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atomic doors which immediately permits it to go into the light of the sun.
Once freed, the Creature on the epidermis of our world reinitiates a new evolution; then it
becomes a gnome or pygmy of the mineral kingdom, it will continue later its evolution,
ascending through the vegetable and animal levels, until it reconquers, in a faraway day,
the state of intellectual humanoid that it had once lost.
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
Esteemed audience, distinguished gentlemen, honorable ladies, let us talk a little about
continuous movement
Every now and again the intellectual rascals concern themselves with continuous
movement and it is clear that the public opinion is intensely stirred up.
There have always been attempts to invent some mechanism that functions perpetually,
but this is not possible due the inevitable wear and tear of materials.
It is clear that if the pieces of any machine are worn out, continuous movement
Some persons, trying to discover the law of continuous movement, have ended up in an
One cannot help but laugh when contemplating so many likable artifacts, which have not
yielded any results.
What ingenious mechanisms have not yet been invented by intellectual rascals? However,
the problem continues without solution.
Frankly, we have already discovered the law of continuous movement in the marvellous
cylinder of the Archangel Hariton; it is said that its principal part is made of amber with
platinum axes while the interior panels of the walls are made of  amphrocite,  copper,
and  ivory and of a very strong  cement resistant to cold, heat and water and also to
radiations of the concentrations of the cosmos.
In our way of seeing and understanding things, it is obvious that as long as external levers
such as toothed wheels have to be renewed from time to time, although they are made of
stronger metal, prolonged use will wear them away.
We are talking unquestionably about the wheel of Samsara, which rotates eternally.
All of us, without any exceptions, have rotated many times with this great wheel and if
continuous movement is not interrupted, it is due exclusively to the infinite quantity of
dispensable elements.
Let us think for a moment on the axis of this great wheel, that which is said to be of
platinum; it could also be affirmed in an emphatic manner that it is made of silver.
Anyone knows that silver or platinum are of a lunar nature; it is obvious that the axis of
the fatal wheel could not be of another material.
In regards to amber, it is clear that it is found diluted in everything created; we should not
forget that the latter completely unified the three universal forces.
It is extraordinary that the three primary forces of creation, although each is working
independently and apart from the other, remain unified thanks to that magnificent
substance called  amber.
Each of us has not only passed through the windmill many times, but also through each
of the teeth of the windmill.
With this saying, I want to emphasize the news that we incessantly rotated through
successive eternities on the wheel of the Archangel Hariton, that is, on the extraordinary
wheel of Samsara.
The dispensable material is the egos that descend on the tragic wheel; they disintegrate in
the Avernus.
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
On the right Anubis always ascends evolving, and on the left involuting Typhon
We have repeated in all these talks, to satiation, that each of you is assigned 108
existences. It is clear that once the cycle of successive lives is ended, if we have not
achieved the inner self-realization of our Being, we rotate on the wheel of the Archangel
Hariton, descending within the submerged mineral kingdom.
With this we want to talk very clearly and say: One evolves up to a perfectly defined
point through nature and then one involutes.
We ascend evolving on the right side of the wheel and descend involuting on the left side
of the same wheel.
The evolving ascent begins, properly said, from the mineral kingdom.
Any esoterist investigator with awake consciousness can verify the crude reality of
evolving creatures of the superior mineral kingdom (to differentiate them from the
submerged inferior one).
Many times, moving outside of my physical body with the Eidolon, I have opened rocks
or stone fragments, to study these multiple creatures that inhabit the superior mineral
I can tell you without fear of exaggerating, that such innocent creatures are beyond good
and evil.
On a certain occasion when I opened a rock fragment, I could see many ladies and
gentlemen elegantly dressed, that were at the most, 5 to 10 centimeters tall. There is no
doubt that these small mineral elementals are pleased to disguise themselves with the
garb of humanoids. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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