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Ryazan that made the job possible of accomplishment.
Anyone interested in the details of the pacification work done in l945-6
should see the "Proceedings of the American Foundation for Social Research"
for a paper entitled, A Study of the Execution of the American Peace Policy
from February, 1945. The de facto solution of the problem of policing the
world against war left the United States with the much greater problem of
perfecting a policy that would insure that the deadly power of the dust
would never fall into unfit hands.
The problem is as easy to state as the problem of squaring the circle and
almost as impossible of accomplishment. Both Manning and the President
believed that the United States must of necessity keep the power for the
time being until some permanent institution could be developed fit to
retain it. The hazard was this: Foreign policy is lodged jointly in the
hands of the President and the Congress. We were fortunate at the time in
having a good President and an adequate Congress, but that was no guarantee
for the future. We have had unfit Presidents and power-hungry
Congresses oh, yes! Read the history of the Mexican War.
We were about to hand over to future governments of the United States the
power to turn the entire globe into an empire, our empire, and it was the
sober opinion of the President that our characteristic and beloved
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democratic culture would not stand up under the temptation. Imperialism
degrades both oppressor and oppressed.
The President was determined that our sudden power should be used for the
absolute minimum of maintaining peace in the world the simple purpose of
outlawing war and nothing else. It must not be used to protect American
investments abroad, to coerce trade agreements, for any purpose but the
simple abolition of mass killing.
There is no science of sociology. Perhaps there will be, some day, when a
rigorous physics gives a finished science of colloidal chemistry and that
leads in turn to a complete knowledge of biology, and from there to a
definitive psychology. After that we may begin to know something about
sociology and politics. Something around the year 5,000 A.D., maybe if the
human race does not commit suicide before then.
Until then, there is only horse sense and rule of thumb and observational
knowledge of probabilities. Manning and the President played by ear.
The treaties with Great Britain, Germany and the Eurasian Union, whereby we
assumed the responsibility for world peace and at the same time guaranteed
the contracting nations against our own misuse of power were rushed through
in the period of relief and goodwill that immediately followed the
termination of the Four-days War. We followed the precedents established by
the Panama Canal treaties, the Suez Canal agreements, and the Philippine
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Independence policy.
But the purpose underneath was to commit future governments of the United
States to an irrevocable benevolent policy.
The act to implement the treaties by creating the Commission of World
Safety followed soon after, and Colonel Manning became Mr. Commissioner
Manning. Commissioners had a life tenure and the intention was to create a
body with the integrity, permanence and freedom from outside pressure
possessed by the supreme court of the United States. Since the treaties
contemplated an eventual joint trust, commissioners need not be American
citizens and the oath they took was to preserve the peace of the world.
There was trouble getting that clause past the Congress! Every other
similar oath had been to the Constitution of the United States.
Nevertheless the Commission was formed. It took charge of world aircraft,
assumed jurisdiction over radio-actives, natural and artificial, and
commenced the long slow task of building up the Peace Patrol.
Manning envisioned a corps of world policemen, an aristocracy which through
selection and indoctrination, could be trusted with unlimited power over
the life of every man, every woman, every child on the face of the globe.
For the power would be unlimited, the precautions necessary to insure the
unbeatable weapon from getting loose in the world again made it axiomatic
that its custodians would wield power that is safe only in the hands of
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Deity. There would be no one to guard those self same guardians. Their own
characters and the watch they kept on each other would be all that stood
between the race and disaster.
For the first time in history, supreme political power was to be exerted
with no possibility of checks and balances from the outside. Manning took
up the task of perfecting it was a dragging subconscious conviction that it
was too much for human nature.
The rest of the Commission was appointed slowly, the names being sent to
the Senate after long joint consideration by the President and Manning. The
director of the Red Cross, an obscure little professor of history from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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