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Too many of us judge our partners according to some hidden inner picture of
the perfect lover. When a man isn't aware of his inner female, he tends to
unconsciously project standards and requirements on to his partner. And the
reverse is true for women. When we each intimately know our internal
opposite gender, our inner male and female can accept, honor, and love each
other. Only then can we fully embrace our outer beloved unconditionally.
Energy Is Life Force
Tantric sex is about mastering energy, the vitality of life. Everything in the
physical universe is in motion due to energy flowing. The cells in our bodies,
the blood in our veins, the electrical impulses in our nerves all continuously
vibrate inside.
Energy is the physical oscillations that our bodies feel all the time. If not for
feeling energy moving, how would we become aware of being turned on, angry,
nervous, or in love? We feel energetic sensations in our body: the heat that
spreads in waves, the arousal that raises goose bumps, the tingles and tickles
that titillate.
The energy Tantrikas work with is the nervous stimulation and physical
excitation that causes these feelings. The strongest energy that most people
experience is just before an orgasm. So we often target "orgasmic energy" in
our exercises and rituals. But it's all the same electrical and magnetic life force
in our bodies.
Tantra teaches heightened awareness of these subtler, finer frequencies. Most
people don't notice them because their receivers haven't been tuned to pick
them up. That's partly why we delight in exploring our senses of taste, sight,
smell, and sound as well as deeper appreciation of sensual touch. Because
energy flows where attention goes, we learn that our consciousness becomes
our most powerful energy focusing tool. We learn to harness these subtle
vibrations - guiding the flows, channeling the energy - which ultimately become
powerful tidal waves of ecstasy.
In China it's called chi, in India it's called prana, in Japan it's called ki, but it's
all energy. We're talking about the same life force that pervades our bodies,
minds, and souls. Tantra teaches that energy is generated and stored in each
of our seven chakras. Chakras are centers or vortices inside the body from the
bottom of the spine to the top of the head where subtle energy is generated,
collected, and stored. At each center, the energy swirls with different qualities.
When we talk about orgasmic energy, we're referring to vibrations of the sex
chakra at the pelvic floor. At the heart, it's the warm embrace of love. In the
brain, it fuels higher awareness. At the crown, it connects us to the spiritual
plane. This raises the question of why Tantrikas refer to sex as sacred.
Sacred Sex
Though it's only one of aspect, Tantra is often referred to as sacred sexuality.
Is it because Tantric practice is a way to bring sexuality into harmony with
spirituality? Is it because we treat love play an expression of spirit? Is it
because we view sexual love as a sacrament and sacred union? Yes, but
there's more.
Tantrikas make love on multiple levels: sex, heart, and spirit. That's how we
connect lust, love, and the divine. We can call that kind of sex spiritual, we
can call it intimate communion, or we can call it meditation. Merging energies
brings us closer to our intrinsic holistic nature.
The moment of orgasm is the closest most people come to communion with
their inner being and God/Goddess. Tantra teaches that this experience is a
brief glimpse into our true divine nature: ecstatic in the body, compassionate
in the heart, empty in the mind, blissful in the spirit. To get a taste of this
exalted condition, just imagine the powerful experience of prolonged and
multiple orgasms. We believe enlightened beings like Buddha or Jesus lived in
this state of continuous orgasm with the entire universe without sexual
That's why Tantric ritual often includes honoring each other as reflections of
the divine. We choose to look through the outer shell and see into ourselves
and our beloved as a God or Goddess. Sex is sacred because we treat it as a
divine gift. We approach love play as if entering a holy temple. We enter into
Tantric ritual as a path to liberation of body, mind, and spirit.
Ecstasy Orgasm
We all build up sexual tension in our bodies. Consequently, untrained lovers
too often treat sex as a way to relieve this pressure and blow off steam. These
mini-explosions release energy quickly in a few-second flash of pleasure.
There's nothing wrong with a hot quickie now and then. But, explosive
orgasm, more so for men when accompanied by ejaculation, often drains lovers
of their vital essence.
A typical non-Tantric orgasm is more like a little sneeze than fireworks moving
heaven and earth. Through Tantric practice. orgasm becomes a much different
experience. It becomes a sacred energy event, separate from energy release
and physical ejaculation. Instead of throwing it away in a quick burst, Tantra
teaches us to utilize and recycle sexual energy as the raw material that creates
divine ecstasy and higher consciousness.
Tantrikas cultivate the ecstatic response, which you might call the inner
nervous system orgasm. By conserving and channeling orgasmic energy
within, Tantrikas experience long-lasting implosive orgasms. Instead of
discharging, the energy implodes, flooding the entire body with pulsing
orgasmic contractions and continuous wavelike vibrations. We shake all over,
engulfed in surge after surge of pure liquid fire. Because sexual energy is
conserved instead of expended, these streams of ecstasy can go on and on and
higher and higher. In fact, many Tantric adepts can generate and flow this
energy without sexual stimulation.
In these glimpses of a higher dimension, we enter a timeless void and seem to
become one with the universe. We feel our bodies, minds, and spirits merging
with our beloved. We enter an altered state of awareness. In this rapture, it
seems as if our physical limitations disappear and we float with all boundaries
dissolved. Suddenly we're open to flowing pure positive energy from our innate
blissful source. We become a conduit for communion between earth and sky,
the physical and the spiritual. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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