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"I promise."
"Good." He released her hand.
"Now, I suggest we eat before the food is even more cold than it
usually is."
She scarcely noticed what she ate, although she must have been hungry
for she was surprised to find she had eaten most of her dinner. The
footman finally removed the last course. She took a glass of wine,
hoping it would calm her shaky nerves.
The candles flickered, casting shadows in the room. She stared down at
her glass, the air tense with unspoken emotions.
Jack shoved back his chair and rose. He took several paces towards the
mantelpiece, then turned.
"Claire, come here." His voice was husky.
She obediently rose and went to him, coming to stand in front of him.
What she saw in his eyes made her breathing erratic. He took a step
towards her.
"So you are here because you want my castle?"
"I am part of the bargain, you know."
"I ... I know."
He stepped closer.
"And you don't mind?"
"No." Her mouth had gone dry, her mind completely blank.
"I'll want everything," he said softly.
"Everything a husband wants from his wife."
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"I know that, too."
His laugh was shaky.
"Then come upstairs with me." He held out his hand. She put her hand
in his. His fingers closed over hers, warm and strong. A flame of
desire shot through her, so strong she was lightheaded.
He led her from the dining-room, through the silent stone great hall,
and up the winding, candlelit staircase. He paused only to push open
the door to a room, and then led her inside, closing the door behind
They were in a large bedchamber, dominated by an old-fashioned bed. A
light burned on the table next to the bed.
He pulled her around to face him, then touched her cheek.
"Are you really here? Or is it a dream? I dreamed of you only last
night. You were in my bed and in my arms. Tell me I am not dreaming
"No, you are not dreaming."
"I want to kiss you. Just to see that you are real."
"Jack, there... there is something I must tell you."
"Let it wait."
He bent his head towards her, and then, with a groan, crushed her to
him. He kissed her as if he were drowning, and she was his only
She clung to him, caught in a whirlpool of sensations as his mouth and
hands possessed her. He kissed her face, her cheeks, then trailed his
mouth down her neck to where her breasts plunged into her bodice.
He lifted his head and, with a sound of impatience, pushed the silk of
her dress aside. She gasped as his lips found her nipple, her whole
body contracting at the sensation.
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He raised his head, his eyes dark and heavy.
"God, you are real. Did I hurt you?"
"No." His concern, despite the wild desire she saw in his eyes, almost
made her want to weep.
"No. It... it was very nice."
"Nice!" He half laughed, half groaned.
"I must do better. Much better. I promise I'll try to be gentle." He
took her hand.
"Are you still willing to come to my bed?"
"But first your gown. It is lovely; I've wanted nothing more than to
get my hands on it all night, but it must come off."
"Oh, yes." She waited, her impatience growing as he fumbled with the
buttons at the back of her gown. His hands slid it from her shoulders
and it fell to the ground in a pool of rose-red silk. Then she heard
his sharp intake of breath. He pulled her around to face him. He
tilted her chin towards him.
"What is this, Claire? No stays? No petticoat?"
Her whole body trembled at the hot fire in his eyes.
"How very wanton of you." A slow smile curved his mouth.
"So, you planned to seduce me for my castle?"
"I... I thought it might help."
"Most certainly it will."
He tugged at her shift; she lifted her arms, allowing him to slip it
over her head.
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She felt more than a little vulnerable as he gently removed her hands
from her breasts and he stepped back, his gaze moving slowly from her
face to her breasts and then down to the curve of her hips and
There was desire and passion and, most of all, wonder in his eyes, as
if he beheld a rare and beautiful treasure.
He stepped forward and knelt in front of her, first removing her shoes,
then slowly rolling her stockings down one leg and then the other. She
looked down at his dark head and her hands tangled in his thick silky
locks. She bit her lip, hoping she wouldn't groan in frustration
before he finished with her stockings.
He rose and took her hand, and led her to the side of the bed, then
gently picked her up and laid her on the coverlet. He bent over her
and cupped her cheek, then his hand followed the path of his eyes,
first caressing each breast, then travelling to the curve of her hip.
Her body was on exquisite fire and when his hand did nothing more than
tangle in the soft curls at the juncture of her thighs, before skimming
lightly down her leg, she whimpered in frustration.
"In a moment, sweetheart," he whispered. He rose to his knees and
struggled out of his coat. She watched without shame as he removed his
waistcoat and shirt, the tension in her belly and between her thighs
growing. The muscles of his chest under the dark mat of hair rippled
as he fumbled with the fastening of his breeches. It was only when he
started to slide them down his narrow hips that Claire averted her
He laughed softly.
"There's no need to be so shy of me." He moved closer, now completely
"Touch me." He took her hand and guided it down to his hard shaft. Her
fingers lightly touched him in wonder, then more boldly closed around
him. He seemed to spring alive under her hand. She slid her hand down
its length, marvelling at the feel of it. He moaned, and she glanced [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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