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Sabija Yoga . . . .  Seeded meditation (that is where all
seeds of future Karma are not yet
Saguna . . . . . . With qualities.
Saguna-Brahma . . . The qualified or lower Brahman.
Sarguna-vidya . . . . Qualified knowledge.
Sahacrara . . . . . The  thousand-petalled lotus, a figura-
tive expression of the Yogis
describing the brain.
Sakhya . . . . . . Friendship.
Cakti . . . . . . Power.
Salokya . . . . . . Dwelling in the presence of God.
Sama . . . . . . Not allowing the mind to externalise.
Sama-Veda . . . . . The hymn portion of the Veda, or that
portion which was sung during the
Samadhi . . . . . Super-consciousness.
Samadhana . . . . . Constant practice.
Samana . . . . . . The nerve current that controls the
function of digestion.
Camanyatadrishta . . . Inference based on superficial reasoning.
Samapatti . . . . . lit.  Treasures. Used in Yoga philo-
sophy to indicate the different stages
of meditation.
Samasti . . . . . . The universal.
Samipya . . . . . Closeness to God.
Samprajnata . . . . The first stage of super-consciousness
which comes through deep meditation.
Samsara . . . . . Endless cycle of manifestation.
Samskaras . . . . . Impressions in the mind-stuff that
produce habits.
Samyama . . . . . lit.  Control. In the Yoga philosophy it
is technically used for that perfect
control of the powers of the mind, by
which the Yogi can know anything in
the universe.
Sanandam . . . . . The  blissful Samadhi. The third step
of the samprajnata samadhi. The
object of meditation in this state is
the  thinking organ bereft of activity
and dullness. (Rajas and Tamas.)
Sanchita . . . . . The stored up, past Karma, whose fruits
we are not reaping now, but which
we shall have to reap in the future.
Sandilya . . . . . Writer of the Aphorisms of Divine Love
(Bhakti) from the Advaita point of
Cankaracharya . . . . The great exponent and commentator of
the non-dualistic school of Vedanta.
He is supposed to have lived in India
about the eighth century A.D.
Sankhya . . . . . lit.  That which reveals perfectly. The
name of a famous system of Indian
philosophy, founded by the great
sage Kapila.
Sankocha . . . . . Shrinking, contraction or non-
Sannyasa . . . . . Complete renunciation of all worldly
position, property and name.
Sannyasin . . . . . One who makes Sannyasa, and lives a
life of self-sacrifice, devoting himself
entirely to religion.
Santa . . . . . . Peaceful or gentle love.
Santa-Bhakta . . . . A devotee who has attained to peace
through the path of Divine love.
Santih . . . . . . Peace.
Santoca . . . . . . Contentment.
Sarupya . . . . . Growing like God.
Castra . . . . . . Books accepted as Divine authority.
Sacred Scriptures.
Sat . . . . . . . Existence-absolute.
Satchidananda . . . .  Existence Knowledge Bliss Abso-
Sattva . . . . . . Illumination material. One of the three
principles which form the essence of
Sattva-purshanvatakhyati . The perception of the Self as different
from the principles of nature.
Sattvika . . . . . . Having the Sattva quality highly
developed, hence one who is pure
and holy.
Satyam . . . . . . Truthfulness.
Saucham . . . . . Cleanliness.
Savichara . . . . . With discrimination. (A mode of
Savitarka . . . . . Meditation with reasoning or question.
Sayujya . . . . . . Union with Brahman.
Sakshi . . . . . . Witness.
Siddha-Guru . . . . A teacher who has attained Mukti.
Siddhanta . . . . . Decisive knowledge.
Siddhas . . . . . . Semi-divine beings, or Yogis, who have
attained supernatural powers.
Siddhis . . . . . . The supernatural powers which come
through the practice of Yoga.
Ciksha . . . . . . The science dealing with pronunciation
and accents.
Cishya . . . . . . A student or disciple of a Guru.
Siva . . . . . . The  Destroyer of the Hindu trinity.
Sometimes regarded in the Hindu
mythology as the One God.
Sivoham . . . . .  I am Siva (or eternal bliss).
Sloka . . . . . . Verse.
Smrti . . . . . . (1) Memory. (2) Any authoritative
religious book, except the Vedas.
Soham . . . . . .  I am He.
Soma . . . . . . A certain plant, the juice of which was
used in the ancient sacrifices.
Sphota . . . . . . The eternal, essential material of all
ideas or names, which makes words
possible, yet is not any definite word
in a fully formed state. The inexpres-
sible Manifestor behind all the
expressed, sensible universe. The
power through which the Lord
creates the universe. Its symbol is
the eternal Om.
Craddha . . . . . Strong faith in religion.
Cravana . . . . . (1) Hearing, the ears. (2) The finer
power of hearing developed by the
Cri . . . . . . . Holy, or blessed.
Cri Bhashya . . . . . Name of the qualified non-dualistic
commentary of Vedanta by
Crotiyas . . . . . lit.  High born, or born of a noble
family. The Hindu students who
know the Vedas by heart.
Cruti . . . . . . The Vedas, so called because transmitted
orally from father to son in ancient
times. The Vedas are regarded by all
orthodox Hindus as Divine revelation
and as the supreme authority in
religious matters.
Sthiti . . . . . . Stability.
Sthula Carira . . . . Gross body.
Cukshma Carira [sometimes
called  Linga Carira] . Fine or subtle body.
Cunya Vada . . . . . Doctrine of the void, nihilism.
Cushupti . . . . . Deep, dreamless sleep.
Sucumna . . . . . The name given by the Yogis to the
hollow canal which runs through the
centre of the spinal cord.
Sutra . . . . . . lit.  Thread. Usually means aphorism.
Svadhisthana . . . . lit.  Abode of Self. Second lotus of the
Yogis, between base of spine and the
Svadhyaya . . . . . Study.
Svaha! . . . . . .  May it be perpetuated, or  so be it. An
expression used in making obltation.
Svapna . . . . . . The dream state.
Svapnecvara . . . . Commentator of the Aphorisms of
Svasti . . . . . . A blessing, meaning  Good be unto you.
Svati . . . . . . Name of a star
Svarga . . . . . . Heaven.
Svami . . . . . . A title meaning  master or  spiritual
Cvetasvatara-Upanishad . One of the chief Upanishads of the
Tadiyata . . . . . lit.  His-ness. The state when a man
has forgotten himself altogether, in his
love for the Lord, and does not feel that
anything belongs to him personally.
Tamas . . . . . .  Darkness, intertia.
Tanmatras . . . . . Fine material.
Tantras . . . . . . Books held to be sacred by a certain sect
in India.
Tantrikas . . . . . Followers of the Tantras.
Tapas . . . . . . Controlling the body by fasting or other
means. Austerity.
Taraka . . . . . . Saviour.
Tarka . . . . . . Question or reasoning.
 Tat tvam asi . . . .  That thou art.
Tattvas . . . . . . Categories, principles, truths.
Tejas . . . . . . One of the elements; fire; heat.
Titiksha . . . . . . Ideal forbearance.  All-sufferingness.
Trishna . . . . . . Thirst, desire.
Tulsidas . . . . . A great sage and poet who popularised
the famous epic, the Ramayana, by
translating it from Sanskrit into the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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