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users or tanks. When fighting Dagger users the Tallum armor provides a nice way to
avoid getting bled/poisoned, but it provides no means to increase accuracy like the
Majestic does. When fighting Tanks the resistance to stun that the Majestic provides a
solid ability to quickly eliminate tanks, and the set also provides the accuracy to hit
evasive dagger users.
Ultimately, it s important to remember that almost any character in the game can do
significant damage to a dagger user, and that mages and archers kite a heavy armor DD.
However, very few characters in the game have the ability to overcome the heavy armor,
shield defense, and stun that tanks have in order to quickly dispatch them. These facts
lead to a choice of Majestic armor, but it s a close decision since the elimination of Tanks
is typically a last priority in PvP, as they can be slept or rooted and left for the last
characters to be killed.
In order to capitalize on the STR bonuses provided by A-Grade, +STR tattoos should be
implemented to stack the bonuses. At the point in a character s development where he is
wearing A-Grade he should probably have at least one tattoo to give a +STR/-CON and
possibly a second tattoo for +DEX/-CON. These bonuses will further stack with the
available SA s on A-Grade Duals and 2-Handed Swords.
2.1.3. Tanks and Heavy Armor
Tanks by definition have some form of skill/spell that controls aggression from mobs, and
keeps aggression on them. Most tanks (aka traditional tanks), due to the large amount of
damage they take, try to focus on CON and HP to give them durability and make sure
they can withstand a large beating that they direct at themselves in order to keep other
people alive.
However, not all tanks are most concerned with durability. In some instances where these
characters are in small groups with high-powered DD s they will have a hard time
controlling aggro even with their skills/spells because they simply cannot put out enough
damage to overcome the mob-hate that the DD s get by their extreme damage output.
Also, focusing on durability makes for long, drawn-out PvP battles that tanks often loose
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Equipping Characters for Every Battle
due to their low damage output  creating a desire for these types of tank players to do
more damage, even if they must sacrifice their durability.
Generally speaking though, Tanks are PvE characters. Their ability to stun and out-last
other characters can some-times give them a win in PvP, but typically tanks are slept,
rooted or kited and they never have a chance to do significant actions in PvP, until the rest
of their team is dead and they are left fighting impossible odds or characters that they
can t catch to hit. B-Grade
Traditional Tanks use Doom armor at level 52. Doom gives a substantial shield block
bonus, adds about 600HP/150CP, and only sacrifices about 10% of the already minimal
damage that a typical tank supplies. The durability that Doom provides is unparalleled in
B-Grade, and some argue that it s the best tank armor in any grade. Once the doom
armor is chosen a traditional tank will typically choose between +DEX or +CON tattoos.
Where +CON provides even more HP and more durability, the +DEX provides additional
defense, shield proficiency and some additional offence as well. Although stacking
bonuses is favorable, unbalanced CON on a character without damage spells or a
summons can be detrimental. Having too much con and not enough DEX or STR will lead
to a situation where the character stays alive forever but no one will care because it can t
hurt anything. This situation is almost OK in PvE where multiple mob attacks and
durability is the prime concern, but the problem lies with the standard situation of single
mob combat with a large melee party where multiple DD s will do so much damage that
the tank won t be able to keep aggro due to his own limited damage output. Because of
this situation, it is suggested that additional +CON tattoos not be considered, and instead
 STR/+DEX tattoos be used  if any. For additional HP the health SA on a blunt can be
used for a significantly large boost in HP that stacks nicely with the Doom bonuses.
Another option is to use a Focused sword with the +DEX tattoos to compensate for the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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