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below, and as he neared, he saw a limo s headlights
had been trained on a group of men surrounding a
bound man on his knees at the base of a eucalyptus
Cory kept to the shadows as he crept along into the
gully to get a better look. It wasn t Jay, which both
relieved and scared him. Whoever these guys were,
Cory didn t want to meet them.
 Please, Warden. The man groveled. A huge lump
showed on the back of his head.  I ll make it up to
him. I swear.
 You ll do no such thing. The man who spoke
wore a tailored white suit along with a matching hat
and patent shoes. The hat cast shadows upon the
Warden s face, making it impossible to see. He
wielded a silver-tipped cane in one hand.  I misjudged
the depth of your greed and selfishness. I should never
have entrusted my Ward to you.
 Forgive me 
Crack. The cane s metal knob struck the man
square on the jaw. Blood leaked from his lips.
 After what you ve done to Tristan? Never. The
Warden readied his cane for another strike.  You ve
betrayed everything our order stands for. There is only
38 Demon's Dance
one recourse.
The bound man could no longer speak coherently.
His pleas devolved into choking, spluttering sounds.
None of the others showed any pity.
Cory raised his camera before he d really thought
about it. Click, click, click. The Warden reached into
his jacket pocket and pulled out a pistol. Metal glinted
in the headlights. A sharp crack echoed in the gully.
The bound man gave one final, sickening gurgle
before he slumped over. Click.
 Get rid of him, the Warden said to his
companions, and the men went to work moving the
body and clearing away the evidence.
Click, click. Cory trembled in fear as he took a few
more pictures. Murder. Oh hell, he d witnessed a
murder. As soon as the men left, he d head straight to
the nearest police department and
The Warden turned toward the car, his face finally
illuminated. Click.
It was one photo too many. The Warden s head
turned. Using the cane, he pointed straight at Cory s
hiding place.
Shit. Cory scrambled to his feet and ran, but he
didn t get far. By the time he d reached the steps, the
Warden s men had launched themselves at him. Cory
wrapped an arm around the camera to keep it safe.
Cory felt a jolt of anger not his own as soon as the men
grabbed him. A flash of insight came with their touch.
The man on the left favored knives as his weapons of
choice; the one on the right had a collection of illegal
guns. Neither would hesitate to harm him.
 Let go. Please let go. It hurts.
The men didn t care. They pinioned his arms
Evey Brett 39
behind his back and hauled him back down the stairs.
Once back in the gully and in the glare of the
headlights, they forced him to his knees. Cory dared
not raise his eyes lest he be blinded.
 What have we here? The Warden stood off to the
side, out of Cory s sight.  A would-be reporter?
You ve chosen your subject poorly.
Cory couldn t form an answer. All his attention was
focused on shielding himself from the mental overload
physical contact always forced on him.
The Warden strode into the light and rested the
knob of the cane against Cory s cheek.  I suggest you
not try anything foolish, Mr.& 
 Levanston. Fear made him splutter out his name
in the hope honesty would gain him a reprieve.
Besides, if they frisked him and found his wallet,
they d know anyway.  Cory Levanston.
 Mr. Levanston. The Warden used the cane to lift
the camera around Cory s neck.  Shall we find out just
what you ve seen?
Cory s heart leaped in fear. If anything happened to
his camera, he couldn t afford another of equal quality.
He wanted to tell the man to be careful but held his
tongue, afraid his neediness would provoke the man to
smash the camera against a tree.
The Warden scrolled through the pictures, shaking
his head and murmuring in disappointment.  I do
believe you ve seen a little too much tonight.
Cory s mouth was as parched as if he d swallowed
the Santa Ana winds. Oh God, they were going to kill
him over a few stupid pictures.  I won t tell. I swear.
He stopped when he realized the pointlessness of
begging. Frozen with dread, he waited for the gun to
40 Demon's Dance
end his life as it had the bound man s.
The Warden s thumbs moved in such a way Cory
knew he was deleting the incriminating photos.  I
simply won t be able to let you go after What do we
have here?
A faint stirring of hope rose in Cory s chest. The
question was asked with curiosity, not disgust. He
must have found the pictures of Jay or the nude self- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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