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sweat, his cock hard as a plank poking Hayden in the belly with every small movement he attempted all
Bound by Nature
of it was almost enough to bring Hayden to orgasm already. Unable to hold back, he even made a growling
sound of keen pleasure, and that only seemed to tease Josh into more of a sexual frenzy.
They kissed for a moment, mouths desperately opening, tongues swiping and swirling until Hayden
couldn t hold back another soft moan. The noise caused Josh to press harder against him, and to release a
louder cry of his own. Hayden answered by sliding a hand behind Josh s neck, pulling him closer, for a
rougher, more commanding kiss. Their aggressive natures began making demands, back and forth, in the
way they touched and explored each other.
Josh gripped Hayden s shoulders, his fingers digging into the bare flesh, and settled his hips down a
bit lower. Those powerful thighs of Josh s opened wider, spreading, allowing more intimate contact, and
their abdomens brushed together. Their muscled chests pushed and gave, until Josh paused for a moment,
staring down into Hayden s eyes. Sharp frustration filled those luminous depths Hayden understood
instantly. This was a straight man well, maybe not so much but still. That was the issue. Josh was used
to knowing exactly how to go for the gusto and score a home run. Trying to tangle together with another
man, probably for the first time in his life while wanting that same man with an almost painful
intensity it was messing with the Alpha s need to take charge.
Hayden smiled, getting it completely. For a long, slow moment, he leaned back against the seat and
just looked up at Joshua in awed admiration. The man was a rare thing of beauty at that moment. All
breathless, overheated, and ripe with mating scents.
Hayden brushed Josh s sweaty curls out of his face, and started to laugh at the craziness of the entire
situation. He had this man, the one he d wanted for years now, bearing down on top of him, and they
couldn t seem to get a decent position going, couldn t even figure out the best way to just blow each other.
Not with Joshua humping him like he was a woman, Hayden thought, barely stifling a bark of laughter.
As crazy-fevered as they both were, it seemed like the two of them couldn t quite pull the whole thing
off, at least in terms of positioning. Hayden cupped Josh by the hips, stilling his instinctive gyrations. Josh
frowned down at him, appearing confused and a little& well, shy, surprisingly enough. That disconcerted
expression on such a tough, masculine face nearly did Hayden in, then and there.
Josh arched his back, never letting go of his hold on Hayden s shoulders, and leveled him with a dark,
erotic gaze.  Don t you want this? he asked throatily, squeezing his thighs tight against Hayden s legs.
Josh dipped his head low and gave Hayden a long, deep kiss, working lazy fingers through Hayden s hair
in a kind of caress. Then, Josh s tactic changed, and he tangled those locks within tight, greedy fists,
expressing every bit of sexual frustration that Hayden shared with him at the moment.
Waiting to get back to Josh s place instantly ceased to be a viable option.
 Yeah, settle on me, baby, Hayden murmured, eyes drifting shut in the deepest pleasure. Josh
straddled a little wider and lower, and bingo, liquid fire speared right through Hayden s groin.  Like that,
Josh. Oh, yeah, just like that.
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Cooper Davis
Hayden slid a hand between their abdomens, taking Josh s swollen erection within his own shaky
hand. As he enclosed the tip within his fingers, Josh released a low-pitched, aggressive growl. Hayden had
never wanted anything so much in his life as to bring this strong Alpha wolf to release, to make the man
throw back his head and howl to the fucking moon he was so damned over the edge.
But Josh s earlier words skimmed through Hayden s dreamy, half-aware mind. Not the right place.
 Not the right place, Hayden mumbled, but Josh would have none of that. He clasped Hayden s jaw,
dragging his mouth upward for a forceful, demanding kiss. Hayden shook his head again, protesting
weakly. He was the one with experience in this department at least, that s what he d thought until the last
few minutes. This first time had to be incredible for Joshua; in fact, it was supremely important to Hayden
that he take him to realms of pleasure no female lover had ever dared show him or ever could before
this night.
Josh cocked his head, studying him quizzically, his chest rising and falling with quick, wolf-like [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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