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to be together all the time? In a Cambridge college. Away
from Bride s it s different. Here caution isn t foolishness.
He moved his hand to stroke his lover s knee.  You must
admit, though, we ve established by now that no-one s
likely to come barging through our locked door, so it
wouldn t be foolhardy to risk lovemaking. He turned
Orlando s face towards him.  I really would value it.
 Then we ll make it so. Coppersmith began to undo
the buttons he d been fiddling with.
Jonty could feel the prickles of excitement on his neck,
like a sprinkle of raindrops. It had been a long, dry spell, a
time of constantly searching the sky of Orlando s demeanor
for a cloud of desire. A cloud which might be persuaded to
burst into a sweet rain of passion. Jonty felt parched, arid,
desperate to be drenched in the downpour.  The light,
Orlando. Let s put it out.
In the warm, hushed darkness Coppersmith s hands
once more found his lover s body. He lowered his head,
planting kisses on Jonty s chest, working up, over the
shoulders, onto his back. Stewart reveled in the cascade of
kisses, turning his head to better take pleasure in the sweet,
moist touch of his lover s lips. He caressed the soft skin of
Coppersmith s back, tracing the same lazy circles as he
often did, the motions which they both relished so much and
which made them so thrilled.  Let me kiss you. Jonty
whispered into the charged, electrical air that flowed
between them, air like the strange atmosphere that preceded
thunder. Only this ambience promised a storm without
 No; this is your reward. You can kiss me later, bring
me pleasure later, now it s all for you. My love, Orlando
murmured into his lover s neck, gracing it again with kisses,
 my only love.
Jonty lay back, letting himself be soaked in delight,
Charlie Cochrane
allowing his lover s fingers and mouth to run free, trying to
dispel any guilt at the selfish hedonism he felt. Orlando had
offered freely, he wanted it to be so. Stewart knew that
despite all Coppersmith had said these last few days, his
unconscious body longed for them to make love again. As
they d slept side by side, Stewart had been aware of his
lover s excitement, of his being, as Coppersmith put it
poor shy Coppersmith who had to rely on coy
euphemisms ready to do his duty. They were both ready
to do their duty now, imminently so on Jonty s part,
especially if Orlando kept touching there, now.
 Please stop a moment. Stewart moved his lover s
hand away.  No, it s alright, I just wanted the chance to
relax a while. Get my breath back. He brushed his hand
along his lover s pyjamas.  Take these off, eh? He lay
back again, breathing deeply. It was wrong, after such a
drought, to let the first tempest blow out in such a short
space of time. They should calm down again, make the
storm last until they both yearned for the thunder to crash,
bringing peace and satiation. Jonty felt Orlando s smooth
frame sidle up to him again, sleek with sweat.  Together,
please? I don t mind playing games, but tonight is special,
our first time away from college. It should be concurrent,
not sequential, any good mathematician should know that.
He heard Coppersmith chuckle in the darkness.
 As you wish. Always as you wish. Orlando began to
pay his attentions again, letting Jonty respond in kind this
It was better, so much better, to give and take pleasure
in concert. Orlando s skin tasted sweet, as did his hair. His
silky skin delighted Jonty s fingers as much as Orlando s
fingers thrilled his lover s flesh. The trickles of delight
became streams, and the streams became torrents of
 Sh, sh, Stewart whispered into his lover s ear.
Coppersmith had begun to moan, just a little too loudly
the walls here weren t as thick as the stone of St. Bride s.
Lessons in Desire
 This isn t the place. He brought his fingers up to
Orlando s lips , holding them there.
 I m sorry, Coppersmith murmured against Stewart s
hand,  Should we stop?
 No! Jonty wasn t sure he could stop, not now.  No,
just keep the noise down. If you can, he added, smiling
Orlando became quieter. Stewart could feel his lover s
mouth pressed against his shoulder as the tempest reached
its crescendo. He wondered whether the man was trying to
repress the urge to cry out. One day he d take him to his
family home in Sussex, with its thick walls and long
corridors, but for now they d have to be canny. Jonty
whispered more words of affection, broken whispers
because it had got close to the point where he d hardly be
able to speak.
 Make it happen, Jonty. Orlando breathed the words
into his lover s hair. The plaintive note in Coppersmith s
voice made Stewart s heart turn a somersault. Making love
to Orlando over the last few months had proved a
revelation, the man having depths of emotion that could
hardly be guessed at by looking at his stern exterior. If he
was serious and shy in the outside world, in bed he was
strong yet sensitive, as bold as Thor with thunderbolts of
passion, as tender as a fawn. Now he was like a child again,
a little boy who d found an amazing gift love and the
equally amazing acts of love which could enfold it.
 Of course, Orlando. I do love you, you know. Jonty s
hands began to make the final little motions that would
make the storm reach its climax, then be done. He almost
didn t need Coppersmith to do the same for him; to bring
his lover pleasure was going to be enough, this time. As the
peak came, with a summer shower suddenly hitting the
windows and serenading them with soft pattering, they
didn t need to swear their love to each other, protest the
fullness of it, as they both already knew that fact well
Chapter Five
 Just go behind the bush and take your trousers off. Now.
Stewart s patience had worn dangerously thin because
someone was prevaricating. The someone still refused to
move.  If you don t do it within the next ten seconds, I will
come and do it for you. I mean it. I ll strip you down to your
bathing costume in full view of everyone, then I ll take all
my clothes off all of them, Orlando. Then I ll probably
shout, just to bring attention to ourselves.
It was a hollow threat. The everyone was actually three
sea gulls and a sad looking cormorant. The only people who
could have paid any attention were on two fishing trawlers
and they d have needed powerful telescopes to see anything
in the secluded little cove. But empty as it was, the warning
had been enough to get Coppersmith scurrying behind the
shrubs while his friend kept watch, eventually emerging in a
glorious blue and white horizontally striped costume. One
which he felt did justice to his lithe frame.
 About time too. That water looks so enticing, some of
us could have been in it ten minutes ago. Stewart
continued to mutter as he went behind the bush, flinging his
suit and shirt off. He filled his costume very effectively, so
Lessons in Desire
much so that Orlando had to look away for a few moments
to compose himself. He had seen this extraordinary sight
before, of course, when they d donned the handsome
garments after breakfast, but he d been too full of worry to
take any notice. Now Jonty was looking devastatingly
attractive and he couldn t do a thing about it. Except
remember how wonderful the last night had been, perhaps
anticipate the next.
There had been a nasty moment, as they left the hotel,
when they d run into the  Misses as Jonty now referred to
the two young unmarried ladies who were staying at The
Beaulieu. The girls had been particularly inquisitive as to
how the men were to spend their day. Orlando had silently
prayed that the normally scrupulously honest Stewart
wouldn t reveal their secret, making it impossible not to
invite the females along. He d underestimated his friend s
ingenuity; Jonty had told the ladies that they were intending
to study Scyphozoan life forms, with perhaps a diversionary
examination of the native reptilians, which had been quite [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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