him what he had to look forward to.
He leaned his head back. Sensations raced through him.
She sucked again and again, her mouth slowly moving up his length. Her teeth never
scraped him. Her lips were wide enough so that wouldn t happen, but tight enough to let
him feel them around him.
Settler s Mine 4: The Wolf 43
He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations of her mouth. On the
burgeoning pleasure building up inside him. His entire body filled with it. Shocks ran up and
down his nerve endings, along with molten heat.
He felt about ready to explode like a volcano. He wanted to come, but wanted to
prolong this moment as much as possible. Wanted his time with her to be as long as he could
make it. He concentrated on holding himself off. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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