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in direct proportion to the degree that you
Their mental attitude has changed simply by
can learn to excite the imagination! This is
experiencing trance.
why stage hypnotists are so much more
The Instantaneous Induction gives you
successful in creating trances than clinical
so much more potential for successful
therapists who think that their degrees will
interaction with the client, it  overloads or
excite the client's imagination.
 shocks the nervous system.
Think about how I have excited your
There are only five principles involved
in any hypnotic induction. These are as
It began when
you first heard
1. The use of a
about me and my
command. This
Everything since
means, over
then - the literature
loading the
that you received -
nervous system -
your arrival here - and everything I have
e.g. to pull the subject forward and shout
done since then has been to excite your
 SLEEP! is an example of a  startling
You may not yet have all the tools and
2. Loss of equilibrium. A. partial loss; B.
all the equipment that I use to excite the
complete loss or surrender of
imagination - but you can learn ways of
doing so.
3. Misdirection. A. physical misdirection;
What happens after you complete these
and B. mental misdirection.
courses and the subject of hypnotism comes
4. 4. Mental confusion. up in a social setting, and you inform
someone,  I am a certified Hypnotherapist.
5. 5. Relaxation.
When they ask,  Do you think you could
Every hypnotic induction utilizes one or
hypnotize me? you're sure to fail if you
more of those psychological principles. In
reply,  Gee, I don't know. I just finished my
the rapid inductions you have seen here, you
courses, but I'll try to do it.
can now identify two principles in operation.
Here's how to proceed.
The  Startling command and  A loss of
equilibrium.  Do you think you could hypnotize me?
There are two important steps to prepare  Of course I can - are you ready? Stand
the subject and pave the way for successful up, right now. Pull your feet together, follow
induction of trance: my instructions.
You have excited their imagination. You
said,  I'm going to do it to you right now! If sleep. You were perfectly safe but your brain
they had any uncertainty - its gone! and nervous system responded to the mental
image, and made it a reality for you.
Many hypnotists unthinkingly repeat a
statement which is always a mistake:  All Images are always reality to your brain
hypnosis is self-hypnosis. and nervous system and that is what  worry
really is. When you imagine what you don't
 Hypnosis can be induced externally and
want, you set into action, forces known and
internally, is a true statement.  All hypnosis
unknown, that bring to you that which you
is self-hypnosis is a false statement. If it
were literally true, why would a person need
to come to a hypnotist if they can hypnotize In the Old Testament when Job said,
themselves? This also implies that all  The things that I have feared have come
hypnotherapy is self-hypnotherapy. upon me, he recognized a great
psychological truth.
Hypnotherapy involves two levels of
mind in simultaneous operation - the FEAR OF FAILURE. When the image is
objective mind and the subjective mind. The only what we don't want, we keep working
intellectual, rational, analytic mind and the to bring it into our life. If the fear is of
feeling mind. They can't be fully interactive failure, then not only do we choose activities
and operative in one person at one and the and behaviors that are highly likely to
same time. That doesn't mean that you can't produce failure such as inadequate
engage in self therapy - it just means that preparation and inadequate financing but if
you can't do the kind of powerfully effective we don't fail quickly enough, we take care of
work that a highly skilled, well trained it by self-sabotage.
Hypnotherapist can do with you.
I have had clients come to me over and
over again with the same script:  Every time
2. Developing Mental Expectancy! I get close to a success, I seem to do
something to destroy it.
Here is the rule:
FEAR OF REJECTION. Those who fear
 What is expected has a powerful
rejection develop lifestyles guaranteed to
tendency to be realized.
produce rejection, and just in case they don't
This brings us to the  Placebo principle
get rejected quickly enough they have a
- what is expected tends to be realized,
game which goes -  I'll reject you before you
because your brain and nervous system
can reject me.
cannot tell the difference - it has no ability to
This principle of mental expectancy is in
discriminate whether the imagery is coming
operation when you're dreaming and when
from  out there or  inside.
you're worrying, and positive visualization is
If you are sound asleep at night and safe
another form of mental programming. The
in bed, doors and windows all locked, and
purpose of creative visualization is to
you have a dream that you are drowning and
generate a positive, feeling response.
cry out in your sleep -  Save me! Save me!
I have read metaphysical books that state
When you wake up your heart is pounding
that all you have to do to increase your
and you have a choking sensation - it takes
prosperity, is to imagine clouds of hundred
twenty to thirty minutes to get back to
dollar bills floating down from the great
normal and another hour to get back to
source of abundance and stacking up in your remember that you can acquire all of the
hands. I can tell you that you can spend the knowledge and all of the skill that you need
rest of your life visualizing that scene and it to reach your goals and to realize your
won't bring one cent into your life. highest potential - while you continue your
movement toward them.
THE FOUR STAGES OF This is a dynamic universe, and
PROGRAMMING everything is rushing through space at
tremendous speed - including this planet.
Visualization is a powerful tool but it is
Movement is the key, but you must start
only one step in a larger process of
where you are with what you have.
demonstration. The process begins with
programming which consists of four sepa-
We begin by programming the non-
critical, non-analytical subconscious mind Here's how you start. Take fifteen
with series or chains of closely related ideas. percent of your gross income and put it into
When these ideas develop sufficient strength an account and use the money for only one
and intensity they merge together to form purpose. Not for a vacation or repairing your
concepts. Stage One is CONCEPTUALIZE. car or even for buying a new car. It is to be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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