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running through his body as he came.
Once Kayden had stopped shivering, he withdrew and shifted so that he was lying beside
Shane. Even though Kayden was gentle, Shane couldn t prevent his wince. He was sore, and he
knew he d be feeling it come morning, maybe even for a day or two. But that was just fine. It
was a delicious kind of soreness, and he welcomed it because that moment, when Kayden had
pounded him and kissed him as if he could never get enough, had been one of the hottest of
Shane s life. Hell, who was he kidding? It had been the hottest, without question.
They lay there for a few minutes, breathing roughly as their bodies cooled. Shane took
comfort in the warm press of Kayden s chest against his back, but Kayden eventually pulled
away and got up without a word. He crossed the suite to go into the bathroom and returned a
short while later with a damp washcloth. He used it to clean Shane off, his touch surprisingly
gentle. When he was finished, he tossed the cloth onto the floor and got back into bed. Shane
wanted to turn to him, to draw Kayden into his arms, but he hesitated. Most men weren t snuggly
after sex, and Shane would ordinarily include himself in that number, but he wanted to hold
Kayden, wanted to fall asleep skin-to-skin. Kayden took the decision out of his hands when he
reached over to the bedside table and switched off the light, then closed the gap between them
and curled an arm around Shane s waist. Shane shifted so that they were facing each other, his
fingers going up to the downy hair at Kayden s nape.
 Shh. Don t. Just sleep.
Shane felt a brief pang of hurt, even though he d started speaking without really knowing
what he wanted to say. He pushed the feeling away, inwardly berating himself. What? Not only
did he want to cuddle after sex, but now he wanted to talk too? Maybe Nicky was right. Maybe I
am a girl. Shane grinned self-deprecatingly, glad the action was hidden in the darkness.
He had it bad.
Surprisingly, the awareness didn t bring with it the panic it had when he first realized he
wanted more from Kayden than just a casual fuck. Yeah, he had it bad, all right. And he didn t
even mind. All that remained was to convince Kayden that they belonged together. But Shane
thought that maybe, just maybe, Kayden already knew.
Chapter Nine
Shane woke in the middle of the night and sat up with a gasp, his hand against his chest
like it was stanching the river of blood he could still feel flowing from his ribs. The slicing agony
of the knife was an aching memory on his skin. He was sweaty and cold at the same time, his
heart crashing painfully.
He fucking stabbed me. What the hell, Jesse& ?
Shane looked over at Kayden, resting and pale in the silvery moonlight from the unclosed
balcony curtains. It was a dream. It was just a fucked-up fucking dream.
The dream had started the same as it had for years with Jesse s face crumpling in pain
as Shane, the elected messenger, broke the news that their new label didn t like Jesse s  look
and planned to replace him before Luck laid down their first tracks. And, what was worse, they d
asked Shane to step forward as lead singer. That would be the hardest part to tell. But, shit, was
there an easy way to tear out somebody s heart?
Shane could hear Jesse s voice as the dream replayed in his head, as thick with tears as it
had been on that day. He would never forget. Even if he never saw Jesse again.
 How could you, Shane?
 I couldn t do anything about it. They made it a condition of our contract. Shane tried
to keep his own voice cold, impersonal.
 You could have fought for me. You could have told them to fuck off and that you d find
another label.
 That shit gets around. We would ve been blackballed. You know that.
 I know that you re picking a fucking business deal over me!
Shane shrugged, trying not to show the slow, agonizing wrench in his heart.  It is what it
is. I don t have any choice.
 No. It doesn t have to be this way. You do have a choice.
 It s just a band. You have other options. Nicky and I don t. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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