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the back terrace. The knot of fear in his chest dissolved into a fiery, liquid ache that surged through his
The trail continued through the garden and along the path leading into the trees. He no longer needed to
see the petals to know where they led.
His anxious stride quickly covered the distance between the sparse woods and the guest house. The
carpet of petals continued up the steps and through the open doorway.
He smiled to himself. He would be surprised if there was a flower left blooming in the gardens.
The floral trail led up the stairs outlined by glowing candles. The petals crushed beneath his boots as he
climbed the steps, the air perfumed with a mingling of wonderful scents, but his fevered mind hardly
When he rounded the top step, all the blood rushed from his head and traveled south. He swallowed
hard and fought to draw breath into lungs that had forgotten how to breathe.
Shaelyn stood at the open door to the balcony, illuminated by a dozen candles and haloed by the silver
reflection of the moon off the water. Her white, filmy nightclothes fluttered softly in the breeze.
Her smile hit him full in the chest. What little breath he'd managed to find escaped his lungs when she
shrugged out of her robe and let it fall to the floor in a puddle of silk.
Had that groan come from him?
He took one hesitant step toward her, and then they were in each other's arms. Her tongue sought his,
sending exquisite waves of torture undulating through his being to coil into a mind-numbing ache. While her
kisses wiped away all coherent thought, her hands divested him of his jacket, then loosened the knot of his
He yanked off the tie, then the collar, then helped her free the buttons of his shirt while their lips stayed
joined, frantic and hungry, until finally her hands skimmed the bare skin of his chest. He thought he would
die of the sheer pleasure.
A small sigh escaped her throat and she pulled at his shirt while he fought with the accursed ribbons
that formed the straps of her nightgown. With a seductive, knee-weakening smile, she stayed his hands and
backed away.
The flickering candles bathed her in gold while the sea-kissed breeze from the balcony molded the silk
of her gown against her many curves. He all but gulped when she dragged the ribbons over one creamy
shoulder. Her heated gaze invited him to remove the other strap at his leisure.
A shiver of need racked his body. He found his hand toying with the remaining ribbon, caressing her
throat, her collarbone, her cheek, and finally he hooked the ribbon with his finger and slowly slid the silk
down her arm.
His heart stopped in his chest when the gown fluttered to rest upon the carpet of petals. Only when his
lungs started to burn did he remember to breathe.
She took his hands in hers and drew him toward the bed. The gesture pulled him out of his trance until
he scooped her into his arms and laid her atop the frilly covers so invitingly turned back. She looked up at
him, the love in her eyes forming a knot in his throat. Had he ever dreamed his wife would look at him with
such love?
In a matter of seconds he had rid himself of his boots and clothing and pulled her into his arms, savoring
the feel of heated flesh upon heated flesh. She sighed when he covered her mouth with his, and his mind
swirled with blinding need. She welcomed his touch, giving as much as he, kissing him with dizzying,
eye-watering fervor. They explored each other with newlywed wonder. It was as if they were both untried;
both making love for the first time.
He forced himself to be gentle. He prolonged the sweet agony as long as he could, and then finally,
when he could bear it no longer, he took her.
Within the hazy, blinding lust that clouded his mind, he realized no barrier stopped his entry. He opened
his eyes and looked down at her. She gazed up at him, apologizing with her eyes, the tormented apology
sinking into his heart and dissolving his shock until it made no difference that he was not her first. He would
forgive this woman anything; for this woman he would die a thousand deaths.
He buried his face in her neck, murmuring words of love, until her nails dug into his back and he joined
her on that heavenly precipice, hovering there for an excruciating moment, and then soaring with her into
Shaelyn watched him sleep, her love for him welling in her chest with each breath she took. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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