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or a math equation more clearly when it is
and five, to help you remember them.
set off by itself.
 % Cards are small and portable. They can be
Create Visual Aids
carried in a purse or a pocket and pulled out
Give yourself visual assistance in memorizing. If there s
at any time during the day for review.
a tricky combination of letters in a word you need to
 % Study cards can help you with the necessary
spell, for example, circle or underline it in red or high-
task of memorizing. If you write the key
light it in the text. Your eye will recall what the word
word or topic you are trying to learn on one
looks like. With some information, you can even draw
side, and the information you must know on
a map or picture to help you remember.
the other side, you have an easy way to quiz
yourself on the material. This method is
Do It Out Loud
especially good for kinesthetic learners, who
Give yourself auditory assistance in memorizing. Many
learn by doing.
people learn best if they hear the information. Sit by
yourself in a quiet room and say aloud what you need
to learn. Or, give your notes to someone else and let that
Making Memorizing Easier
person ask you or quiz you on the material.
There are many ways to take the drudgery out of mem-
Use Mnemonics
orizing information.
Mnemonics, or memory tricks, are things that help
you remember what you need to know.
Take Small Bites of Time
The most common type of mnemonic is the
Most people memorize information best when they
acronym. One acronym you may already know is
study in small periods over a long period of time.
Memorizing facts from index cards that can be car- HOMES, for the names of the Great Lakes (Huron,
Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior). ROY G. BIV
ried with you and pulled out for a few ten-minute sessions
reminds people of the colors in the spectrum (Red,
each day will yield better results than sitting down with
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet).
a textbook for an hour straight. Index card notes can be
You can make a mnemonic out of anything. In a
pulled out in odd moments: while you are sitting in the
psychology course, for example, you might memorize
car waiting to pick up your friend, during the 15 minutes
the stages in death and dying by the nonsense word
you spend on the bus in the morning, while you wait to
DABDA (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and
be picked up from school or work, and so on.
acceptance.) Another kind of mnemonic is a silly sen- ber material better. This is especially true if you review
tence made out of words that each begin with the let- first thing after waking as well. A rested and relaxed
ter or letters that start each item in a series. You may brain seems to hang on to information better than a
remember  Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally as a tired and stressed-out brain.
device for remembering the order of operations in On the following pages, try out some of the learn-
math (parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, ing strategies you discovered in this lesson. Then, check
and subtract). your answers.
The following is a passage from this text to under-
Sleep on It line and annotate. Make margin summaries of the key
When you study right before sleep and don t allow any points in each paragraph. Then make a mnemonic
interference such as conversation, radio, television, or based on your margin notes.
music to come between study and sleep, you remem-
Take Small Bites of Time
Most people memorize information best when they study in small periods over a long period of time.
Memorizing facts from index cards that can be carried with you and pulled out for a few ten-minute
sessions each day will yield better results than sitting down with a textbook for an hour straight. You ll
find that these short but regular practices will greatly aid your recall of lots of information. They re a great
way to add more study time to your schedule.
Break It Up
When you have a list to memorize, break the list into groups of seven or any other odd number. Peo-
ple seem to remember best when they divide long lists into shorter ones and, for some reason, shorter
ones that have an odd number of items in them. So, instead of trying to memorize ten vocabulary or
spelling words, split your list into smaller lists of seven and three, or five and five, to help you remem-
ber them.
Create Visual Aids
Give yourself visual assistance in memorizing. If there s a tricky combination of letters in a word you
need to spell, for example, circle or underline it in red or highlight it in the text. Your eye will recall what
the word looks like.
Do It Out Loud
Give yourself auditory assistance in memorizing. Many people learn best if they hear the information.
Sit by yourself in a quiet room and say aloud what you need to learn. Or, give your notes to someone
else and let that person quiz you on the material.
Use Mnemonics
Mnemonics, or memory tricks, are things that help you remember what you need to know. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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