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"The Reeves are threatening the very safety of your design to form a
Federation of Sentient Planets. Their activities destroy the very integrity
and credibility of the Amalgamated Worlds and our dream for a united galaxy!
Once the models of probity and dedication, both father and son have conspired
to seize Doona for their own, and, had it not been for the discovery of their
heinous infractions of the most basic
Treaty stipulations, they might have succeeded in their scheming."
"Treaty Councillors are supposed to deal with such infractions, aren't they?"
one of the panel inquired.
"Not when the crimes have such far-reaching consequences. No, honored sirs,
this matter goes far beyond the Doonan system. It has most certainly raised
awkward questions in the Hrruban Speakers Council and the Treaty Council as
well!" Landreau shook his head sadly to add that detail.
"I am deeply concerned that the Hrrubans will feel obliged to alter their
opinions of us all, if these deplorable men remain in so public a position on
Doona. The least that will happen is for the Hrrubans to pull out of the
Federation or, worse, decide that we Humans must be rigorously schooled in
their ways. They will undoubtedly impede our reach for the stars, cut short
our explorations, confine us to the few planets we already own. Since Todd
Reeve has not, cannot be cleared of his alleged crimes, I call for the removal
of the Reeves from Doona to
Earth for being detrimental to the renewal of the Treaty of Doona.
I am sure your counterpan on Hrruba will also withdraw their, er,
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embarrassment from the colony, for that young male causes his people great
sorrow. You must surely understand why we cannot have people of questionable
integrity involved in high-level positions in the colony at this critical
time. Remove the Reeves from Doona and let that situation resolve itself
without further detriment." There was a lot of muttering among the panel as
Landreau's suggestion was discussed. He waited patiently, knowing that he had
presented a valid and timely argument. He was rather pleased by his eloquence
and the way he had deftly emphasized the salient points.
Landreau was even more pleased when the prevailing sentiment favored his
solution. He had also counted on the fact that trade agreements had been
drawn up and were awaiting the renewal of the Treaty before Hrruban
ratification. That factor had probably contributed to the necessity of
removing such controversial persons.
"You have made a plain case of a disgraceful situation,' the chairman said.
"At such a critical stage, nothing may be permitted to jeopardize the Treaty
Renewal. Bailiff, give orders for Ken Reeve and his son Todd to be
immediately brought to Earth to appear before this panel. Make the necessary
representations to the Hrruban Center for the use of grid transportation of
these two." Then the chairman inclined his head toward
Landreau. "You may, of course, be present at the hearing, Admiral.
"Gladly,' Landreau said. "I wish to further the cause of justice in every way
within my power.
With some effort he restrained his elation. He must now make arrangements so
that when that pair arrived, the Hrrubans on duty at that wretched grid would
be those who would deliver the Reeves into his keeping. Soon, soon, he
thought, rubbing his hands together in smug anticipation, he would be rid of
Ken Reeve and that hyperactive son of his forever. Then his most ambitious
plan could be initiated. Instead of the panel of inquiry meeting them, there
would be an entirely different kind of reception committee awaiting the
Reeves. Landreau smiled.
"My eyes will be ruined reading this small print, Todd said, briefly knuckling
his eye sockets as he wearily turned over another one of
Dalkey's printouts. "Some of these entries date back from when we were kids.
Have you found anything relevant?" he asked Hrriss, who was as diligetly
examining his share of the packet. He paused, stretching his arms above his
head to release the tension across his shoulders.
"They may be old but we have decided that the conspiracy against us was very
carefully put into motion long before there was any reason to suspect one,'
Hrriss replied, but he also took a moment to stretch cramped muscles. "These
entries,' and he tapped a claw tip on the sheets, "are all from Darwin II-MFA,
a very remote colony world, not yet qualified for full status.
"Could be a place to ship stolen livestock, Todd said. He bent to his task
again, stylus poised to cross off an entry, as he peered at the next line.
"whoa! Here's an account number right here on Doona!"
"whose?" Hrriss asked. Todd swung around to the computer and instituted a
name search. Madam Dupuis had arranged for them to use Archival records to
match numbers with names, providing they limited their inquiries to that.
"Dunno yet. The last payment in these records is two years old.
The person it belongs to might have left Doona in the interim." He drummed his
nails irritably on the tabletop, waiting for the data to appear. when the
screen scrolled up in answer to his query, Todd just stared at it, his face
turning into a cold mask. Without a word, he rose, snatched up the printout,
and started for the door.
"whose number is it? Zodd? where are you going?" Todd kept walking.
"To the Launch Center."
"why?" the Hrruban demanded.
"To skin a snake." Hrriss glanced at the name on the screen and hurried after
his friend. "Lincoln Newry! How very convenient!' "Todd!"
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