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"I know you're awake," he said into her hair.
"Can we pretend I didn't do this?" she asked in a small voice against his chest.
"Of course not." His husky tone held more than a hint of amusement.
Zanita quickly disengaged herself, affronted. "That's not very chivalrous of
Tyber did not seem particularly concerned about chivalry. "Do you often fall
asleep in a public place in the arms of the person next to you?"
Before she could summon up a suitable retort, he grinned wickedly at her. "You
talk in your sleep."
Zanita flushed, opened her mouth like a fish, then closed it. What had she said?
Oh, God. Would he even tell her? Those damn Hogs!
She wisely stayed silent until the end of the picture, sitting ramrod straight
in her chair, trying desperately not to look embarrassed.
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When the movie ended Tyber took her hand as if he had every right to, leading
her out to the mall court.
"Relax, Curls, you didn't say anything too revealing." He scratched his chin in
thought. "Except for the part about the sexual aids hidden in a shoebox under
your bed."
She stopped and stared at him, horrified.
He laughed out loud. "It was just a lucky guess, really."
She tried to tug her hand away from him; he held firm.
"I have no such thing! You're terrible "
"That's not what you said in your sleep," he teased.
She blushed crimson. Considering her shameless thoughts about him, she might
have said anything. Anything at all. She ran her fingers through her hair in a
nervous gesture. Forget the interview; this was too embarrassing to be endured.
What must the man think of her?
"L-Look,Tyber, I really have to get going; it's late."
"Oh, no you don't." He laced his fingers through hers. "You're not running away.
You tried that once before with me, and it didn't work."
"Please, Doctor Evans& this is so embarrassing."
"You do seem to have a penchant for getting yourself into situations." He smiled
remorselessly at her while maintaining his firm hold on her hand.
"I do not!" His disbelieving look compelled a modicum of honesty. "Okay; so
sometimes I get myself into sticky what did I say to you?" she demanded.
"You didn't say all that much in your sleep, Zanita." He thought it tactful to
leave out her comment about how good he smelled. "Although I have to ask myself
why you're so nervous about what you think you might have said."
"You rat!" She blurted out before thinking. "You let me think I " She stopped
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abruptly, realizing what she had almost revealed.
"You were about to say?" He raised an eyebrow expectantly.
That you're gorgeous beyond words and I was wondering if you were as sexy in bed
as you look. "You let me think that I might have revealed confidences entrusted
to me by my friends," she prevaricated.
"Your nose is growing. However, I apologize if I've embarrassed you in any way."
His voice was overly sincere. "Let me buy you an ice cream cone so we can be
friends again."
"You may buy me an ice cream cone, but we are not exactly friends."
"Nonsense; you've slept in my arms, Curls. What flavor would you like?"
"Monkey crunch and stop calling me by that ridiculous name."
His gaze traveled assessingly over her short black hair. "Oh, I don't know it
seems to fit." He ordered their cones, his eyes twinkling at her as if he were
just waiting for her to snap back at him.
Was he purposely irritating her just to irritate her?
She was about to let him have it with both barrels when the rest of the group
caught up with him. "Saved by the cavalry." Her tongue swirled around the ice
cream as if to punctuate her statement.
"Lucky me," he murmured. "Can I taste?" He didn't wait for her answer, leaning
down to take a lick of her ice cream.
While his attention was focused on the cone in her hand, his head was on a level
with hers. He slowly raised his eyelashes, meeting her eyes. Their lips were
only a few inches apart.
He stared intently at her for several heart-stopping moments.
Zanita felt as if her stomach had fallen to the floor only to bounce back into
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her ribcage.
"Mmm just what I like: not too sweet, varied texture, unusual flavor, with a
creamy consistency." He licked the cone one more time, his eyes never leaving
hers. "Want to try mine?"
He was shameless.
An unconventional, incredibly alluring, no-holds-barred kook!
Zanita really liked him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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