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solid muscle.
Imari Jade On the Warpath
 Oh! Nevaeh tensed and then began grinding her pelvis into him.
Hayden looked up at her determined face. She tried to keep the orgasm
at bay.  Just let go, honey. We have the entire night ahead of us.
Nevaeh let loose, shaking over him with the sexiest moan he d ever
heard. Primal. It got to him, touched his heart, and turned him on to the
point that all he could do was erupt with her.
 Oh baby, he said huskily as he came in a stomach-clenching
Nevaeh fell against him, sweaty and tired.  Hayden. No other words,
just his name.
Hayden wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly until both
their bodies settled down.
Nevaeh rolled off him onto the pillow and mattress and began to snore
softly at his side.
Hayden put one of his arms behind his head, too excited to sleep. Too
many things were running around in his mind, like who was after Nevaeh,
and how could he keep her safe until help arrived?
He eased off the bed and went into the bathroom to shower. The pain
in his arm had lessened, and he was able to move it around better. He bent
his head over and let the water soak his hair. He applied some shampoo,
rinsed and followed it up with a deep conditioner. The water blocked out
the outside world. Once he finished he completed his shower, dried off
and returned to his room. Nevaeh was gone.
Imari Jade On the Warpath
Chapter Seven
At least they had the common decency to allow her to dress before
taking her out of the cabin. Two of them had gotten in and surprised her
while Hayden showered, dragged her from the bed and taken her out of the
room without making much noise. She prayed Hayden would just assume
she went back to her room without coming to look for her. She didn t want
him hurt.
 Get in, one of the masked men said to her once they d walked to a
car partially hidden by a clump of trees. He pushed her into the backseat
of the black sedan and crawled in beside her while the other one got into
the driver s seat. They had just pulled off when a bullet sailed through the
window, exploding the glass to shreds.
Nevaeh yelped and slid down in the seat. A moment later the car
careened out of control, left the roadway and sailed into a tree. The driver
hit his head on the steering wheel. The impact knocked him out cold. The
one next to her fell against the door and was rendered unconscious.
Nevaeh tried to open the door, but the child-proofed lock was in place.
She pressed the button for the back window, and it slid down. It was her
only chance to escape. She moved quickly through the open window
headfirst, and then her shoulders cleared easily, but she had to do a bit of
maneuvering to get her hips and butt through. She landed on her hands.
The man in the backseat awakened and tried to grab her.
Nevaeh hopped to her feet and ran for the woods, hoping the fool who
shot out the window wouldn t catch up with her. Her eyes adjusted to the
darkness, allowing her to move swiftly past the trees. Her bare feet barely
gripped the wet ground.  Don t fall, she cautioned herself.
Imari Jade On the Warpath
She heard footsteps coming up quickly behind her. To lead him back
to the cabin would be foolish. Her only option was to lead him to the water
and hope he couldn t swim.
A gunshot rang out, and a bullet flew past her head.  Shit. His aim
sucked, but she couldn t depend on him missing again. She needed to hide
somewhere until he passed her.
Nevaeh looked up& a tree. She used to be pretty good at climbing as a
child. She bounded toward the next one and climbed. The bark bit into her
feet, messing up her pedicure. The hell with it. She could take care of it
later if she survived. Up and up she climbed until she made it safely to a
thick limb that could hold her weight. Nevaeh sat perfectly still, holding
her breath and looking down. The man ran past the tree just as she d
hoped. She d be safe there for a while.
Another man appeared. Hayden. Shit, what s he doing here? He
followed the man. Damn, this isn t good. Why did men have to pretend to
be so macho? The chrome from the barrel of a gun gleamed in his hand.
Well, at least he had sense enough to grab one before leaving the house.
Another man appeared. It was the one from the front seat. She couldn t
call to Hayden without alerting both men to their presence. There had to
be another way, and there wasn t very much time. One thing was for sure,
if the man wanted Hayden dead, he would have shot him in the back of the
head by now. Which meant he wanted Hayden to lead him to her? She
smirked. Hayden would rather die first. That much she did know about
There were still a couple of hours until daybreak, and she couldn t be
sure what time the other agents were going to arrive. That left her with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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