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the problem is that you think that when you disappear, your view of
this table still exists, that this table continues to exist just the way you
saw it. That s not true. Your view of the table disappears, but another
view of the table continues to exist.
Q: How can we recognize the right teacher?
Lama: You can recognize your teacher through using your own wis-
dom and not just following someone blindly. Investigate potential
teachers as much as you possibly can.  Is this the right teacher for me
or not? Check deeply before you follow any teacher s advice. In
Tibetan we have an admonition not to take a teacher like a dog seizes
a piece of meat. If you give a hungry dog a piece of meat he ll just
gobble it up without hesitation. It is crucial that you examine possible
spiritual leaders, teachers, gurus or whatever you call them very, very
carefully before accepting their guidance. Remember what I said before
about misconceptions and polluted doctrines being more dangerous
than drugs? If you follow the misconceptions of a false spiritual guide it
can have a disastrous effect on you and cause you to waste not only this
life but many others as well. Instead of helping you, it can bring you
great harm. Please, be very wise in choosing your spiritual teacher.
Q: Since you are a Buddhist monk from Tibet, I m wondering if
you ve heard of Lobsang Rampa, who has written many detailed
books about Tibet despite having never been there himself? He s dead
now, but he said that the spirit of a Tibetan lama entered him and
that s how he could write what he did. Is that possible, and if not,
how could he have written those books?
Lama: I don t think that this kind of possession is possible. Also, you
should check what he wrote more carefully; there are many mistakes
in his books. For example, when he talks about lamas opening the
wisdom eye he says it s done surgically. That s not right. The wisdom
eye is a metaphor for spiritual insight and it s opened by lamas who
have the key of wisdom. Also, those who have realizations don t talk
about them, and those who talk about their realizations don t
have them.
Q: Lama, what do you mean by dualistic mind, and what do you
mean by  checking up ?
Lama: From the time you were born up to the present, two things
have always complicated your mind; there are always two things,
never just one. That s what we mean by the dualistic mind. Whenever
you see one thing, your mind automatically, instinctively, compares it
to something else:  What about that? Those two things upset your
equilibrium. That s the dualistic mind at work. Now, your other ques-
tion. When I say,  check up, I mean that you should investigate your
own mind to see if it s healthy or not. Every morning, check your
mental state to make sure that during the day you don t freak out.
That s all I mean by  check up.
Q: If everything is karmically determined, how do we know if our
motivation is correct, or do we have a chance of unconditioned
Lama: Pure motivation is not determined by karma. Pure motivation
comes from understanding-knowledge-wisdom. If there s no under-
standing in your mind it s difficult for your motivation to be pure.
For example, if I don t understand my own selfish nature, I can t help
others. As long as I don t recognize my selfish behavior, I always
blame others for my problems. When I know my own mind, my
motivation becomes pure and I can sincerely dedicate the actions of
my body, speech and mind to the welfare of others.
Thank you, that was a wonderful question, and I think that pure
motivation is a good place to stop. Thank you so much. If we have
pure motivation, we sleep well, dream well and enjoy well, so thank
you very much.
Assembly Hall
Melbourne, Australia
27 March 1975
The LAMA YESHE WISDOMARCHIVE (LYWA) is the collected works of
Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. The
ARCHIVE was founded in 1996 by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, its spiritual
director, to make available in various ways the teachings it contains.
Distribution of free booklets of edited teachings is one of the ways.
Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche began teaching at Kopan
Monastery, Nepal, in 1970. Since then, their teachings have been
recorded and transcribed. At present the LYWA contains about 6,000
cassette tapes and approximately 40,000 pages of transcribed teach-
ings on computer disk. Many tapes by Lama Zopa Rinpoche remain
to be transcribed. As Rinpoche continues to teach, the number of
tapes in the ARCHIVE increases accordingly. Most of the transcripts
have been neither checked nor edited.
Here at the LYWA we are making every effort to organize the
transcription of that which has not yet been transcribed, to edit that
which has not yet been edited, and generally to do the many other
tasks detailed below. In all this, we need your help. Please contact us
for more information.
PO Box 356
Weston, MA 02493, USA
Telephone (781) 899-9587
email nribush@cs.com
The work of the LAMA YESHE WISDOMARCHIVE falls into two cat-
egories: archiving and dissemination.
ARCHIVING requires managing the audiotapes of teachings by Lama
Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche that have already been collected,
collecting tapes of teachings given but not yet sent to the ARCHIVE,
and collecting tapes of Lama Zopa s on-going teachings, talks,
advice and so forth as he travels the world for the benefit of all.
Tapes are then catalogued and stored safely while being kept acces-
sible for further work.
We organize the transcription of tapes, add the transcripts to the
already existent database of teachings, manage this database, have tran-
scripts checked, and make transcripts available to editors or others
doing research on or practicing these teachings.
Other archiving activities include working with videotapes and
photographs of the Lamas and investigating the latest means of pre-
serving ARCHIVE materials.
DISSEMINATION involves making the Lamas teachings available directly
or indirectly through various avenues such as booklets for free distri-
bution, regular books for the trade, lightly edited transcripts, floppy
disks, audio- and videotapes, and articles in Mandala and other maga-
zines, and on the LYWA Web site, www.LamaYeshe.com. Irrespective
of the method we choose, the teachings require a significant amount
of work to prepare them for distribution.
This is just a summary of what we do. The ARCHIVE was estab-
lished with virtually no seed funding and has developed solely
through the kindness of many people, some of whom we have
mentioned at the front of this booklet.
Our further development similarly depends upon the generosity
of those who see the benefit and necessity of this work, and we would
be extremely grateful for your help.
THE ARCHIVE TRUST has been established to fund the above [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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