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Los Angeles, assuring her that his man would be able to refer her to the right
person to check her records for a scam.
 He s a good man, Isabella. And extremely trustworthy he runs all Anderson
Warmack s personal finances.
 And how many millions might that involve?
 Three hundred, maybe three-fifty. That s if the market had an average day
today, Isabella. Even more if it was strong.
Isabella was grinning now, licking her chops for effect.
 And is he cute, this Anderson fellow?
 Well, did you think Charles Laughton was cute? I asked her.
 Like in the last three or four movies he made? We re talking rich, old, fat,
and usually intoxicated.
 One out of four isn t bad especially if it s my favorite one.
Now that you two are so happy together, Jed will just have to introduce me to
Anderson Warmack. I I insist on it. ?
Isabella and I left the tab leto go the ladies room, like two girls at a high
school prom, while Jed signed the tab -  21 had the best steak tartare, the
best Dungeness crabs, and the most wonderful ladies room attendant in New
York. She was smart and lively, and instead of sitting sullenly in a corner
with a stack of paper towels, Marie was always reading. Current fiction mostly
mysteries usually with a library dust jacket, and she was always eager to give
me her opinion of the writer.
 Hey, dear, how are you? Haven t seen you in weeks. Put anybody away lately?
she giggled.
I introduced her to Isabella, who rudely blew her off and wanted only to
gossip about Jed.
 Darling, hang onto this one. Handsome, smart, rich I m not kidding, I really
want to meet his boss.
 The old guy does have a wife, Isabella.
 Really, Alex. I didn t say I wanted to marry the old coot, did I? I might
just want to play with him for a while, see where he likes to spend his
 Good night, Marie, I said, tripling my usual tip out of guilt and annoyance
over Isabella s display of vulgarity.
Jed s car was waiting in front of the restaurant so we dropped Iz at the
Carlyle, then went on to my apartment together. We both agreed that once a
year might be often enough for an evening like that, and put thoughts of La
Lascar behind us as we undressed and made love to each other with great
enthusiasm after ten days of separation.
Now, as the cab squared Grand Army Plaza and dropped me at the front steps of
the Plaza Hotel, I wondered whether Jed had told Warmack about Isabella s
short-lived expression of interest in him& and whether I should suggest to
Mike Chapman that her business manager be added to the list of suspects.
Page 75
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I realized that I was arriving almost an hour later than I had promised Jed,
because of Burrell s unannounced visit and the crush of traffic on the streets
uptown. Cocktail hour was long over and I was grateful for my thin build ey as
I wiggled and squeezed my way through the Grand on Ballroom between two
hundred round tables packed to  IC the gills with CommPlex sycophants and
rival business las leaders, surrounded by surly waiters trying to serve
platters -er of rubber chicken to the noisy crowd.
The program I had picked up at the entrance listed our names at Table 2. I
could spot the top of Jed s head as I plowed halfway through the room, waved
to the mayor, who was working the tables near the podium, and stopped for a
kiss from one of Jed s partners as I neared my empty seat.
 Sorry, Jed, the usual complications and excuses, I whispered to him as he
rose to introduce me to the rest of the men and women at the table. Anderson
Warmack grinned down at me from the dais on the stage, and it seemed that I
owed Richard Burrell a small  thank you for the timing that had made it
possible for me to avoid any discussion of the late Lascar with the fat
Jed was in a good mood, despite my failure to show up for the reception.
 Warmack came into my office at the end of the day, he explained, sotto voce.
 He s not ready to make any public announcement tonight, but he s going to
issue a press release right after the Christmas holidays, and I ll probably be
named to the presidency of the company by February. I m going to plan a
wonderful trip for us over New Year s, to celebrate it may be my last vacation
for a year.
I was thrilled for Jed, knowing how much he had wanted all this to fall into
place and how hard he had been working for Warmack s approval. I squeezed his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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