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was already breathing slowly and deeply already asleep. Her day had been a
long and hard one.
Without warning, all the unhappiness over his failure to get rid of Geronde's
scar came back over him in a rush. Why had he let this drift the way he had?
Why hadn't he gone to Carolinus right away while the wound was fresh? Of
Page 334
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course that was before he understood what magick could do here. But if he had
just thought, he would have gone to Carolinus anyway, simply because he was
the only one in this world who might help.
The self-accusations poured blackly in on him. But before they could drag him
down to their uttermost, lightless depths, sleep took him, also.
Chapter Forty-Eight
Jim slept like a log. Like a sodden log sunk to the ocean bottom three miles
below the sea's surface. He had done a lot of sleeping lately, but he could
never remember sleeping like this.
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