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she wasn t stupid. Things had to develop with time and communication. She d been open and honest
with what she wanted with him from the first. He s used few words, but she d gotten the gist. He had
to be searching for a person to love too, or why else would Mrs. Wilder have sent her to him. She
knew what Lyss wanted.
He stopped and stared at her as if she d grown another head.  You don t plan to continue that,
do you?
Excuse me?  Uh, yeah. That s how I pay my bills. Not that I live paycheck to paycheck or
anything. I m really good at saving money. She grinned.  And I suck at shopping for myself so I
never do it.
 But you d have to travel to your office. Anything can happen to you on your way there or
She shook her head.  You re growing a little paranoid there, Kitty man. Don t get your tail in
a twist. I m sure stuff is not as bad as you think.
He marched to her, his eyes somber and dark. A grim expression covered his features.  You
don t understand. Tigers can be vicious.
She nodded.  I m sure.
 No. You really don t understand. When my father first announced he was going to move on
from being pride leader of Elder Prime, things went into chaos. Some of the younger, stronger pride
members decided they d take us out and take over.
 What? she gasped, her hand flying to her chest. Her heart pounded hard with fear for him.
Who cared that she d met him a handful of hours back? She d already become attached to keeping him
 My brother was the first target, he said, his voice dropping to a low, hushed tone.
She couldn t stop herself from throwing her arms around him and giving him a hug. The
desolation in his eyes dug deep into her heart and plowed holes there.
 Tell me what happened.
He dropped his head on her shoulder and inhaled sharply.  I don t think 
She pulled back and stared into his eyes.  Don t think. Just talk to me. If we re going to do
this, I need to know you. Your life. Your family. I need you to open up.
He drew her toward the dining table and sat on a chair, pulling her on his lap. This was the
first time a man had done that. What would normally be seen as a sexy move was somehow intimate
this time. She sat on his lap with his arms tight around her waist.
 Dustin was fast with his mouth. He d gotten one of the women in the pride pregnant and told
everyone he d sealed his place in line as pride leader.
She gulped, her stomach churned knowing the worst part of the story was coming.  What
He probably didn t realize how he tightened his hands around her waist, pulling her closer.
 We found Sandra dead in their cabin and Dustin down by the river.
 Oh my God! He d lost a sibling. From the sounds of it his only one. She didn t think. She
threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face to his neck.  I m sorry. That s terrible.
He pulled her back and stared into her eyes, his gaze filled with pain.  I don t want anything
to happen to you.
She had always believed there was someone out there for her. While she might not have
thought that love at first sight existed, she knew there was a connection between her and Gray. Was it
love at first sight? If she turned wistful like she did after a bottle of wine when she was home on a
Friday night, she d start to believe they were soul mates. As it was, she firmly believed whatever
they had could be really special.
Should they have a baby without using the word love, though? Some people had kids with less
commitment and managed it. At least they had chemistry. One of the things Mrs. Wilder had been very
specific about was how careful and considerate the shifters were about their women. That was
another plus.
 Relax, Gray, she said soothingly.
He kissed her shoulder and rubbed his cheek on her arm.  I can t when the idea of anything
happening to you makes my animal agitated. I don t like it.
All in all, having a baby with a hot, dedicated and protecting man didn t sound like a bad idea
to her. Her big worry was wondering if he d ever develop feelings of love for her. She could lie to
the world but not herself. She was already imagining Gray telling her he loved her which was
probably insane since a day ago she didn t even know him. But who was she to argue with her heart?
 You never pick who you love her dad used to tell her when she was a little girl. It s why he
tolerated her mother for so many years and Lyss never understood it. Her dad had dedicated himself
hand and foot to her mother. What did he get in return? Complaints and accusations of being slow to
do her bidding. When her mother left her father, it killed him. He d died of a broken heart.
Lyss knew there were good men out there like her dad. That s why she d kept hoping that
she d find a good guy to be with. Something told her Gray was that guy. So he was a bit on the quiet
side. He liked life as a solitary creature from what she saw and she noticed he didn t make idle
conversation. Even with all that, her heart still told her he was the one for her.
 Nothing will happen. She said the words with conviction. No, she couldn t see the future,
but she d never been threatened in her life. She and Gray would just have to keep their plans to
themselves.  We ll just keep our plan between us and that way nobody will get the urge to slice me
into bits.
He frowned but nodded.  You re right. That s probably the best thing to do.
She glanced toward the food and then back at him.  Think we can eat?
He jumped to his feet and almost dropped her.  I m sorry. I ll get that.
 Don t rush on my account, she said, then thought better of it when her stomach growled.  On
second thought, yeah, rush. I m starving.
Gray laughed. It was music to her ears. He d gotten upset and worried and they d only spoken
of her giving him cubs. They hadn t actually done anything yet. No, not really. They d done quite a lot
on his bed. Still, she didn t want him to get all super protective to the point he felt she needed him to
watch her twenty-four seven.
After dinner, she decided to get dressed in case anyone showed up since he told her his two
friends had a tendency of coming and going.
 They re my guards, he explained.
 Are they your friends?
 Okay, so I was right, she said, sticking her tongue out at him as she slipped into a pair of
 I have to make a few calls.
She shooed him out of the bedroom.  Go, I can wander around and entertain myself.
After aimlessly roaming the inside of the cabin, while Gray sat in his office making calls,
she d gotten the lay of the land. She now knew there were five bedrooms, a ton of windows, which
sort of creeped her out now that it was nighttime, and too much silence. She d become accustomed to
listening to her neighbors yelling on either side of her house. Plus, living on a busy street, she heard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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